Its pretty unpleasant in FIA races. Is it actually more severe or does it just appear that way because theres less bounciness in the collisions?
I dont know, I had a couple of race C and race A lately start the same and have similar contact, just think it is getting a touch more erratic in how people are punished.

After the last official update it was tap on corner entry, car in front gets pinged. Tap on exit, car on outside or behind gets punished. Now it is becoming totally random. And taps you cant feel get a penalty, full on punts off get nothing. They have definitely changed something recently.
I just watched some streams of races in higher A+ Lobbys. Sometimes you can have an idea why a penalty is given out but still mostly not.

A car B cant avoid hitting car A because A was slowed down from an incident. Now the car C in the behind cant do anything else then hitting car B.

What happens? Car B gets a 3 sec Penalty. My guess is, the system thinks he ramed car A and then brake checked car C.
Or at least he must have done 1 of these errors.

I doupt enjoyable racing will ever be provided with an artificial penalty system. In my opinion good racing is and will only be possible in communitys. The reason why in top splits there is proper racing is not only because they know the rules and can control their cars, it is because they know each other and race only each other everytime. They've already become a community.
I don’t know what the solution is

I think the solution was there from the start, shared fault. It wasn't a particularly well-executed one (10s penalties were overzealous) but the core system made sense.

After spending more time with the current, I don't mind it. It could be worse. The key area it's nurturing is making people aware that contact is discouraged in a no-contact sport. Although fundamental flaws remain, sideswiping and light brush contact to push a car off the track often don't trigger a penalty.

I think on average (while I do get questionable/unjustified) with my SR Downs, I can say well, that's on me. I should had braked earlier here, anticipated the car in front braking early with traffic ahead of them or whatever. A touch of passive/cautious driving and giving yourself breathing room can go a long way, aggressiveness and at the helm of someone's bumper all the time isn't going to fly.
I think on average (while I do get questionable/unjustified) with my SR Downs, I can say well, that's on me. I should had braked earlier here, anticipated the car in front braking early with traffic ahead of them or whatever. A touch of passive/cautious driving and giving yourself breathing room can go a long way, aggressiveness and at the helm of someone's bumper all the time isn't going to fly.

I completely agree about giving people a bit of room but not everybody has got the message. I had a race yesterday where the two in front were battling door to door, I could see it wasn't going to end well, lifted off a bit to give myself room to deal with their fallout, then got hit from behind and received an SR down. Sometimes you just can't win!
Just sharing one from last week, on reflection I think they've definitely made the system much more sensitive to catching 'deliberate turn-ins' but that doesn't always work out as planned........

This is why I use an alt account on Dailies now... to avoid the idiots and also because the penalty system is so screwed up that it's impossible to race clean if you want to overtake anyone ever. Or, you can just ride around behind people and finish where you qualify. But with the usual Senna-wannabes (two of them with replica helmets separately caused me to lose 20 SR in two consecutive races this afternoon by swerving in the last turn of Suzuka).

But the penalties are so stupid:

1) guy loses it in a Scirocco, (and I get tapped from behind) ...I cannot avoid touching his rear bumper (and I get overtaken in the process of trying to) and I get a 2 sec penalty (on lap 1... a death sentence for that race), and a SR reduction
2) lap 2 in the sale race, another guy in a Porsche loses it in the same complex, and then turns into me, and again I get the time penalty and another SR reduction
3) Next race, I leave a guy 200 yards on the last lap, because he's losing it every other corner, but he bins it so bad in the last corner that he ghosts, so I try to clear on the outside, but this Senna fan isn't done causing trouble, and swerves into me after ghosting, in the final turn of a Daily Race A (after he bullied his way to the position in front of me at the start, which I yielded to afterward to avoid just this thing.)

(SR DOWN and 2 SEC PENALTY) (to the moron that thinks I should have known he'd inexplicably drop a wheel on the inside curb of that first apex, and thus nearly bin it in front of me, when there was no one to his outside, when he was on a perfectly fine line on entry, go stuff yourself. Tapping him ever so lightly, after giving him three car lengths on entry, and he screws up a turn that way, was in no way a driving foul on my part and didn't merit a 2 sec penalty that immediately put me in last place.)

(SR DOWN and 1 SEC PENALTY) (notice also that I'm hit from behind by the Lambo, which is a factor- him being right on my rear means I had nowhere to go but beside the Porsche, and that I had help getting there when he hit me... also got no penalty) (to the moron suggesting I should be able to see the future and not be on the throttle, see prior statement, and recognize that what I did was get beside the Porsche because I knew the Lambo was potentially going to punt me into the rear of the Porsche, which would have sent him off, earned me a sure penalty, and perhaps ended in a worse ball-up. So being beside him here is not the problem. Getting turned into by the Porsche is. Stuff yourself if you want to argue about that.)


So my spotless record is not at the moment, and if I wanted to run an FIA race I'd have to rehab it again before I could earn any useful points and compete against people that I deserve to. Stupid, stupid system.

I completely agree about giving people a bit of room but not everybody has got the message. I had a race yesterday where the two in front were battling door to door, I could see it wasn't going to end well, lifted off a bit to give myself room to deal with their fallout, then got hit from behind and received an SR down. Sometimes you just can't win!

this is one of the worst things about current system. Hair trigger for contact in front of you but then also assigns penalty or SR downs when you get rear ended, and as you’ve said, often as you are trying to avoid someone in front or give room to a row ahead of you, like you might IRL. But: penalty either way. It’s a no-win, unless you just concede positions, which is not racing.
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I only did one race this week, Big Willow. Full of TT cups, not my cup of tea. I was a bit slow for the room in the RC F, but had no problem staying on track and keep a decent pace. However faster front runners crashed off and I guess expected me to simply pull over when they came up from behind. I gave one room in the last turn to pass along the inside since he wasn't going to wait for the straight. So we end up side by side, no problem, he kept his line, however then the next one simply rear ends me at corner exit, penalty for me... What does the game expect me to do, drive off the track when a car comes up from behind :confused:

This penalty system is a no win situation. At least one penalty didn't drop my SR which is maybe why there was so much door banging and contact in that race with many cars flying off. SR.S top lobby back to normal.
2) lap 2 in the sale race, another guy in a Porsche loses it in the same complex, and then turns into me, and again I get the time penalty and another SR reduction

3) Next race, I leave a guy 200 yards on the last lap, because he's losing it every other corner, but he bins it so bad in the last corner that he ghosts, so I try to clear on the outside, but this Senna fan isn't done causing trouble, and swerves into me after

Just a heads up both these you just plowed right into a sliding car ahead full throttle.
You could think ahead more but your name rhymes with kamikaze so..
2 is particularly comical when you said he turned in lmao. The throttle has more positions besides wide open Yano?
The only way I managed to progress was focusing in on a certain race.
I was almost going to post about this elsewhere but I just find it too hard to race well when switching races.
Just one, it’s doable...

Sound advice and a strategy I've employed during my time online. I started with Race A this week and, with some good placings, managed to regain DR/B - SR/S, until the punters moved in and ruined it. So, I moved onto Red Bull Race B and that was a complete disaster and I'm now back to DR/C SR/D. As said, many of the orange SR downs are due to me being hit, which seems totally ridiculous in my view.

I'm not sure whether others have found this, but most success is gained at the very early stages of the week when others have not attempted the race yet. If you put in a good qualifying time and have a good grid position, you can escape from the sharks and have a fairly clear run to the finish with green SR plus all the way round. I find that towards the end of the week, when the morons have mastered the track, they will take any chance to win and that's when the trouble sets in. If the penalty system worked properly and you didn't get penalised for others hitting you, it wouldn't be so bad.
Just a heads up both these you just plowed right into a sliding car ahead full throttle.
You could think ahead more but your name rhymes with kamikaze so..
2 is particularly comical when you said he turned in lmao. The throttle has more positions besides wide open Yano?

are you serious? you call that plowing? he merely kissed people's back while trying to avoid them!
its kind of funny seeing you defending this system no matter what , even Jean Girard would burst in laughs reading that non sense of yours
@Groundfish your fighting a losing battle. This thread is and will stay as a place where people just moan about penalties no matter what the system is because even if they are at least 50% responsible, it’s always someone else’s fault.

I’ve posted in this thread on both sides of the argument with the aim we can improve the system and everyone’s ability to race cleanly.

Sadly people don’t want to take responsibility for their actions - maybe they could’ve braked a little more to avoid that slight tap, maybe they could’ve taken avoiding action to miss a collision, maybe they could’ve backed out of a move even though they were well in their rights to go for it and sometimes **** just happens and you have to take it on the chin.

But nope, they are and never will be at fault because everyone is the perfect driver and if something happens it’s either the other persons fault or the systems fault.

Good luck to the future posters, I hope this thread becomes a more positive place to be where things can move forward but I’m not coming back.

See ya’ll in another thread :gtpflag:
are you serious? you call that plowing? he merely kissed people's back while trying to avoid them!
its kind of funny seeing you defending this system no matter what , even Jean Girard would burst in laughs reading that non sense of yours

I love the logic... "oh, good sir... you've made a mistake, which has allowed me to get alongside of you... but I yield: here.. now you go and try again, I'll just stay behind, even though your mistake should have offered me the advantage." Especially on lap one, where positions are at a premium.

If I make a mistake like that, where the guy behind me can get beside me, I will yield to that driver because it's unfair to put us both at risk when I made a mistake, and then try to manically protect my spot despite it. My bobble shouldn't mean that I put the driver behind me at risk, and if that driver can get beside me as a result, I sure as heck owe him the apex if he's beside me because of my mistake. A penalty system that rewards people for doing the opposite is stupid.

And on the VW, I was giving him all kinds of room, and when we touched because he nearly lost it on his own, I get the time penalty. OK, yeah, again, I'll slow EVEN MORE and let everyone around so I don't get that penalty.

Either sarcastic, gaslighting, or just not right in the head. Seems to be the MO.

In both cases, getting a time penalty for the contact was complete BS. And the SR down was severe, at 20 points for the two incidents (while the other cars involved also got 0).
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@Groundfish your fighting a losing battle. This thread is and will stay as a place where people just moan about penalties no matter what the system is because even if they are at least 50% responsible, it’s always someone else’s fault.

Well it’s not a battle to me. I try to point out what is.
But, you are correct. At some point you just do your own thing and give up trying to help folks understand anything...
Most people do seem to consider hitting other players every other lap to be normal in online racing.
Just like they think if someone in front of them bobbles a touch in a turn that it’s time to pin it and if the fella ahead doesn’t pull over for them it’s somehow wrong?
Mind blowing how inane...
Then the odd time or two the game rightly penalizes them they complain.
In the example above, I’ve had that exact situation at Casio and at Willow.
I mean if you can’t see where the car in front of you is going to end up well...smh.
Some people here seem to enjoy and understand the memes better than intelligent discussion. So some thoughts off the top of my head:


(just guessing)


(gender-neutral, same point)


(true, this one.)


(seems pretty on point)

I was here, and on this page, specifically to share some examples where the penalty system is crap, as an opinion. Amongst people who might share the opinion or appreciate a good discussion about it (raison d'être for the forum, I suppose, by definition). Getting hard to do that with the tone and unsolicited lecturing from the smarter people than me who share the forum.

By the way, I hate the memes so I don't mean to proliferate them instead of intelligent discussion, but since that seems it seems to be better received, thought I would try to adapt, since I'm the one who seems to be in the wrong (though again, not a battle, right? Of course, if one person isn't wrong, then why is there an argument? Or do people agree? I'm confused by the double talk, to be honest. Seems like a copout. Pick a meme from above, I think I about covered it).
Think that the issue with Willow is the game permits extreme rallying which would destroy a car IRL. Makes it almost impossible to accurately predict where/when/how they will rejoin the track. Have seen countless number of people go wide into the dirt at T5 and just run with it to the point they are joining on the straight after T6. As mentioned, running wide on the final turn and flying across the pit entrance is another big one.
If you drive the car as though contact might end your race, as it would in real life or in a simulator with a more accurate damage model, I find that most of these "they just turned into me!" situations disappear.

Act like ghosting isn't going to happen, drive around ghosts instead of through them, don't gun it if the car ahead is in trouble unless you can clearly make the pass, if someone is clearly coming back on track after a rally stint maybe don't be on the part of track they're coming back onto? Aim behind them.

Lots of videos here show situations where the game is totally inaccurate in assigning blame.

But lots of videos show situations where all contact could have been avoided with more careful driving...
It still doesn't feel right that the front car isn't punished for mistakes, erratic and dangerous driving. If the front driver didn't make a mistake or wasn't driving erratically in the first place, the rear driver is unlikely to make contact. If we're not punished for mistakes, we don't learn from them.

In ACC, the driver ahead makes a mistake, that's how the rear car made contact but big difference, he's punished for his mistake.1. Front driver is punished for erratic and arguably dangerous driving 2. Rear car should had raised their awareness level more and tried avoiding contact. Seems fair. In GTS, point 1 is missing and the rear car is punished in expense of the front making a mistake. There's a little too much emphasis on punishing the rear car. The rear car is not always the one at fault in an incident.

Another thing I want to emphasise is side contact, if you push pass a car at the side, no SR Down. I've done this myself several times and each time I was never punished. I've slowed down to let them pass me but I think most people won't. If we're issuing SR Down for light rear contact, why not for side contact. It's contradictory.
Eh... The title of the penalty is wrong since he didn't go off track, and he did close the door on you there but I mean you're kind of fishing for a penalty and SR downs with your driving. First the bump at the top of the hill and then trying to dive through under braking even though you weren't that close when you hit the braking zone.

He should be getting a SR down for closing the door on you if we're being fair, but maybe don't be so aggressive next time and you won't get any penalties at all?
Wow, last night was just crazy and in the space of 2 races I went from SR99 to SR65! On the Nordschleife I was punted twice by a huge dive-bomb up the inside sending me flying off track and smashing into the barriers, and both times got an SR down and a 4 second penalty whilst the driver who smashed me drove off with nothing!
Then I went to Bathurst to try and recover some SR, and again, people crashing in front of me through the tight mountain section spinning across the track and smashing into me also gave me a 4 second penalty and an SR down even though I had no chance of avoiding them.
It's a complete mess and seems to punish clean drivers more than the dirty ones. :mad:
Exactly the reason I won't be running any of the dailies this week. They are all SR / DR killers. I spent all last week building back up to A / S after a reset due to this wacky penalty system.
First is an example of fair and respectful racing, followed by another classic GTS penalty system failure. I got an SR down as well as the 1 second penalty. I mean, WTF??? Luckily I got all my SR back through the rest of the race, but I have no idea how that could be deemed my fault!
