Nah, this wasn't an alter anything. Solid B driver who was relatively quick, hence the fast qually, but wasn't consistent. My DR was massively inflated at that point. Normally would only have been a couple of thousand higher, checked their kudos and their DR was in a slump.
But that kind of DR difference shouldn't determine who is at fault. It is a total BS way of judging penalties. From that perspective Hamilton is at fault in every F1 collision that he is involved with, even if another driver plows into him. That idea would never fly in F1, so why are they attempting it here?
And yes, Hamilton has been at fault in his last few collisions, either totally or mostly, not debating that. Just whether he should automatically be labelled at fault because of his season points total.
Yeah, by design it's stupid and flawed.
The only way to fix things right now, is going from the roots. Rip it out and start anew instead of putting constant band-aids over it that only make things worse.
Imagine how much better the game would be if:
-collision fault was shared between drivers, giving an SR down and a penalty to both / contact point system,
-SR did not have an effect on DR, letting you technically be for example an A-D driver, but matching you against other A-D drivers,
-SR was not 99 points but rather on the same scale as DR, making you work for it and not penalizing you as much for stupid simple bumps,
-track limit penalties being correctly enforced across tracks (if I can eat all of the kerb in Maggiore, Nurb GP or Dragon Trail, why can't I do the same in Le Mans?),
-penalties being reworked and not giving you a chance to serve it mid-race, only adding it to your final race time.
Etcétera. Bunch of stuff that to implement, PD have to rip the system apart and start new. Unlikely they will.