But you pre-suppose that a player with 100 clean wins would be lower rated than a guy with only 10. That would never be the case if they were rated on results rather than pace. The one will 100 wins would deservedly be the higher rated.
I have on a couple of occasions explained at length my thought on penalties, driving standards and rankings and they are all geared towards encouraging clean, fair racing. I am well aware that others may not share my view. That’s great. The more ideas that are floating about the better. Maybe PD will test some out and improve what we have. I believe the entire system of both DR and SR needs revised and would be much harsher in terms of penalising or disqualifying poor driving in races.
I have no problem with a time-trial or race pace speed rating, but for an overall driver rating in a racing sim, then results surely should be the top measure.
Pace gets you on pole. Racing is something different.
I would also point out that on neither measure would I rank that highly.
My game time is limited, pace less than it once was and I win maybe 1 in 20 or 1 in 30 races.
I’m only looking to improve what is currently there.
Luck is as big a determining factor in winning a race as pace. I've had victories simply by getting lucky in matchmaking, first place crashing or getting disconnected, the cars in front of me crashing each other out, the cars chasing me crashing each other out holding the field back, laggy connections messing things up in my favor, even starting the race all by myself counting as a victory
I sit at 538 victories, all cleanly obtained, but most after getting punted down the SR or DR ladder or getting lucky. If you take victories away from dirty drivers, I would get even more victories. My DR increased by 30% when the penalties got super strict, see my avg DR suddenly change from 35k to 45k at around day 120. I didn't suddenly get 10K better, all the faster people at the front were too busy serving penalties
DR should reflect race pace for matching people with similar pace together.
Qualifying determines starting order. (Qualifying pace is not the same as race pace)
Victories are just that, victories, they do not affect your pace rating.
People with the highest pace should also get the most victories. As it is now, people who can manipulate the system the best get the most victories. The only way to fix that is not to allow the wolves to hide among the sheep, but match them with other wolves. The current system favors sandbagging.
The only 'real' victories are those in the top lobby. Matchmaking has to divide rooms up some way, which means someone is either on pole one room down, or starting last one room up. A good chance at victory in the one room and a big DR increase, or a surefire way to end in the back half in the other room and lose DR.
Winning a race will always be the best as that also means you had the highest pace in that race. Not necessarily the fastest lap yet you completed the race in the least amount of time, and thus rank highest in pace as well. Perhaps some small tweaks are needed to prevent someone with 3 fast laps in the middle to out pace the winner who was more consistent all race long. Removing the outliers might be a bit too simplistic, finish time divided by laps should always work. That would also give the one starting on pole a bit of a head start since race time starts counting for everyone at the same time. A good qualifying time is still rewarded in that way.
Anyway those are my thoughts to make it less a game of (manipulated) chance and more one of skill to rank higher and get victories. Or rather get more closely matched racers together in a room instead of large gaps opening up in a 7 lap race where half the field gets timed out.
(Of course that all depends on overhauling the SR system to be less re-active or more based on your incident history)