I'm sorry but that's just plain wrong. More clean drivers are denoted than dirty. The cars that straight up punt others are finishing with blue S while the victim often ends with a red A.
So very soon 99 SR will indicate that you likely are a dirty driver.
I haven’t seen that, then again I don’t race Monza, I was on the ring.
99 over maybe a dozen entries, once I did get dinged to 94, but won the next race against slow people back into the good rooms.
A few friends raced a fair bit and stayed 99 also far as I know...
I put in my best qual time too from the outset, didn’t race no qual.
It’s just TO ME from what I’ve seen getting dr reset really really takes some SERIOUS doing. I’d have to try to do it. Like wreck everyone near over and over...
Last week I leveled down an account to about 15k, ran no qual Gardens. Later I ran qual. I did get into it with another driver who dove on me...Went fully psycho...Back to sr C, a few races later back to 99. (Like hours of c not touching anyone at gr2 Fuji collecting sr)
Maybe it’s true that many many drivers are getting reset from A to E on dr but I doubt it.
With the current way game scoring is setup if a person cares to rank DR up it’s only ever necessary to have sr equal to dr.
So that’s racing. But, I personally find a big difference running 99 as opposed to b sr.
B sr is more arcade lesser skilled people, you will gain fewer points on dr most times there because all the best ranked players with most points stay 99.
That’s what I see. I don’t see hundreds of 99 players all going to E dr that’s ridiculous.
But seems like that’s what some are trying to imply.
Yes, there’s dirty drivers in online racing.
Kinda like real racing. Some of them are fast too.
Racing is a competition, and while in any competition most nice people prefer fair play that’s not how life is. It’s not reality.
My experience has been if you are in control of your car you control your sr.
(Over time, sure bad things happen, but getting a complete reset can’t be common)
I’m kinda playing devils advocate here, I know they need to fix the obviously flawed blame assignment, but DAMN listening to people whine gets old.
The sr system isn’t an evil villain, control your car and over time you’ll be fine
Plus don’t cry about sr if you race Monza for crying out loud. Only way I’d race there is no qual, and only then if a gun was to my head.