So frustrating. Just had a race around Suzuka and had a massive run and was allowed the inside line into 130R and got side swiped and taken out. Then the same guy waiting and slowed down to take me out again by side swiping me at speed totally punting me to Narnia. I had my car reset and he then rage quit. I proceeded to finish the race, driving calmly and tapped the guy in front super gently (he didn't go off track or even off line it was that light) and I get an SR down.
After the race I checked on Kudos prime and I ended the race with a lower SR rating than the guy who deliberately took me out! That's just messed up!
So frustrating. Just had a race around Suzuka and had a massive run and was allowed the inside line into 130R and got side swiped and taken out. Then the same guy waiting and slowed down to take me out again by side swiping me at speed totally punting me to Narnia. I had my car reset and he then rage quit. I proceeded to finish the race, driving calmly and tapped the guy in front super gently (he didn't go off track or even off line it was that light) and I get an SR down.
After the race I checked on Kudos prime and I ended the race with a lower SR rating than the guy who deliberately took me out! That's just messed up!

Look at this, ultimate proof the penalty system doesn't work

This dude wrecks five people, including me, giving them all penalties and walks away with blue SR.
Look at this, ultimate proof the penalty system doesn't work

This dude wrecks five people, including me, giving them all penalties and walks away with blue SR.

you know what is the common denominator between all the victimes? they all had higher DR than that dirty guy , this is exactly why handing you penalties based on DR is the most brain dead idea ever
Look at this, ultimate proof the penalty system doesn't work

This dude wrecks five people, including me, giving them all penalties and walks away with blue SR.

Wow, now that really sucks. Even when I get punted deliberately I resist any kind of revenge punting. It really sucks when good drivers come off worse than the dirty drivers!
Imo it’s not dr based given that I just ran like 30 races at Seaside at A plus sometimes even B drivers starting ahead of me. I’m sure there were bumps from b to a plus without me getting pens.
In the past I would never dream of running gr4 at Seaside in a 4 lap sprint.
This week it was great!
I can only think of 2 bad races I had and one was all my fault.

The racing under this system is fantastic imo. It’s the best it’s been since the game was released.

Edit I think scoring wise it’s pretty good too even if you get dinged it comes back up easily.
I think the system does better if you drive in stable fashion-choosing line into braking zones early-holding tight inside when you are inside and so forth.
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None of them make sense. At Seaside I had a 1 sec BS penalty and the car right in front of me 2 sec. We both slow down at the PZ, absolutely no difference between 2 sec or 1 sec, same separation afterwards. At Monza the difference between 1 and 2 sec to serve was almost 3 seconds more lost. At Tokyo Inner loop, higher penalties just make the car auto drive the corner.

All 3 of them only create more incidents, Seaside just before a fast left, Monza narrow straight with a kink and Tokyo inner loop in the braking zone for a fast right hander. I've seen them create many many secondary incidents this week.

Yes the one at Tokyo South Inner is stupid and it causes a road hazard if you’re not careful when they solidify. I literally had to slow down to a car that finished serving and was just about to solidify. I would had hit him if I didn’t.
The racing under this system is fantastic imo. It’s the best it’s been since the game was released.

Good for you, man. 👍

I've noticed something weird. During one of the many races at DTS last week I got a 2s penalty and (of course) an SR down. I checked my KP profile right after to see how many SR points I had lost and it was only 1 (from 94 to 93). For a penalty!!! Then another race I only got 1 SR down in the entire race (for completely inconsequential contact of course) and I had lost 6 SR points. From what I've seen and experienced at DTS, it actually looked to me like the less severe the contact/incident the bigger the punishment. I've seen players get 1s for completely obliterating someone and players get 3s for contact with absolutely no consequences whatsoever. It's completely backwards. So I think DR still plays a massive role.
Good for you, man. 👍

I've noticed something weird. During one of the many races at DTS last week I got a 2s penalty and (of course) an SR down. I checked my KP profile right after to see how many SR points I had lost and it was only 1 (from 94 to 93). For a penalty!!! Then another race I only got 1 SR down in the entire race (for completely inconsequential contact of course) and I had lost 6 SR points. From what I've seen and experienced at DTS, it actually looked to me like the less severe the contact/incident the bigger the punishment. I've seen players get 1s for completely obliterating someone and players get 3s for contact with absolutely no consequences whatsoever. It's completely backwards. So I think DR still plays a massive role.

Yep, I've noticed that as well at Monza, up to -12 SR for a simple SR Down from a contact that hardly registers on either car, to much less when you get a time penalty. If you're going to hit someone, make it a good punt to reduce SR loss :banghead:

Wow, now that really sucks. Even when I get punted deliberately I resist any kind of revenge punting. It really sucks when good drivers come off worse than the dirty drivers!

That guy had figured out the penalty system and was deliberately slowing down very early for corners to make contact with the car passing in the braking zone (alongside) and give them a penalty. Then he rammed them off with a sideways shunt which doesn't trigger a penalty. He would have finished 2nd but I put my car in front of him and forced him to a stop in the final lap. He already delivered me two penalties, might as well earn it lol.
Good for you, man. 👍

I've noticed something weird. During one of the many races at DTS last week I got a 2s penalty and (of course) an SR down. I checked my KP profile right after to see how many SR points I had lost and it was only 1 (from 94 to 93). For a penalty!!! Then another race I only got 1 SR down in the entire race (for completely inconsequential contact of course) and I had lost 6 SR points. From what I've seen and experienced at DTS, it actually looked to me like the less severe the contact/incident the bigger the punishment. I've seen players get 1s for completely obliterating someone and players get 3s for contact with absolutely no consequences whatsoever. It's completely backwards. So I think DR still plays a massive role.

I saw exactly the same thing on myself. I took a 4 second pen and was still 92 at race finish but red S.
I can’t remember if I took an SR down last week, oh wait I did when I went insane once and SR down I think lowers your SR more than a minor 1 second for contact.
Jmo but the system is a bit smarter now.
From watching people starting last intentionally seems like they are getting hit pretty hard. Anyway best possible system would be shared fault imo, but this system is pretty dang good right now, IF you are racing with smart drivers who aren’t swerving all over or maybe like in some low slow lobbies where no ones on the racing line or at the limit...In that case I dunno, really it’s valid to be anywhere on track in that case or turn any direction at any time.
No system can make up for a race full of drivers who have no idea how to race :)
The system does well at assigning blame imo like for example there was an example given back a ways at Nurb GP where the driver ahead complained that the guy behind made contact with his rear in the tight chicane and he took a one second...Well in both instances the driver that was penalized was on the brake mid chicane so yeah you’re gonna get a pen if the game thinks you are doing a brake check. It’s not proper to have brake input when you should be on throttle there with no trouble immediately ahead.
Jmo but brake before apex throttle after on the racing line seems to work well for me. It’s not luck that many people I raced with all week stayed 99 with minimal penalties being issued. Some Americans but many South Americans also that raced excellent as well as a large Canadian contingent that was also very skilled for the most part.
S Americans can get a very undeserved bad rap sometimes and I’ve seen many times people complaining about them but if you look closely a lot of times the person complaining was unaware-off racing line-not defending properly-slow-what is the guy behind supposed to do when the guy in front of Homs driving makes no sense to a person who understands racing fundamentals?
I mean I make many many mistakes too but I try to learn from that and make a better choice next time...

Edit: one thing I’ve noticed is on defending. Let’s say you mess up a corner exit or the guy behind you nails it perfectly and has a good run gaining on you.
In this situation you do still have some control over what he cans do. You choose what side of the track you want him on by making an assertive move to the left or right side of the track WITHOUT disrupting the car behinds momentum. If you do this anyone who is a racer will give you more respect. Just make your move and stay to that line until the next braking zone or corner.
When you get to that zone or corner basic corner rights apply.
If you kinda wishy washy it or kinda fade left then go right or just stay middle and wait then cut them off or squeeze them out than there will be trouble. I love seeing the guy ahead of me make his intentions known, then we can race. Others seemed to like this behavior from me as well.
You are not unfairly blocking their momentum but you are still ahead.
In essence you are saying ok good job you have the speed on me but my car will be HERE, On THIS line, and it’s not over yet.

Kind of a newer trend some dirty racers do is they are on a straight right behind you go defensive toward the inside, then they force you to track limit inside trying to scare you, then just before braking zone they cross the track way back to the racing line.
In this case the response is simple you go right back over there with them (given no traffic coming) then stay calm, don’t outbrake yourself, just match their braking nose to nose as close to their car as possible without touching and take your apex...Control the track
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Imo it’s not dr based given that I just ran like 30 races at Seaside at A plus sometimes even B drivers starting ahead of me.

Although I don't even race the dailies anymore I often questioned people making this common DR based statement. I am not sure I agree with DR at all since I would get penalties and my DR is 1. There can't be that many people lower than me racing.
Get ACC and never look back. The penalty and ratings system is far superior. With the addition of private lobbies (which aren't really private, but rather based on safety rating) you can have up to 20 like minded racers on track. You qualify per race. Wanna start front of pack? Set a good qualy. Wanna come from behind? Don't set a qualy. Mostly 20 minute races so if you make a mistake there's time to come back from it. Far far fewer schmucks on track. Racers actually slow down and try to avoid accidents in front of them. Racers actually let you buy in many cases of you have faster pace. IMO just a better overall racing experience.
None of them make sense. At Seaside I had a 1 sec BS penalty and the car right in front of me 2 sec. We both slow down at the PZ, absolutely no difference between 2 sec or 1 sec, same separation afterwards. At Monza the difference between 1 and 2 sec to serve was almost 3 seconds more lost. At Tokyo Inner loop, higher penalties just make the car auto drive the corner.

All 3 of them only create more incidents, Seaside just before a fast left, Monza narrow straight with a kink and Tokyo inner loop in the braking zone for a fast right hander. I've seen them create many many secondary incidents this week.
Let us not all forget that for one of the races PD started off with a penalty zone in between Eau Rouge and Radillion.
Although I don't even race the dailies anymore I often questioned people making this common DR based statement. I am not sure I agree with DR at all since I would get penalties and my DR is 1. There can't be that many people lower than me racing.

It is a factor. I race a lot and I've noticed it a lot last week thanks to 3 DR resets going from A to D to B to D etc. Lower DR much less chance at getting those zero effect SR Downs.

However there is a clear difference between front back contact on straights and in corners. On straights (past corner exit) by default the car in front gets SR Down, in corners the car behind gets SR Down. DR does influence this decision and also determines the severity of any time penalties when assigned. It's not that higher DR always gets the penalty, but it does seem DR influences the balance of the scale.

Let us not all forget that for one of the races PD started off with a penalty zone in between Eau Rouge and Radillion.


The one at Tokyo East is also great, right in front of the second most important braking zone. It was great when wall penalties were still 5 to 15 seconds depending on whether you got stuck on the wall. Some people would rack up 40 seconds in one lap and auto drive around the hairpin :lol:
I’ve been playing the daily GR1 race and in 3 races gone from B:S to B:B. I was hit in 2 races and the best of the lot was a guy started spinning, he was ghosted, I drive through him and received a 4 second penalty

the game governance is utter utter ******* and I have no confidence PS5 will improve it, I think Polyphony should take a long hard look at themselves - they have no excuses with the low standard of code they have put in and hide behind an FIA banner as some form of acceptance of their rubbish.
Get ACC and never look back. The penalty and ratings system is far superior. With the addition of private lobbies (which aren't really private, but rather based on safety rating) you can have up to 20 like minded racers on track. You qualify per race. Wanna start front of pack? Set a good qualy. Wanna come from behind? Don't set a qualy. Mostly 20 minute races so if you make a mistake there's time to come back from it. Far far fewer schmucks on track. Racers actually slow down and try to avoid accidents in front of them. Racers actually let you buy in many cases of you have faster pace. IMO just a better overall racing experience.

ACC is good to drive, definitely fun ffb/physics. The AI is great to race but it’s AI. Last time I was on there there weren’t rooms that were full within a reasonable ping on tracks I know and can race. The rating system is very advanced, and I’m looking forward to see if enough people adopt it, but it lacks the GTS ‘fun factor’ of online for me, right now.
I’ve only run a couple online in ACC and the room wasn’t full it was like 6 cars and 1 Uber fast alien, 2 slugs, me and 2 guys kinda near my level...I hope more people get into this game because it’s great to drive. It’s a serious game competition server looked like 45 minute races (almost too long imo) 10-20 min is the sweet spot for me personally.
Kinda funny it’s rating system is so far beyond gts...

#shared fault
In the space of around a week I've gone from steady B/C S since Christmas.... To a DE!! What da hell?? I always try to race clean, but the gentlest of nudges - usually with me on the outside is a 4 second penalty. Even getting negative SR getting shunted from behind in a straight line.
My opinion of the penalty system at the moment :lol:

In your example at Nurb GP your left front quarter panel contacted the right side panel of a car in front of you in a right hand turn after a hard braking zone.
Imo that was the reason you received the penalty...You were punted into that so I dunno why the car behind you didn’t get a penalty.
As always enjoy your content very much, thanks for putting it out. :)
Someone divebombs unexpectedly, I hold my line and barely make contact yet I'm the one with a penalty and SR loss.

Viper on Viper aggression is uncalled for as it us, PD certainly doesn't need to make it worse!

Vipers are simply aggressive creatures... Though I didn't know cannibalism was a thing among snakes...
This morning's deep thought...

If your SR rating falls below your DR rating then you will be required to win and CRB a certain number of races against "Professional" AI in Arcade Mode before being permitted back into Sport Mode. You will not loose any DR; however, the number of consecutive clean AI race wins required increases each time you have a "reset."
This morning's deep thought...

If your SR rating falls below your DR rating then you will be required to win and CRB a certain number of races against "Professional" AI in Arcade Mode before being permitted back into Sport Mode. You will not loose any DR; however, the number of consecutive clean AI race wins required increases each time you have a "reset."

So unfairly penalizing A+ drivers even more... Lower DR can hit them, send them to SR.A and ban them from sport mode for a limited time...
Meanwhile DR.D stays wreck fest territory.

That will only give more incentive to keep DR low. Win a race, quit a race.

Many ideas have been floated around to stop the yoyo SR effect, however it all comes down to penalties being assigned wrongly and disproportionately, while giving out SR for simply staying on track.

I still think requiring a clean streak to advance to the next SR level is a good idea. 1 CRB to advance to SR.A, 3 in a row to advance to SR.S. However with the way matchmaking works now, it's pointless.

Perhaps instead of handing out free victories to fast drivers that drop in SR, make them not eligible for the victory when matched out of their skill range. If your DR, qualifying time or fastest lap for that race is an outlier in the room, you become a guest, racing for SR only. To compensate you should be allowed to opt out without DR/SR loss after the game notifies you of your guest status. This will only work without DR resets, or some people will become perpetual guests :lol:
My opinion of the penalty system at the moment :lol:

Hi @Tidgney, very interesting video!

I agree 100% with you on the track limit penalties. I would probably implement a 3-strike system for minor cuts during races though, obviously not for qualifying or TT. So, instead of getting 0.5s penalty at the first minor cut, you get up to 2 warnings, then a 3s penalty at the third one.

As for contact penalties... as a software engineer myself, I've never seen it implemented properly. Even humans have differences of opinion on certain incidents and real life stewards do get it wrong often, with replay footage in many different cameras and telemetry available to them. Your proposed system would work well for the most obvious crashes (intentional punts, pit maneuvers, brake checks), but I think it would still pick the wrong one under many situations. Incidents with more than 2 cars involved, or most incidents involving side contact on apex, for example. Was the driver alongside enough to be entitled to a car width's space? Did the driver defending turn in on the overtaker, or was it a divebomb? Would he have made the apex? I see all those very difficult for an automatic algorithm to get right, with no possible interpretation of driver intent. Specially, as I believe (don't quote me on this), PD does all the work server side, with access to timing and driver input data, but probably little information on the track itself.

Personally, I would prefer a shared blame system, like ACC or iRacing implement. No automatic penalties, just SR down for all drivers involved. For that system to work well, the SR system should be completely reworked, however. Today, clean drivers can have their SR (or even get a DR reset) affected massively if they are part of a few unlucky incidents in a race. However, those drivers who drive dirty, don't care about their SR and crash people on purpose, can get their SR back to 90+ in just a few races, giving them a completely blank-sheet to start crashing people all over again.

I like (the concept, at least, implementation is not perfect) how ACC implements the SA. It basically gives you a trust rating for driving cleanly, and it measures incident points. The rating is a combination of both, and it's a rating that evolves over time. So, basically, a couple of incidents would not drop your SR to very low levels as it could happen in GTS. But drivers who are consistently dirty would really struggle, having to drive clean races for a very long time before they get back to a good SR. If they get that right, the SR system would probably fulfill its purpose and maybe an automatic penalty system would not even be necessary...
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Hi @Tidgney, very interesting video!

I agree 100% with you on the track limit penalties. I would probably implement a 3-strike system for minor cuts during races though, obviously not for qualifying or TT. So, instead of getting 0.5s penalty at the first minor cut, you get up to 2 warnings, then a 3s penalty at the third one.

As for contact penalties... as a software engineer myself, I've never seen it implemented properly. Even humans have differences of opinion on certain incidents and real life stewards do get it wrong often, with replay footage in many different cameras and telemetry available to them. Your proposed system would work well for the most obvious crashes (intentional punts, pit maneuvers, brake checks), but I think it would still pick the wrong one under many situations. Incidents with more than 2 cars involved, or most incidents involving side contact on apex, for example. Was the driver alongside enough to be entitled to a car width's space? Did the driver defending turn in on the overtaker, or was it a divebomb? Would he have made the apex? I see all those very difficult for an automatic algorithm to get right, with no possible interpretation of driver intent. Specially, as I believe (don't quote me on this), PD does all the work server side, with access to timing and driver input data, but probably little information on the track itself.

Personally, I would prefer a shared blame system, like ACC or iRacing implement. No automatic penalties, just SR down for all drivers involved. For that system to work well, the SR system should be completely reworked, however. Today, clean drivers can have their SR (or even get a DR reset) affected massively if they are part of a few unlucky incidents in a race. However, those drivers who drive dirty, don't care about their SR and crash people on purpose, can get their SR back to 90+ in just a few races, giving them a completely blank-sheet to start crashing people all over again.

I like (the concept, at least, implementation is not perfect) how ACC implements the SA. It basically gives you a trust rating for driving cleanly, and it measures incident points. The rating is a combination of both, and it's a rating that evolves over time. So, basically, a couple of incidents would not drop your SR to very low levels as it could happen in GTS. But drivers who are consistently dirty would really struggle, having to drive clean races for a very long time before they get back to a good SR. If they get that right, the SR system would probably fulfill its purpose and maybe an automatic penalty system would not even be necessary...

PD does all the work server side, with access to timing and driver input data, but probably little information on the track itself.

That's right on the money. For the penalty system to work the race needs to play out on the server as well.

There are 3 versions of events with 2 cars involved due to latency:

Driver A races in real time against Driver B who's car is forward predicted on Driver A's screen.
Driver B races in real time against Driver A who's car is forward predicted on Driver B's screen.
The server can look at the race with properly synced data from Driver A and Driver B.

To see the effect of latency, 30 ms latency makes a difference of 1.0 meters at 33 m/s (118 kph / 74 mph)
The higher the latency and speeds involved the more the events differ between Driver A and Driver B and the more contact results in ping pong physics. (You don't actually hit the other car on your screen, your forward predicted car hits the car on the other driver's screen and you see the result of that collision)

A very complex problem due to latency involved effecting all kinds of 'hard' measures like who is ahead / alongside or not. Thus hard logic will never solve the problem, fuzzy logic and weighting scales is all that can be done.

Some things can be looked at though, like leaving at least a car widths room when the fuzzy logic decides there was significant overlap / rights to the track for the other car. The game doesn't look at that at all atm but that's a really easy calculation, track width minus other car width plus margin. Also carrying too much speed to make a corner can easily be calculated with the physics engine in the game. The server can do that to unburden the client and analyze after the collision if it would have been possible for either car to make the corner.

Of course GT Sport needs to start with clear rules first.

To have corner rights first you need to have established significant overlap before turn in with the ability to make the corner without 'help'
With latency significant overlap is fuzzy on either client, but on the server it can be decided after syncing the data from both clients.
Turn in is also a fuzzy concept, turn in points are different for trail braking, track position, early or late apex, therefore F1 states, overlap in the braking zone (which is also fuzzy where it ends depending on trail braking) and have to beat the other car to the apex while being able to make the corner (in a reasonable way)

Now maybe the server can come to a decision after syncing the data from both clients, however do you make Driver A responsible for Driver B's internet lag? There's still the 2 other versions of events on either client. Those need to be another input in the balance as well.

Only if can be established that one driver was wrong in all 3 events, then that driver gets all the blame. All else should be shared blame imo. Weighted perhaps depending on how far the scale tips in one direction.

And yep the current problem is -10 or -12 SR for harmless contact while far less for a time penalty and nothing for side swiping a car off the track. That's a lot easier to fix. Contact, no position change, car speeds hardly effected, -2 SR at most. Cars not effected at all, ignore. Heavy contact (side swipe) position changes, car goes off, heavy penalty, -10 SR. Why doesn't that work!!!

The tricky part is bump to pass, bumping or dive nose inside pushing the car ahead slightly wide to pass through the inside, vs turning in or out on a passing car to make contact so they can't pass or get a penalty. Shared blame since figuring that one out with latency has me scratching my head. -2 SR when positions stay the same, -5 SR plus a small time penalty for both cars when it results in a position change.
It’s fine to say all this about forward predicted positions and servers and etc.
All I know personally is 98-99 percent of the times I race I go wheel to wheel with others within a foot or even inches. Never get complaints, sometimes you get a massively laggy car that teleports but it’s rare. So whatever happens in the background it works almost always on the server I race :::shrug::;
The turn in is pretty specific. There’s the racing line. It’s defined pretty specifically just like an apex.
The simplest thing is #shared fault for all contact.
One concept I think is quite silly is this idea of basing punishment on position change or time gap after contact.
That will only favor the nose sticker and mini punters. For example I could be behind, use light contact to ensure you don’t quite get a good run out of the corner, sit in your slipstream, then attack before the next corner. No position change happened no time gap varied however I will get by or force you defensive BY HITTING YOU.
Lol you have to think about these things.
That’s just one example why #shared fault is absolutely the most fair scenario.
That’s why the most serious sim platforms use it.
Another advantage of #shared fault is overtaking.
If you are initiating an overtake, and I use bumping to prevent you from doing that but no time gap change no position change no penalty I can dirty block all day nothing you can do.
With #shared fault for all contact if you have track position it’s in my interest AND your interest not to touch or we will be penalized.
#shared fault is definitely the simplest solution.
That said, until you get to say mid A or higher on NA server people are still learning to race. There will be all manner of odd situations.
If you penalize all contact via minor or major sr down you teach players contact is wrong.
It would be the same for everyone.
This whole let’s base it on time gaps or car off or position change is totally unworkable,
and unfair. Too easy for cheaters.
All this said imo the system as it is right now is the best it’s ever been.
Drivers fear contact.
If drivers don’t fear contact, if contact is allowed it’s just arcade road warrior. Might as well pull out an Atari and play pole position.

Also, don’t believe the myths that everyone is getting huge pens from tiny brushes all the time now, because that’s not the case, yes sometimes but not always.
I have 31 races worth of replays from Seaside that have examples contradicting every myth that’s been shown.
The system right now is great. If you are racing properly you won’t get many penalties or sr down, most players on NA though don’t know how to do that, they are learning.
Imo #shared fault strictly applied is the same for all but what we have now is very good, and more advanced than people are giving it credit for.
It’s allowing less contact. The more contact you allow the more pointless online racing gets.
ACC is good.
Also re heavy ghosting, if crashes can’t happen why hold online races at all just do time trial for crying out loud, but ghosting applied correctly In the right situations like exiting the chicane of insanity is fair. It actually worked very very well there last week.
Edit also re hitting brakes on a straight...Car runs off in front of me and is coming back on I brake to avoid collision guy behind me is a cheat...Taps me boom I just got a ten second pen for avoiding an accident so that’s another plus for cheaters. Plus there’s the braking zone and turn in. What applies when the car is overlapping both locations?
Again people should look to the driving behavior standards in the FIA sporting code to better understand this system.
Driving erratically is prohibited. People drive erratically in many examples on video then cry about a penalty applied to them for a minor contact. It goes on and on...

#shared fault
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I've been doing 1 or 2 races a day for a while now. I used to race more. Now I think I'm done doing the 1 race.

Not the worst penalty but the final straw. I am not angry. Just very disappointed. The game in the current state is a waste of my time. The only thing I learn is to avoid playing.

Thank you PS for giving us Fall Guys this month. At least I have something to play.

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