I beg to differ. Yesterday evening at NGP, usually the cleanest day of the week, had tons of door banging (which doesn't trigger penalties). I got pushed outside the track either in the braking zone (on the outside) or at corner exit. People caught on that bumper to bumper contact is bad and are now fully compensating with side contact... This was all at SR.99 in fast lobbies. Then when I get completely driven off the road (see a few posts above) I get 3 sec penalty for forcing another car off. It couldn't be more backwards.
I have never experienced so much contact on a Sunday evening... For example:
No penalties issued, no respect, no fear.
My driving style didn't change either. Last week I never left 99 SR, the week before on Monza 3 DR resets. It's all or nothing with this system with nothing in between it seems.
Well seems one of the issues is that SR and DR reset can happen in a single race witch means big hits on the ranking even in minor incidents.
I only realized that from watching some streamers, one of them it´s kie but most of the times he get a penalty is cause he is over agressive or dive bomb others.., bump them etc and he blames the system.., but when he dont get a penalty and put others out of the race he laughts.
I was not saying that it´s a proven fact that races are better.., i barely do dailys and when i do i only pick combos with long races...
In theory this system could work in the way that people really need to take care of the car like in RL, most of times people see an incident in front or an error happening when a player lose control they try to capitalize.., the tendency is saying its not their fault cause they didnt caused the incident, but if the main thing people do its try capitalize instead of brake and avoid contact.., in RL races almost for sure the car will get damaged and its race over.., what is happening in GT in those situations is that people get penaltys even when they didnt nothing to provoque an incident.
Same for rear bumps…, game not always penalize that situations but when it does its cause contact happened.
I think its really hard to design a system and like your saying your experience has nothing to do with mine, i went to see some videos and yes ican understand why people are getting mad, probably i had luck lately but like i mentioned small combo races with few laps it´s not my thing longer is my thing and FIA races i do like them.
I´m not the best example but theres my last races witch aren´t many…, i totally avoid dailys causes most of the times in the past they only made me rage.., just like your mentioning, seems nothing has changed probably i had luck in races i did.