The game has been soooo OVER LENIENT for sooo long that now drivers think they deserve to be 99 all the time even if they aren’t very adept at racing.
I watched part of a stream from the guy who thinks he is the only car on track doing his petulant whining and crying but he’s deserved sr downs and penalties for a looooong time with his idea of an overtake being diving inside and bouncing off multiple cars literally every race.
From a RACING standpoint, the average player in this game would be black flagged and lose their racing license.
From a GAMER standpoint it’s like there is this attitude that it’s okay to bounce off other cars if they are slower than you, and receiving a penalty is the fault of PD.
This game has PLAYERBASE.
Races every few minutes...
The play has to be fair tho.
If contact is not strictly forbidden nothing matters it just becomes a joke that’s no longer a contest of skill.
Diving punting sideswiping will become normal again and all the good players will just leave.
Last night at 96-99 on c race the system worked perfectly. Good hard racing, contact yes-even got a minor ping pong back to front in turn one-no penalty no sr down...
Imo they should just go #sharedfault like all the best games do.
They could easily make it stricter than it is right now from a FairPlay standpoint.
It would favor players who are in control of their vehicles and know how to race, which going by KP to define average, the “average” player has no clue how to do, at least on NA server.
Strict is fair and leads to racers being able to defend and attack properly.
Make it lenient like all the crybaby entitled whiner streamers want and it just makes a mockery of racing and becomes Mariokart like before the update.
I don’t want that myself.
If they roll it back I’ll just play ACC when I want to RACE, and switch to GTS when I wanna have a few beers and play Mariokart with good graphics.
I hope PD sticks to their guns here, because the system is getting closer to being really good.
I’d say now it’s decent, which is the BEST it’s been in 2 YEARS.
You can get good racing right now imo.
I don’t see why players who like contact every race are crying, just stay b sr or c where that behavior is expected, I think that’s what quite a few incompetent previously A S players have done.
They can have their fun and people who like it more clean have the S rooms.
Jmo ymmv
Edit re racing, I was racing an event with
@Kermit_2142 chasing me at Laguna Seca, he had more pace than me and I was ahead, he made some nice mental pressure on me by showing in the mirror in some dangerous areas, and was able to mess up my concentration and forced me into a defensive posture and ultimately into an error and made the overtake cleanly, after 5-6 laps THAT is racing.
I had a good laugh with him after, it was fun

Bonking people and bouncing off cars is just not what I prefer although many enjoy it ::shrug::