So I’ve defended the recent update and I finally had a bad experience so thought it only fair to even out my argument.
I was AS just for ref.
So jumped into race B for a quick couple races before bed, it’s now 3 hours later
First race I very very gently touched the rear of the car ahead twice and recieved 2 SR downs, which is fair enough as a warning. Race went well, no penalties etc. Then I realised I lost 20sr - holy smokes

that’s insane!!
No worries I’ll do a race C then call it a night. Race C is now filled with all sorts because I’m SR A now. Turn 1 skittled out of p3 with half a dozen others. Got stuck in the mid pack craziness and ended nurtral SR. Urgh. Not doing that again. Back to race B for a couple because I know I won’t get skittled at t1 and it’s a fun combo.
Race B only gives a max of 4Sr and even with all green if you corner cut you only gain 2SR. So 6 races later I’m back just into top split and have had some really fun and close races on the way even if the field has been split with A top half and D bottom half.
1 last race because I’m having fun and it’s now so late it doesn’t matter any more. Back in top split happy days, full AS lobby. Having a great 3 car battle and at the end of lap 2 the car behind misses his brake marker and does the right thing avoids us by miles and cuts the chicane so as not to hit us. I turn right and WHAM stop dead, wtf happened, then I see I’m inside his reset ghosted car. We continue he unghosts in front of me and I get a 3.5s penalty and end the race with -20SR and back to AA.
Fustrating as it is, it doesn’t matter to me any more as I don’t take fia serious and will grind race c next week to get back up to AS, but I can see why people are not playing/moaning here/running multiple accounts.
since the update this is my first “stupid” penalty and I’m still in favour of the system overall. However the Sr system is a bit OTT right now.
It’s not fair to penalise someone -10 per minor contact when you can only gain +4 per whole race A/B.
I would suggest that for an SR down with a penalty -10 is fair. For SR down with no penalty -2 or 3 would be fairer and more aching to a slap on the wrist an SR down should be.
Other than that, much clean racing to report and I have enjoyed my evening. (Also Race C sucks, wtf is with that tyre multiplier
