Some of us really like that 99 sr currently has a little bit of meaning because after one race dangerously unpredictable players are no longer matched into our lobbies.
If sr down doesn’t affect matching it’s a clown show at ALL levels.

If SR bounces up and down in extreme ways it means nothing!

For context, skim through some of my previous posts in this thread - I'm all for 99 SR meaning something. It just never has.
If SR bounces up and down in extreme ways it means nothing!

For context, skim through some of my previous posts in this thread - I'm all for 99 SR meaning something. It just never has.

Have you played the game on NA?
Lol below 99 is mayhem. I was 99 when first rated from E and have been 99 99 percent of my career in sport mode.
Anytime I’m matched below 90 it’s a crapshoot.
Myself and others like strict sr rating and want it stricter and harder to recover because that means better matching.
From release 99 was GREAT. At some point though in the updates it came to mean less, but this last update improved things quite a bit for players who stay 99.
I have to laugh at players like one above commenting a B A lobby was a high level.
For me the more strict, the more 99 means the better.
I mean I play a fair bit, and 99 gets me good races a majority of the time.
I raced from midpack Nord last week, had plenty of fun.
Players that hit things with their car a lot I don’t wanna see.
Have you played the game on NA?
Lol below 99 is mayhem. I was 99 when first rated from E and have been 99 99 percent of my career in sport mode.
Anytime I’m matched below 90 it’s a crapshoot.
Myself and others like strict sr rating and want it stricter and harder to recover because that means better matching.
From release 99 was GREAT. At some point though in the updates it came to mean less, but this last update improved things quite a bit for players who stay 99.
I have to laugh at players like one above commenting a B A lobby was a high level.
For me the more strict, the more 99 means the better.
I mean I play a fair bit, and 99 gets me good races a majority of the time.
I raced from midpack Nord last week, had plenty of fun.
Players that hit things with their car a lot I don’t wanna see.

I don't see why you're arguing against me, I'm not saying it shouldn't be strict. And I would agree that at release it was about the best it's ever been, because it was at least somewhat statistical.

I'm not going to bother repeating stuff I've already posted about how it could be strict, consistent and fair. About how even SR S should mean a pretty clean race, and hardly anyone would get to SR 99. If that's not strict enough for you then I have no idea what would be.

Good luck to you keeping that 99!
I don't see why you're arguing against me, I'm not saying it shouldn't be strict. And I would agree that at release it was about the best it's ever been, because it was at least somewhat statistical.

I'm not going to bother repeating stuff I've already posted about how it could be strict, consistent and fair. About how even SR S should mean a pretty clean race, and hardly anyone would get to SR 99. If that's not strict enough for you then I have no idea what would be.

Good luck to you keeping that 99!

Well, in your first post today you said -sr is ‘stupidly high’ ‘punishment’ and ‘unfair’
To me your position as expressed is inconsistent.
Do you want it to mean something or not?
I mean right now it’s pretty tough to even get an sr down since light contact does nothing.
So from your first post today you want less sr down but simultaneously you also want clean racing?
So make sr down very hard to happen? They tried that everyone became 99.

I’m confused completely by your contradictory postings. :(
The thing is, that was OK back when the -SR was reasonable amounts, you'd really have to be quite bad to get a DR reset and it might well take multiple races. It was somewhat the statistical measure you refer to. Now the -SR amounts are stupidly high and more akin to punishment than measuring. So it's sort of the same as it ever was just with different numbers, but actually very different in effect.

I'm not sure whether the -SR is even between players involved in an incident any more. The time penalties might be switched off, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't still apportioning blame.

I am understanding the point and you have kindly endorsed what I'm trying to convey.

No driver can have an issue with incurring high SR reductions, if they are the perpetrators of the crime. If their actions mean incurring a DR reset then they've asked for it and must accept the consequences. At this point in time, the injured party is not only losing position in the race and consequential DR reduction, but also severe SR reduction leading to DR reset and this just cannot be right. It's the fact that SR and DR are interlinked in this way is the element that I believe is incorrect and, to be honest, I have been in SR B races that have been much cleaner than SR S battles. It's very hard to progress up the DR ladder, but so easy to be knocked back to square one and this is very frustrating. I went from SR S to SR B within a few dirty races.
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Some of us really like that 99 sr currently has a little bit of meaning because after one race dangerously unpredictable players are no longer matched into our lobbies.
If sr down doesn’t affect matching it’s a clown show at ALL levels.
I'm sorry but that's just plain wrong. More clean drivers are denoted than dirty. The cars that straight up punt others are finishing with blue S while the victim often ends with a red A.
So very soon 99 SR will indicate that you likely are a dirty driver.
Well, in your first post today you said -sr is ‘stupidly high’ ‘punishment’ and ‘unfair’
To me your position as expressed is inconsistent.
Do you want it to mean something or not?
I mean right now it’s pretty tough to even get an sr down since light contact does nothing.
So from your first post today you want less sr down but simultaneously you also want clean racing?
So make sr down very hard to happen? They tried that everyone became 99.

I’m confused completely by your contradictory postings. :(

They are not contradictary, you just don't understand what I'm getting at with those words. I suggested you look back at my previous posts (where I did spell out what I meant by them) but doesn't seem like you did.

I say that SR should be a statistiscal measure. If the +SR/-SR are too large then the statistical nature is lost in the noise of big swings - and it ends up rating you by just your last race or two.

'Punishment' is a term that comes about from PD trying to work out who is to blame. If they could ever have got that right then of course a big -SR would be reasonable.

However, even though they have not and cannot correctly apportion blame, they still hand out punishment-sized -SR. This is clearly unfair for an innocent victim, doubly so if it causes a DR reset. For any case where there isn't clear fault the -SR given to both players has to be relatively mild to be fair.

For SR to work well, the -SR and +SR have to be tuned well. Roughly speaking, at launch the -SR was somewhere about right but the +SR was too big, especially for high SR players (so too many had SR 99). The goal of tuning it should be that it represents how a player typically plays, and shouldn't swing around rapidly.

It's a tricky thing and getting it as good as it could be would please nobody who has an idealistic viewpoint - it would still be somewhat unfair, and dirty players would still be able to get away with a certain amount of bad behaviour, at least below SR S. But it's the least worst option.

Fundamentally the goal of SR is to decide who you get matched with and that's all that matters. Thinking of (or using) -SR as punishment is wrong and gets in the way of it achieving that goal.

Counter-intuitive? Yes. Inconsistent? No.
Race A is a definite SR killer up to now.

SR down for being dive bombed into any corner.

SR down for the slightest tap on your rear; outside or inside.

SR down for a car turning into you.

Sr down for a car rubbing your inside door.

Yet, punt anyone off.......anywhere......nothing!!

It's so messed up at the moment, and is now just a game for the downright dirty/gamer.

Done for the week with these combos!

After the farce that was Monza last week, I went from DR of 13860 and SR of 99 last Monday to, as of now DR of 5856 and SR of 36.
Watch the Sportsmanship videos again, particularly the second one which explains how not taking account of other drivers who "become a missile" can affect your SR.
Situational awareness is necessary, that's true. And yes, when you brake for a corner/chikane you have to watch the radar and the mirror to protect you against"the car that becomes a missile".
But there is little change of avoiding the players that dives from 2-3-4 spots behind, uses the cars ahead as brakes and barriers to make the turn, leaving a trail of wrecked, penalized cars behind while accelerating away with no penalties and no SR down.
So how can the SR be an indication of how many times your car touches things not the track when the dive-bombers and the punters leave with blue S?
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I'm sorry but that's just plain wrong. More clean drivers are denoted than dirty. The cars that straight up punt others are finishing with blue S while the victim often ends with a red A.
So very soon 99 SR will indicate that you likely are a dirty driver.

I haven’t seen that, then again I don’t race Monza, I was on the ring.
99 over maybe a dozen entries, once I did get dinged to 94, but won the next race against slow people back into the good rooms.
A few friends raced a fair bit and stayed 99 also far as I know...
I put in my best qual time too from the outset, didn’t race no qual.
It’s just TO ME from what I’ve seen getting dr reset really really takes some SERIOUS doing. I’d have to try to do it. Like wreck everyone near over and over...
Last week I leveled down an account to about 15k, ran no qual Gardens. Later I ran qual. I did get into it with another driver who dove on me...Went fully psycho...Back to sr C, a few races later back to 99. (Like hours of c not touching anyone at gr2 Fuji collecting sr)

Maybe it’s true that many many drivers are getting reset from A to E on dr but I doubt it.
With the current way game scoring is setup if a person cares to rank DR up it’s only ever necessary to have sr equal to dr.
So that’s racing. But, I personally find a big difference running 99 as opposed to b sr.
B sr is more arcade lesser skilled people, you will gain fewer points on dr most times there because all the best ranked players with most points stay 99.
That’s what I see. I don’t see hundreds of 99 players all going to E dr that’s ridiculous.
But seems like that’s what some are trying to imply.
Yes, there’s dirty drivers in online racing.
Kinda like real racing. Some of them are fast too.
Racing is a competition, and while in any competition most nice people prefer fair play that’s not how life is. It’s not reality.

My experience has been if you are in control of your car you control your sr.
(Over time, sure bad things happen, but getting a complete reset can’t be common)

I’m kinda playing devils advocate here, I know they need to fix the obviously flawed blame assignment, but DAMN listening to people whine gets old.
The sr system isn’t an evil villain, control your car and over time you’ll be fine :)

Plus don’t cry about sr if you race Monza for crying out loud. Only way I’d race there is no qual, and only then if a gun was to my head.
I haven’t seen that, then again I don’t race Monza, I was on the ring.
99 over maybe a dozen entries, once I did get dinged to 94, but won the next race against slow people back into the good rooms.
A few friends raced a fair bit and stayed 99 also far as I know...
I put in my best qual time too from the outset, didn’t race no qual.
It’s just TO ME from what I’ve seen getting dr reset really really takes some SERIOUS doing. I’d have to try to do it. Like wreck everyone near over and over...
Last week I leveled down an account to about 15k, ran no qual Gardens. Later I ran qual. I did get into it with another driver who dove on me...Went fully psycho...Back to sr C, a few races later back to 99. (Like hours of c not touching anyone at gr2 Fuji collecting sr)

Maybe it’s true that many many drivers are getting reset from A to E on dr but I doubt it.
With the current way game scoring is setup if a person cares to rank DR up it’s only ever necessary to have sr equal to dr.
So that’s racing. But, I personally find a big difference running 99 as opposed to b sr.
B sr is more arcade lesser skilled people, you will gain fewer points on dr most times there because all the best ranked players with most points stay 99.
That’s what I see. I don’t see hundreds of 99 players all going to E dr that’s ridiculous.
But seems like that’s what some are trying to imply.
Yes, there’s dirty drivers in online racing.
Kinda like real racing. Some of them are fast too.
Racing is a competition, and while in any competition most nice people prefer fair play that’s not how life is. It’s not reality.

My experience has been if you are in control of your car you control your sr.
(Over time, sure bad things happen, but getting a complete reset can’t be common)
Well, that was my experience before too. Not since the last update to the penalties and the SR though.
And yes, racing the ring, a notorious hard track in a notorious hard to drive car protect you from the majority of dirty drivers, they are not good enough to race there with success. Neither are a lot of us clean drivers. But we raced on the tracks where the dirty races also raced.
So, take a few races on Tokyo to try what we are talking about.
Take a look at my SR curve, the only times I havent been S has been when the penalties where upside down.

Now, I know that NA is a bit different from EMEA, in the way that if you race at approximately the same time you get to know the players around you, knowing who you can trust.
That's not the case over here. We never know..

Edit: I see you added a lot. Let me just say: if it bothers you to hear people whine don't read the thread...
Apparently everything is roses and candy in the game you play, everyone gets to play where they deserve. Not in the game I play.

And then you say all this but go on to say blame assignment is flawed. Well, if it's flawed the whole system falls. Without that and with excessive SR down only the clean are punished. And yes, it is a punishment when you are having SR removed for other people's action.

Also, saying "don't race Monza" is silly. We are complaining about the way that PD has the system set up to reward the dirty driving and punish the clean. Monza simply accentuate that fact. It's not the cause.
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It's the fact that SR and DR are interlinked in this way is the element that I believe is incorrect ...

It just isn't really needed - I mean, why not have a high DR low SR corner for people that want to play that way?!

So very soon 99 SR will indicate that you likely are a dirty driver.

Maybe it already does, and Groundfish is just trolling!

Yet, punt anyone off.......anywhere......nothing!!

LOL, so PD removed time penalties by popular demand, but completely failed to appreciate that it was the unjust nature of them that was the main complaint! Figures.

I’m kinda playing devils advocate here, I know they need to fix the obviously flawed blame assignment, but DAMN listening to people whine gets old.

Ah, there he is. The real Groundfish. Here ya go buddy: unwatch thread. Problem solved.
It just isn't really needed - I mean, why not have a high DR low SR corner for people that want to play that way?!

Maybe it already does, and Groundfish is just trolling!

LOL, so PD removed time penalties by popular demand, but completely failed to appreciate that it was the unjust nature of them that was the main complaint! Figures.

Ah, there he is. The real Groundfish. Here ya go buddy: unwatch thread. Problem solved.

Ok let’s just say you are B dr...You’ve no need to get above B sr unless you wanna get to A, even then you only need A sr.
The object of a race isn’t everyone driving around not racing!
That’s something different.
My point is ok I get many players are E or D Dr, so GO AHEAD have fun! If someone smashes you off catch them and smash them off! It’s not gonna matter you’re not getting reset, same with B, on this server B B has a lot of good racing, I personally don’t prefer how dirty it is but it’s B sr!
At 99 you will get gobbled up if you make a big mistake just like A and worse A plus.

I’ve said many many many times the original shared fault was best!
However EVERYONE complained and everything since has been worse than it was at game outset imo.
So my deal is thanks guys. Shoulda been quiet and given it a chance!

@RacingGrandpa you made some good points definitely, it’s just frustrating to me to read many posts because I believed in the original system.

Shared fault is the best Ive seen so far. However, I can adjust my play according to the rules and still enjoy the game.

Situational awareness is necessary, that's true. And yes, when you brake for a corner/chikane you have to watch the radar and the mirror to protect you against"the car that becomes a missile".
But there is little change of avoiding the players that dives from 2-3-4 spots behind, uses the cars ahead as brakes and barriers to make the turn, leaving a trail of wrecked, penalized cars behind while accelerating away with no penalties and no SR down.
So how can the SR be an indication of how many times your car touches things not the track when the dive-bombers and the punters leave with blue S?
If one divebomber hits one car, that's one SR-impacting incident for them. If that one car hits another, and goes off track, and hits a wall, that's four SR-impacting incidents for them.

Of course the system has been churned up and tinkered with several times over the past two years, so it just isn't that straightforward. Nonetheless, SR was never intended as a rating of you hitting people, but of your racecraft - being able to stay on the grey stuff without contact with other things, fault or not. Not being hit is as much a part of racecraft as not hitting is - and while the SR system shouldn't be seen as part of the penalty system, it could certainly do with being better at dealing with those who are crap on purpose.

Yes, it can impact DR, but it should - you can't finish races well if you're not finishing races...
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If one divebomber hits one car, that's one SR-impacting incident for them. If that one car hits another, and goes off track, and hits a wall, that's four SR-impacting incidents for them.

Of course the system has been churned up and tinkered with several times over the past two years, so it just isn't that straightforward. Nonetheless, SR was never intended as a rating of you hitting people, but of your racecraft - being able to stay on the grey stuff without contact with other things, fault or not. Yes, it can impact DR, but it should - you can't finish races well if you're not finishing races...
I'm sorry, but I see absolutely no evidence to support that. I do see dive-bombers punting people off with seemingly no effect to the is SR.
Many a race I have seen one or two players wreck most of the field, yet they still get blue S. While the rest of us gets red S or even s.

Edit: misread your post. That might be it. But it's out of your control. The system requires everyone to want to be clean for it to work. And it's not the case.
But it's out of your control.
Yes... and no. Ultimately your SR is in your control by choosing to drive within your limits, without excess aggression, without "rubbin is racing"... and by avoiding nobbers. It is extremely hard to avoid some contact with someone intent on taking you out (but satisfying when you do :lol: ), and it's not something racing drivers generally have to deal with.

Yes, you're sacrificing speed that way but - and it's a given that GT Sport does not feature terminal damage - to finish first, first you must finish. That's pretty much the raison d'etre of SR.
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Ok let’s just say you are B dr...You’ve no need to get above B sr unless you wanna get to A, even then you only need A sr.
The object of a race isn’t everyone driving around not racing!
That’s something different.
My point is ok I get many players are E or D Dr, so GO AHEAD have fun! If someone smashes you off catch them and smash them off! It’s not gonna matter you’re not getting reset, same with B, on this server B B has a lot of good racing, I personally don’t prefer how dirty it is but it’s B sr!
At 99 you will get gobbled up if you make a big mistake just like A and worse A plus.

I’ve said many many many times the original shared fault was best!
However EVERYONE complained and everything since has been worse than it was at game outset imo.
So my deal is thanks guys. Shoulda been quiet and given it a chance!

"... EVERYONE ..."

"... EVERYONE ..."


Please explain how sr- not happening will result in clean play and good matching again?
If the goal of having high sr is to achieve clean racing certainly mistakes and transgressions should be severely punished, no?
I say blame both parties it’s pretty simple.
The last update made sr harder to recover if lost. That’s a positive.
It also made sr down easier to get again positive, compared to the last iteration in which many players stopped entering races because there was no sr down given at all.
Strangely I found in my lobbies vigilante justice and fear of retribution (racing culture) formed, and people were immediately handing positions back if mistakes were made because they KNEW if they did not they’d get punted. If someone made a transgression and showed no remorse they were assumed to be dirty.
Many players at many levels hated it and stopped playing because chaos at average levels, no one at any sr but 99...
STRICT SR down even with lack of functioning blame assignment is better for more players.
Less sr UP same.
More people like it this way. It appears that severities are now different per race if I’m honest...
Sr down being more strict equals cleaner matching.
Basic hedonism.
It needs to be immediate severe punishment if the incident is severe. Otherwise the behavior is rewarded.
SR is FAR FROM the ONLY factor in matching.
Just as important is speed. No one has fun if they are D and there’s 15 a plus 99 matched to one d 99 who runs the race alone in last and is lucky to finish.
It’s why I say if you are D be D, it’s not what I did I have been filler guy many times in the past...But, C only needs C B only B. People worry too much about stats just play, c c or b b isn’t tough to maintain...
I disagree with your notion to take the system backwards and negate sr down totally.
Might as well have nothing...
Again, racing is racing, everyone wants a world in which every driver makes no mistakes and never barges and you always get a trophy.
I don’t think that way.

Good day sir
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Please explain how sr- not happening will result in clean play and good matching again?
If the goal of having high sr is to achieve clean racing certainly mistakes and transgressions should be severely punished, no?
I say blame both parties it’s pretty simple.
The last update made sr harder to recover if lost. That’s a positive.
It also made sr down easier to get again positive, compared to the last iteration in which many players stopped entering races because there was no sr down given at all.
Strangely I found in my lobbies vigilante justice and fear of retribution (racing culture) formed, and people were immediately handing positions back if mistakes were made because they KNEW if they did not they’d get punted. If someone made a transgression and showed no remorse they were assumed to be dirty.
Many players at many levels hated it and stopped playing because chaos at average levels, no one at any sr but 99...
STRICT SR down even with lack of functioning blame assignment is better for more players.
Less sr UP same.
More people like it this way. It appears that severities are now different per race if I’m honest...
Sr down being more strict equals cleaner matching.
Basic hedonism.
It needs to be immediate severe punishment if the incident is severe. Otherwise the behavior is rewarded.
SR is FAR FROM the ONLY factor in matching.
Just as important is speed. No one has fun if they are D and there’s 15 a plus 99 matched to one d 99 who runs the race alone in last and is lucky to finish.
It’s why I say if you are D be D, it’s not what I did I have been filler guy many times in the past...But, C only needs C B only B. People worry too much about stats just play, c c or b b isn’t tough to maintain...
I disagree with your notion to take the system backwards and negate sr down totally.
Might as well have nothing...
Again, racing is racing, everyone wants a world in which every driver makes no mistakes and never barges and you always get a trophy.
I don’t think that way.

Good day sir

Clearly you're not interested in discussion (you haven't read a word I've said) and just want to rant against... well it's very hard to tell, but have at it, it's a free forum.

They are not contradictary, you just don't understand what I'm getting at with those words. I suggested you look back at my previous posts (where I did spell out what I meant by them) but doesn't seem like you did.

I say that SR should be a statistiscal measure. If the +SR/-SR are too large then the statistical nature is lost in the noise of big swings - and it ends up rating you by just your last race or two.

'Punishment' is a term that comes about from PD trying to work out who is to blame. If they could ever have got that right then of course a big -SR would be reasonable.

However, even though they have not and cannot correctly apportion blame, they still hand out punishment-sized -SR. This is clearly unfair for an innocent victim, doubly so if it causes a DR reset. For any case where there isn't clear fault the -SR given to both players has to be relatively mild to be fair.

For SR to work well, the -SR and +SR have to be tuned well. Roughly speaking, at launch the -SR was somewhere about right but the +SR was too big, especially for high SR players (so too many had SR 99). The goal of tuning it should be that it represents how a player typically plays, and shouldn't swing around rapidly.

It's a tricky thing and getting it as good as it could be would please nobody who has an idealistic viewpoint - it would still be somewhat unfair, and dirty players would still be able to get away with a certain amount of bad behaviour, at least below SR S. But it's the least worst option.

Fundamentally the goal of SR is to decide who you get matched with and that's all that matters. Thinking of (or using) -SR as punishment is wrong and gets in the way of it achieving that goal.

Counter-intuitive? Yes. Inconsistent? No.
Clearly you're not interested in discussion (you haven't read a word I've said) and just want to rant against... well it's very hard to tell, but have at it, it's a free forum.

If you had read (and thought) (reading comprehension) my post you would see why what you are alluding to does not produce results.
But continue on by all means not directly responding.
If you had read (and thought) (reading comprehension) my post you would see why what you are alluding to does not produce results.
But continue on by all means not directly responding.

You accuse me of wanting to do away with -SR, of wanting a system where everyone ends up at 99 SR.

Even after I've posted repeatedly how I'm very much against that.

I fail to see what's reasonable there.
A good example of this crappy system is the current Fuji race.

I get obviously punted on T1, I go flying across the sand and smash into the barrier.

I get a 5 second penalty to boot where the guy who hit me got nothing. This is in an A+ S lobby too. I was on the cusp of losing A+ so lost like 3000 DR for that race. Bah!!

Why do we even have barrier penalties when you’ve already lost so much time? I get they are to stop wall riding etc, but it’s not hard to work out when someone is doing that or not.

It makes no sense and therefore is justifiably ridiculed.
You accuse me of wanting to do away with -SR, of wanting a system where everyone ends up at 99 SR.

Yes exactly because that’s what happens when you lower the amount of sr down for contact. Already been tried. Failed. (Your idea)

Look everyone can agree we all want a more FAIR system, like the poster above, wouldn’t it be great if both cars got the 6 seconds? I do.
This is why I mentioned before culture it would develop racing culture.
Everyone involved would get pissed and punting people would not be wise.
The last update made sr down easier to get and sr up harder to get.
One of the regs in another thread tested it the day it happened. His report was confirmed by others and my own experience and it was an improvement, but it’s overall still poor. That’s why the update is coming.
Yes exactly because that’s what happens when you lower the amount of sr down for contact. Already been tried. Failed. (Your idea)

Look everyone can agree we all want a more FAIR system, like the poster above, wouldn’t it be great if both cars got the 6 seconds? I do.
This is why I mentioned before culture it would develop racing culture.
Everyone involved would get pissed and punting people would not be wise.
The last update made sr down easier to get and sr up harder to get.
One of the regs in another thread tested it the day it happened. His report was confirmed by others and my own experience and it was an improvement, but it’s overall still poor. That’s why the update is coming.
I am very much for shared penalties, since PD obviously can not position blame where it should be.
I am also for severe SR down. Given that the penalties would create a healthy racing culture, and perhaps they would.

But I am not holding my breath...
Agree totally. It's the cleaner drivers being demoted because the offenders are not being penalised.

That was my experience last week. I met a lot of clean drivers I know from earlier in SR.B and even lower on the Nord. Drivers that I used to race in SR.S, always clean and respectful. Yet when I got back to SR.S I check my players met list and 3 of them were already blocked while in lower SR it was at most one or two I had previously blocked (I block particularly bad and dirty drivers since the players met list neatly updates before the race and it gives me a quick reference who to stay away from)

Losing SR was as simple as this

That's -10 SR or max -5 SR for the race last week. Get hit one more time from behind for SR Down (no penalty needed) -15 SR for the race. Get hit another time, -25 SR for the race.

It was ridiculous, one hit from behind wiped out the progress of 2 clean contact free races. I had many clean race bonuses last week, and 5 DR resets. But perhaps PD wants me to qualify so I get a free pole to flag victory when my SR drops :lol: Matchmaking is still as much broken as the SR system. Meaningless when the 80-89 SR highest DR players get matched with the 90-99 SR lowest DR players. Those rooms don't make any sense and actively reward losing SR to get a free lunch (if you qualify :cheers:)
One of the regs in another thread tested it the day it happened. His report was confirmed by others and my own experience and it was an improvement
Too little empirical data. The system needs to run for at least a week before we can see how it pans out. Preferably two weeks to avoid a single track making a vast impact.
Yes exactly because that’s what happens when you lower the amount of sr down for contact. Already been tried. Failed. (Your idea)

Nope. It wasn't tried. Just proves again that you don't read my posts.

Enjoy arguing against your imagination of what I've said, you don't need me for that!

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