Don't some of you guys ever get tired of whining?? I mean, damn, I know the penalty system is far from perfect, but I just don't get the mentality of endlessly complaining. Perhaps it is just me, but it seems like this type of toxicity is so prevalent online these days. People aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.

Don't cut corners...avoid contact as much as will rarely get penalties. That's been my experience, anyway. Of course there are times you will get bumped undeservedly, or you will make a mistake on a corner, etc. Some jerk bumps you and you get the pen. It happens. We all know the penalty system isn't always fair. Life isn't fair, either. Yes, of course the system should be improved. No doubt about it, but also....the system isn't THAT bad as is. It is MUCH better than not having a system at all. Obviously I am in the minority here, but I just don't get this level of rage over this system. Frustration? Sure, but I think it's actually good system overall (not great, but are expectations realistic for a $60 game on a $400 console?).

Sorry, rant over. I guess, in the end, all I accomplished was complaining about complainers...and being awfully whiny about it. :banghead:
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Don't some of you guys ever get tired of whining?? I mean, damn, I know the penalty system is far from perfect, but I just don't get the mentality of endlessly complaining. Perhaps it is just me, but it seems like this type of toxicity is so prevalent online these days. People aren't happy unless they have something to complain about. :banghead:

I will agree with you, the part where you say "perhaps its just me", the answer to that is YES.
When a person receives a time penalty for the privilege of being rear ended or being struck while dive bombed upon the penalty system is broken and needs to be fixed ASAP. I don't see how anyone cannot agree with that. I am pretty sure that you would be unhappy to get a moving violation citation for coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, that is the equivalent of what is going on here.
And this is why I suggested using a static (fixed) braking point for every corner, it removes the load from the PS4 CPU. And to anticipate a congested pack maybe extending the static braking zone 10% or so (maybe it needs to be 50%??) Also why I suggested it was a "game of skill" and people do ultimately need to learn how to drive and anticipate to avoid accidents, just like in real life. So unless you are saying people that drive real cars are incapable of working out "dynamic" braking zones in traffic then my reasoning holds up which is basically **DO NOT** run into the back of the car in front of you approaching a corner.

I am continually trying to apply the "KISS" principal here and everyone just seems to want to complicate it to show why it can't be done.

Even with your negative reasons above what I have suggested will get around them. e.g. you mention lag. dedicated servers and stricter ping matching would fix this (to a great extent anyway).

Regardless, surely what I am advocating would have to be than the garbage we have now? I am sick and tired of being smashed off the track by some back marker at T1!!!!!! Or being dive bombed into a corner and "smashed of the track" AND being given a penalty for it. Anything would have to better than this current system, surely?????

I don't know if anyone has noticed but I have not posted videos or gone into tirades about specific instances where these things have occurred to me because the existing videos are pretty well universal as to the problems.

Then, once we sort out penalties to at least a satisfactory level perhaps we can refine the ranking system. Basically, half the people in A/A+ S races should not be there.
I agree with @Outspacer's reply.... and can see that you and I are operating at polar opposites of the spectrum regarding braking zones, which is something I don't see as a bad thing. It really should be simple to adjudicate the absolute worst cases, or as @djidane57 put it "they should be at least able to measure the "force" of the impacts , i mean how a rear bump kiss that harms nobody can be penalized as hard as a rocket in your ass?":lol:

Regarding lag: This was in the notes for the end March update, and hopefully will be included in this next one;

The following improvements to the penalty system is planned for the future:
- Improvements to penalty judgments when network lag is occurring.

Regarding this snip from your post:
So unless you are saying people that drive real cars are incapable of working out "dynamic" braking zones in traffic then my reasoning holds up which is basically **DO NOT** run into the back of the car in front of you approaching a corner.

The problem here is that we could be racing many people who've never driven a car on the road, and with the daily rotation of tracks aren't capable of learning new car+new track combos everday.

Back in my days of GT6 Quick Match racing the periods of the same car+track combiations were much longer. Some of us 'regulars' would avoid the first few days after the combos had changed until everything settled down and people got used to where the overtaking/braking zones were. The racing became much cleaner then (except for the odd jerk), but nearer to the finish of the track/car combo people had worked out how to 'game' the penalty system making it unbearable again. In short, I really think PD need to tweek the length that the combos run to try and find the balance between the behaviours I've mentioned, it could go some of the way to solving the "game of skill" part you mentioned.

Hopefully we all get some good news with todays update.:)
I will agree with you, the part where you say "perhaps its just me", the answer to that is YES.
When a person receives a time penalty for the privilege of being rear ended or being struck while dive bombed upon the penalty system is broken and needs to be fixed ASAP. I don't see how anyone cannot agree with that. I am pretty sure that you would be unhappy to get a moving violation citation for coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, that is the equivalent of what is going on here.

Nah. lol It's not just me. We both know that. ;) The specific comparison is interesting, except I never stated that I was happy with the current system. Just that the system isn't as bad as some make it out to be. It works. I never said the penalty system didn't have flaws. I've received harsh penalties that I didn't think I deserved. It happens. But, to be fair, in my first hand experience, or in races I've watched online (and I waste a ton of time with this game) it seems that most of the penalties are deserved. Again, in most cases; not all. Of course we can easily find flaws with the penalty system logic, etc. I don't disagree that ideally those issues should be fixed. Just pointing out that stating the entire system is trash and broken is simply hyperbole. Just my two cents.
Nah. lol It's not just me. We both know that. ;) The specific comparison is interesting, except I never stated that I was happy with the current system. Just that the system isn't as bad as some make it out to be. It works. I never said the penalty system didn't have flaws. I've received harsh penalties that I didn't think I deserved. It happens. But, to be fair, in my first hand experience, or in races I've watched online (and I waste a ton of time with this game) it seems that most of the penalties are deserved. Again, in most cases; not all. Of course we can easily find flaws with the penalty system logic, etc. I don't disagree that ideally those issues should be fixed. Just pointing out that stating the entire system is trash and broken is simply hyperbole. Just my two cents.

I agree that all in all the penalty system is good. What I think is flawed the most is automatically rewarding the higher level driver with a time penalty regardless of fault. There are cases where the innocent higher level driver can get a penalty and the guilty but lower level driver escapes scot free, in my eyes that is a broken system. Im sure that there are plenty of times that you have been racing and all of sudden you see the red penalty warning on your screen and you are shocked and have no idea why you received that penalty. A couple weeks ago I was leading Monza on lap 2 after starting 4th. Entering the first chicane I get rear ended, shoved into the kitty litter by the 6th place car, by the time I get back on track, slow down for my 5 second penalty for having the audacity to get struck in the first place ( thats the only reason for the penalty that I can think of anyway) I am in 17th and last position. I manage to work my way up to 10th in the final 2 3/4 laps, the guilty party finishes 2nd with a red dot but no time penalty carried over the finish line. To me that does not sound like a very fair penalty system, the only thing I was guilty of was being a higher rank than the offender, well I guess PD taught me a lesson there. That case is pretty extreme but it seems like I have had more than my fair share of incidents where I get hit (I save replays then watch to see who was at fault and exactly what happened) and get a penalty but the offender does not. It may also be because I dont drive aggressively enough at the start of races, usually I am content with my position until the cars in front get settled down before I start trying to pass, often there is someone behind who is not quite so patient.
I agree that all in all the penalty system is good. What I think is flawed the most is automatically rewarding the higher level driver with a time penalty regardless of fault. There are cases where the innocent higher level driver can get a penalty and the guilty but lower level driver escapes scot free, in my eyes that is a broken system. Im sure that there are plenty of times that you have been racing and all of sudden you see the red penalty warning on your screen and you are shocked and have no idea why you received that penalty. A couple weeks ago I was leading Monza on lap 2 after starting 4th. Entering the first chicane I get rear ended, shoved into the kitty litter by the 6th place car, by the time I get back on track, slow down for my 5 second penalty for having the audacity to get struck in the first place ( thats the only reason for the penalty that I can think of anyway) I am in 17th and last position. I manage to work my way up to 10th in the final 2 3/4 laps, the guilty party finishes 2nd with a red dot but no time penalty carried over the finish line. To me that does not sound like a very fair penalty system, the only thing I was guilty of was being a higher rank than the offender, well I guess PD taught me a lesson there. That case is pretty extreme but it seems like I have had more than my fair share of incidents where I get hit (I save replays then watch to see who was at fault and exactly what happened) and get a penalty but the offender does not. It may also be because I dont drive aggressively enough at the start of races, usually I am content with my position until the cars in front get settled down before I start trying to pass, often there is someone behind who is not quite so patient.
The simple fix for your example is to do what I do, and while not ideal it does tend to work.

Don't Race At Monza

The simple fix for your example is to do what I do, and while not ideal it does tend to work.

Don't Race At Monza

Yeah I know, but I have only had time to race 1 or 2 races a day for last month or so, I'm kinda forced to accept any race C on offer.
Nah. lol It's not just me. We both know that. ;) The specific comparison is interesting, except I never stated that I was happy with the current system. Just that the system isn't as bad as some make it out to be. It works. I never said the penalty system didn't have flaws. I've received harsh penalties that I didn't think I deserved. It happens. But, to be fair, in my first hand experience, or in races I've watched online (and I waste a ton of time with this game) it seems that most of the penalties are deserved. Again, in most cases; not all. Of course we can easily find flaws with the penalty system logic, etc. I don't disagree that ideally those issues should be fixed. Just pointing out that stating the entire system is trash and broken is simply hyperbole. Just my two cents.

Of course there's some hyperbole, but honestly the penalty and SR systems have fundamental flaws. I mean, just looking at your stats, would I be wrong to guess that the harsh penalties were introduced on or a bit before day 40? Regardless of that, do you think your SR and DR ranks have reasonably reflected your driving standard in the latter part?
Being rear ended or being struck and by a out of control car, and the car doing the Right thing out on the track receive a penalty, the only way I can think of is Ghosting when there is contact between two cars.
First off, DR is a bit irrelevant in terms of penalties. I can understand SR, but why would you bring up DR?

Because DR **IS** linked to SR!!!!! Let me explain very carefully for you. When you (it has happened twice to me) have a couple of unfortunate races and your SR rank plummets your DR gets reset. Or don't you see this as being relevant? Fixing SR will prevent this or perhaps un-link them them altogether. Also, I can't understand why DR is such a hard slog when SR seems to raise (or fall!) very fast. IMHO it needs refinement.

In the first place, do you even have the right to talk about the ranking system?
WHOA!! As a member of this forum I have the right to discuss anything relevant to the topic! Also I do hope a moderator reads what you have just written because it is very inflammatory.

You gamed it yourself by tanking your rankings to get the wins. What makes you so rightful then to complain about the ranking system?

You have "gamed it" yourself with you multiple accounts! Pot - Kettle - Black. And more for others reading this than you because I was able to and thought it was necessary to "game" the system is the very reason why it needs to be worked on. Quite simple logic there eh?
Regarding this snip from your post:
So unless you are saying people that drive real cars are incapable of working out "dynamic" braking zones in traffic then my reasoning holds up which is basically **DO NOT** run into the back of the car in front of you approaching a corner.

The problem here is that we could be racing many people who've never driven a car on the road, and with the daily rotation of tracks aren't capable of learning new car+new track combos everday.

Once penalties are sorted and we move onto DR/SR ratings this will inevitably allow these "crash and burners" being lumped together where they will either get better and rank up or continue doing what they are doing BUT with a group of similar people. Surely, the ultimate goal is have a system where like minded and liked skilled people get a chance to race together.

Although, having said that there still a need to have a spread of skill in the field and this is where qualifying lap times would come into play with matchmaking.

Back in my days of GT6 Quick Match racing the periods of the same car+track combiations were much longer. Some of us 'regulars' would avoid the first few days after the combos had changed until everything settled down and people got used to where the overtaking/braking zones were. The racing became much cleaner then (except for the odd jerk), but nearer to the finish of the track/car combo people had worked out how to 'game' the penalty system making it unbearable again. In short, I really think PD need to tweek the length that the combos run to try and find the balance between the behaviours I've mentioned, it could go some of the way to solving the "game of skill" part you mentioned.

I did laugh at your other comment about not racing at Monza. One of my favourite tracks and where I can actually get on the top 10 leader board. What annoys the heck out of me, especially here is seeing the starting grid where I can be on pole by a couple of seconds and seeing the last 4 or 5 places with no qualifying time. I just know I will be hit at T1 with almost certainty >:-(

Since we have already told PD here how to fix their game we may as well tell them how to fine tune the match making system. To start with, no qualifying time no start. Then this becomes a whole other discussion for another day ;-)

Hopefully we all get some good news with todays update.:)

Sigh................................ 21 updates and look at what we have :-(

One of the things I continually wonder about is what the FIA actually thinks of this. Do they even know or care that they are sanctioning a race series with so many drastic flaws in it. As much as they do not want to see real races decided in court rooms I am sure they do not want to see race outcomes decided with this penalty system :-(
Because DR **IS** linked to SR!!!!! Let me explain very carefully for you. When you (it has happened twice to me) have a couple of unfortunate races and your SR rank plummets your DR gets reset. Or don't you see this as being relevant? Fixing SR will prevent this or perhaps un-link them them altogether. Also, I can't understand why DR is such a hard slog when SR seems to raise (or fall!) very fast. IMHO it needs refinement.
Okay, but your initial point was that some people are at A/A+ when they don't deserve to be there? How do resets help people go there?
You have "gamed it" yourself with you multiple accounts! Pot - Kettle - Black. And more for others reading this than you because I was able to and thought it was necessary to "gam
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Like I said over and over in the past, I raced in my multiple accounts in such a way that I will cause as little damage as possible by going up the ranks as fast as I could. I tried to get to the rank that I should be in the fastest time I could. Whether or not it made a difference to how much I hurt other people's DR, I'm not sure. What I'm getting at is my intention at making and ranking up those multiple accounts. How about you, why did you tank your rankings to a rank that you shouldn't be in? What made you feel like it's necessary to game the rankings? Because of a trophy? Because you couldn't win at the ranking that you should be in? Then live with it! Live with the fact that you can't win in your DR bracket. I have never gotten the win trophy across all my accounts. Yes, even in my main account with over 300 races. But did I ever tank my DR? No. The 15 clean races that is almost impossible to execute while winning, only worsened by the fact that I'm an aggressive driver, did I tank my DR for that? No, I did not. Why is it so necessary for you to tank your DR then?

Okay, if you don't have a right to talk about people who don't deserve to be at DR A/A+, and you're saying that I don't as well, then okay. I won't talk about that. But did I even talk about it in the first place? All I did was call you out
Firstly, your level of comprehension here is quite poor. I do not mean that as an insult, just as an observation and that I do not want to come across as talking down to you in any further discussion. If you are a teenager with limited high schooling I will apologise beforehand and say I was trying to have a rational discussion with someone whom I believed to be an adult. Again, no disrespect meant.

Okay, but your initial point was that some people are at A/A+ when they don't deserve to be there? How do resets help people go there?

This is what I mean about your comprehension abilty. You said "First off, DR is a bit irrelevant in terms of penalties. I can understand SR, but why would you bring up DR?"

I then went on to point out that they are linked and gave the example of DR resets because SR tanked. Further to this I also offered the opinion that a lot of people don't belong in A/A+ rankings and the way penalties are skewed (screwed?) this is reflected in the type of racing I am currently experiencing.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Correct, so be careful when telling people what you believe their rights are.

Like I said over and over in the past, I raced in my multiple accounts in such a way that I will cause as little damage as possible by going up the ranks as fast as I could. I tried to get to the rank that I should be in the fastest time I could. Whether or not it made a difference to how much I hurt other people's DR, I'm not sure. What I'm getting at is my intention at making and ranking up those multiple accounts. How about you, why did you tank your rankings to a rank that you shouldn't be in? What made you feel like it's necessary to game the rankings? Because of a trophy? Because you couldn't win at the ranking that you should be in? Then live with it! Live with the fact that you can't win in your DR bracket. I have never gotten the win trophy across all my accounts. Yes, even in my main account with over 300 races. But did I ever tank my DR? No. The 15 clean races that is almost impossible to execute while winning, only worsened by the fact that I'm an aggressive driver, did I tank my DR for that? No, I did not. Why is it so necessary for you to tank your DR then?

We have already discussed this previously in the appropriate thread and I see no point redoing it here. Please re-read the thread again as my position has not changed.

Okay, if you don't have a right to talk about people who don't deserve to be at DR A/A+, and you're saying that I don't as well, then okay. I won't talk about that. But did I even talk about it in the first place? All I did was call you out

See what I mean about your level of comprehension. Please re-read this thread again for clarification BUT in the meantime just to help you out and for the record, I do (and so do you) have the right to discuss any topic on this site about any relevant issue, in the appropriate thread. You DO NOT have the right to tell me what I may or may not discuss.

In this thread we are currently discussing how the penalty system in GT Sport needs to be refined and I have suggested ways I believe it should be done and how the game and the console already have the power built into it. It only needs PD to code it.

Do you have any relevant input into this discussion?

I am about to see what Update 1.21 has brought us. Maybe Santa Kaz has brought me a new penalty system ;-)
Do you have any relevant input into this discussion
No, I have no more relevant input in this discussion. I'll just take it that we'll agree to disagree, since we seem to have very different points of view across various matters in GTS.

You're not wrong with me being a teenager. I'm starting my final year in high school in a month, so you could say that I still have limited high schooling. You don't have to apologize, since I did derail the discussion. In the end, I have my biases and opinions, rather strong ones, and I really just cannot see your side and ideals
Two wrongs don't make a right
But three rights make a left. Don't teach you that in high school.

In theory if disqualification would happen over 1G strong contact between 2 cars depending on the brake zone [to avoid brake checks and exploits hopefully] then knowing such option will reset your driver rating might have effect of being cautious.
second though maybe serving penalty in pit stop will work? no penalty increase unless you cross the line and for every line crossing without serving penalty get x1.2 of your penalty so at 10seconds you get +2 seconds a lap. now i think it's good if the penalties are harsh because then you see true sportsmanship in place but it needs to be polished in terms of judging. which is extremely hard because usualy penalties in real life are investigated by marshals and after their decision the penalties are given and then served in pitstop where you can't touch the car so no refuel no wheel change just penalty serve and go. this long process would scare people enough and then making it harder to gain and easier to lose positions of DR and SR sounds like buzzkill but you can't educate other people when up until now the only game they were playing on playstation were need for speeds :/ maybe a repair cost that could exceed the cost of a car would also motivate people from purposely barging into others?

as painful as it might seem please ignore the grammar :D have a lovely day all
Don't some of you guys ever get tired of whining?? I mean, damn, I know the penalty system is far from perfect, but I just don't get the mentality of endlessly complaining. Perhaps it is just me, but it seems like this type of toxicity is so prevalent online these days. People aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.

Don't cut corners...avoid contact as much as will rarely get penalties. That's been my experience, anyway. Of course there are times you will get bumped undeservedly, or you will make a mistake on a corner, etc. Some jerk bumps you and you get the pen. It happens. We all know the penalty system isn't always fair. Life isn't fair, either. Yes, of course the system should be improved. No doubt about it, but also....the system isn't THAT bad as is. It is MUCH better than not having a system at all. Obviously I am in the minority here, but I just don't get this level of rage over this system. Frustration? Sure, but I think it's actually good system overall (not great, but are expectations realistic for a $60 game on a $400 console?).

Sorry, rant over. I guess, in the end, all I accomplished was complaining about complainers...and being awfully whiny about it. :banghead:

Mr. BF, the penalty system in place today is upsetting when you are out there trying your best to keep it a good race, (every time you're out there you give it fair play..) - me myself with many others that I know have quit or seriously reduced the amount of time in Sport Mode due to this unfair abnormal not realistic etc etc... - that I believe most of us could handle in the "ol' days"..... The whining is going on and Im positive it will continue as we all are HOPING for someone to act or react! So far nothing......
In theory if disqualification would happen over 1G strong contact between 2 cars depending on the brake zone [to avoid brake checks and exploits hopefully] then knowing such option will reset your driver rating might have effect of being cautious.
second though maybe serving penalty in pit stop will work? no penalty increase unless you cross the line and for every line crossing without serving penalty get x1.2 of your penalty so at 10seconds you get +2 seconds a lap. now i think it's good if the penalties are harsh because then you see true sportsmanship in place but it needs to be polished in terms of judging. which is extremely hard because usualy penalties in real life are investigated by marshals and after their decision the penalties are given and then served in pitstop where you can't touch the car so no refuel no wheel change just penalty serve and go. this long process would scare people enough and then making it harder to gain and easier to lose positions of DR and SR sounds like buzzkill but you can't educate other people when up until now the only game they were playing on playstation were need for speeds :/ maybe a repair cost that could exceed the cost of a car would also motivate people from purposely barging into others?

as painful as it might seem please ignore the grammar :D have a lovely day all

To your question about serving penalty in pit stop will work, it will work but I don't want to see the other car the one I hit because I made a mistake, go into the pits to serve the penalty as well with the current penalty system. PD needs to really have a hard look at the way when 2 cars come in contact in Sport Mode races. If the penalty system was right between the 2 car, well I will be racing in Sport Mode but at the moment Sport Mode is a big turn off.
No, I have no more relevant input in this discussion. I'll just take it that we'll agree to disagree, since we seem to have very different points of view across various matters in GTS.

You're not wrong with me being a teenager. I'm starting my final year in high school in a month, so you could say that I still have limited high schooling. You don't have to apologize, since I did derail the discussion. In the end, I have my biases and opinions, rather strong ones, and I really just cannot see your side and ideals

Thank you for your honesty. I really do not want to be too hard on a "youngster" ;-) I should let you know that I have been a gamer since before you were born, I have raced at the actual Bathurst, Mt Panorama track for real and I have also driven the Nordschliefe in a real race car. As my avatar picture shows (actually a real race pic of me circa 1987) I was an A grade motorcycle racer and raced both production and superbikes.

What I would like you take away from this conversation is that there are differing views out there and perhaps someone, like me, with many, many years of experience just may have a different view to yours. I, on the other hand, have to take into account that you don't and perhaps if I show enough patience I can at least get you to consider other possibilities and perhaps, even get you to change your mind ;-)

This is the trouble with internet forums in general. Because there is no face to face real time contact we cannot take visual clues into account when having a discussion. I am sure if we were having this conversation face to face we would have behaved totally differently. My memory is long enough to remember back to my teens when I was bright eyed and bushy tailed and knew everything about everything and my opinions were the only ones that mattered. I have now come to realise I still have a lot to learn and opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one ;-)

So rather than agreeing to disagree why not agree to the fact "a lot of people are currently unhappy with the penalty system" and look into ways how it could be changed for the better. Bearing in mind **NO** system will ever be perfect .e.g just look at the current Soccer World Cup or any tennis match and they have the ability of real time judges and instant replays from multiple angles and people are still not happy! So within the confines of a US$60 game and US$500 console running on P2P dodgy internet what can we do to improve this? Where are all the "cans" because I am seeing a lot of "can'ts".

Have a great day and keep the shiny side up ;-)
I think my biggest problem with the penalty system right now other than track boundaries on some tracks is that is just does a terrible job at penalizing reckless drivers. They make you watch that etiquette video in the beginning yet they don’t penalize swerving. I’ve had to deal with this over the last few days even as with a B DR and A SR. I’ve also had two situations where people want off track (one was literally cutting corners through the grass), came back on, hit me, and I got a penalty. The person that was corner cutting ghosted and then unghosted right in front of me and I had no where to go. Three second penalty for me. Another person tonight tried to block me from passing while I was already alongside them. Ended up pushing me and I went into the esses section at Maggiore too far on the inside and it ended up causing a crash, one that saw me get a penalty while the other driver went on his way without nothing. I ended up messaging them asking what that was all about and was met immediately with name calling and expletives.

I really thought a game and system like this would keep these types of people away. I’m not trying to sound elitist or anything, but a true racing game like this just can’t have people like that involved. I know you can’t keep them out for obvious reasons, but the matchmaking and penalty just needs to be better. Maybe if I can get up to the highest ratings, it will be different. But right now it’s hard to get into sport mode on a regular basis.
................, but the matchmaking and penalty just needs to be better. Maybe if I can get up to the highest ratings, it will be different. But right now it’s hard to get into sport mode on a regular basis.

You obviously missed my comment regarding that, IMHO, half the people racing in DR-A/A+ SR-S races should not be there.

So my advice is, just try and enjoy the racing where ever you seem to end up and don't worry too much about your ranking.

To avoid the heartache of this broken penalty system my best advice is to find a group of friends and just race in lobbies and the very best thing is you get to have a *kick button* :-) This what I am currently doing and using the daily Sport Races as Time Trials only to compete with my friends outside of the lobbies.
No, I have no more relevant input in this discussion. I'll just take it that we'll agree to disagree, since we seem to have very different points of view across various matters in GTS.

You're not wrong with me being a teenager. I'm starting my final year in high school in a month, so you could say that I still have limited high schooling. You don't have to apologize, since I did derail the discussion. In the end, I have my biases and opinions, rather strong ones, and I really just cannot see your side and ideals

Thank you for your honesty. I really do not want to be too hard on a "youngster" ;-) I should let you know that I have been a gamer since before you were born, I have raced at the actual Bathurst, Mt Panorama track for real and I have also driven the Nordschliefe in a real race car. As my avatar picture shows (actually a real race pic of me circa 1987) I was an A grade motorcycle racer and raced both production and superbikes.

What I would like you take away from this conversation is that there are differing views out there and perhaps someone, like me, with many, many years of experience just may have a different view to yours. I, on the other hand, have to take into account that you don't and perhaps if I show enough patience I can at least get you to consider other possibilities and perhaps, even get you to change your mind ;-)

This is the trouble with internet forums in general. Because there is no face to face real time contact we cannot take visual clues into account when having a discussion. I am sure if we were having this conversation face to face we would have behaved totally differently. My memory is long enough to remember back to my teens when I was bright eyed and bushy tailed and knew everything about everything and my opinions were the only ones that mattered. I have now come to realise I still have a lot to learn and opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one ;-)

So rather than agreeing to disagree why not agree to the fact "a lot of people are currently unhappy with the penalty system" and look into ways how it could be changed for the better. Bearing in mind **NO** system will ever be perfect .e.g just look at the current Soccer World Cup or any tennis match and they have the ability of real time judges and instant replays from multiple angles and people are still not happy! So within the confines of a US$60 game and US$500 console running on P2P dodgy internet what can we do to improve this? Where are all the "cans" because I am seeing a lot of "can'ts".

Have a great day and keep the shiny side up ;-)

So nice to see honest, open & (most importantly of all) respectful debate on this forum. If anyone out there is unsure of how to conduct yourself as a gentleman, this is how.

Where are all the "cans" because I am seeing a lot of "can'ts".

I do try to offer up 'cans':

Starting from the absolute simplest to program: there is certainly a way to say whether a car's speed is such that even with full braking and steering lock applied perfectly it would end up fully off track. If a car in that state even touches another car, it's at fault. That case is so simple because it doesn't need any definition of corner or braking zone, or any calculation of any other car, yet it would deal with a lot if not all of the brutal incidents you highlight.

The one thing that needs is confirmation from the other client that contact did actually occur. However, cases that extreme might be better handled by ghosting the offending car, letting it go off track, and then holding it there for the duration of its penalty. At least that way it doesn't get to ruin other people's race.

The main "can" though is getting an SR system that works better. The earlier system - before penalties gave it wild swings - worked OK apart from being way too easy to maintain SR 99. I've offered up my thoughts on how that could be improved before. SR is so important because if you are racing against someone you know to be basically a clean driver, you also know that if they hit you it's most likely just a mistake. In that situation there's quite simply less need to punish.

It's a farce right now that almost every daily race ends with the majority of the field showing a red dot, even at SR S. I don't believe that is a fair reflection of the drivers - I've found that most are trying to drive cleanly - but when almost any contact gives a penalty to two people that's how it ends up. Having penalties is counter-productive when getting at least one per race becomes the norm - people stop trying as hard to avoid getting them!

What any system absolutely should not do is leave room for dirty drivers to exploit it. By that I particularly mean any way to deliberately hand a penalty onto someone else. Also, what we have now encourages dirty players to find ways to be dirty without getting penalised (such as repeated taps on a straight to push someone off the road) which they are free to do beacuse any attempt at retaliation will likely result in a penalty. In some ways races were cleaner without penalties because dirty players had to consider that they could face revenge! It's thinking from that starting point that results in a lot of the "can'ts"; it's not just being defeatist :)
However, cases that extreme might be better handled by ghosting the offending car, letting it go off track, and then holding it there for the duration of its its penalty. At least that way it doesn't get to ruin other people's race
But the offending car has ruin the other car in that race, because that car in the right gets a penalty and how is PD going to deal with that.
But the offending car has ruin the other car in that race, because that car in the right gets a penalty and how is PD going to deal with that.

??? I think you've misunderstood what I wrote. My view is, nobody should get a penalty unless the system can be sure of fault and not leave loopholes to exploit... and that one simple case is maybe the only one where it can be 100% sure of hitting the right person with a penalty, and nobody else.
??? I think you've misunderstood what I wrote. My view is, nobody should get a penalty unless the system can be sure of fault and not leave loopholes to exploit... and that one simple case is maybe the only one where it can be 100% sure of hitting the right person with a penalty, and nobody else.

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