Penalty system is still a piece of ***

  • Thread starter sturk0167
Incase anyone was wondering how much people love the penalty system.
gt7 penelaty.png
They should just ghost cars when they get remotely close to one another and just be done with it.

Problems solved.

If no ghosting, then anyone that punts or forces you off, should be ghosted and slowed down until you've passed them again, and then serve their penalty.

A PSN friend suggested that the other day and I agreed it's a good idea....especially for those times when you get punted into oblivion at biblical speeds, and find yourself in the deepest kitty litter about 3 mile off course, and they saunter off miles ahead of you with a few seconds penalty you'll never catch up with.
lets not make the game more unrealistic please.
I got a 1 second penalty after completing a triple overtake on main straight in Race B and also think it's unfair.

I've been punted from behind, pushed out from the side and much more and they don't get a penalty, some do it more than twice in the same race!

I wish this DR discrimination would F off. Last night there was one very dirty B/S driver messing up the races all evening. Swerving, dirty blocking, pushing people off as they come alongside. The rooms were mostly A/S (he must have been high DR B) so he kept getting away with all his none sense. He even spun me out pushing my car around when I had the run on him on the start straight, no penalty for him. In a later race he brake checked me as I was getting close, I had enough and we both went off. He gets 2 sec and immediately reset on the track so he could finish the race. I get 5 sec and no reset, lose 5 positions.

Maybe today I'll work towards a DR reset, punt all day long. F this system. DR D or bust...
The community has give plenty of valid feedback on this topic.

PD spent time and effort on car collecting and MTX.... That says everything

How about segregation based on SR? No mixing SR B with SR A or SR S? Again, if they had realized the value in a better Sport Mode, rather than trying to milk us with car collecting, the system might be better.
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These incredible and sometimes totally unjustified penalties also ensure that the drivers are much more aggressive to share. I just had a case like this yesterday in Bathurst. Luckily nothing happened to me, but it could have ended my race.
I started as 2 in my Jaguar, followed by 2 Beetles.
Due to the cold tires being a bit critical, I still tried to withstand the beetles in the curve sectors. I already came a little far out on the uphill section, which allowed driver number 3 to overtake me. lucky for him unlucky for me. I followed this player on the descent, but due to the cold tires I was a bit too fast with less grip, the car started to swerve and I had a lot of trouble catching the car. Apparently the driver behind me touched me slightly, which I didn't even notice. He passed me and got a 4 second penalty. Very annoying for him and NOT justified in my eyes.
Then came the long straight with the penalty zone.. the car was NOT handed over there because his penalty was probably imposed too late. I followed the car in the slipstream. Then about 200 meters after the braking zone, the driver who had unfortunately received this penalty went completely into the "behave asshole" with an emergency brake, I almost hit him in the back, but a few milliseconds before I would have hit him, his car was dead to the spirit whereby I could drive through it. Very lucky for me...the other driver then lost his 4th place on the following lap and left the race. Unfortunately, such actions are provoked by such severe penalties, at least for some drivers.... On the other hand, one cannot assume that he would have driven fairly in the next few laps.
The guy was asking for trouble trying to overtake down the mountain. It’s so hard to get an overtake done without making contact and if you can’t get past without making contact then they shouldn’t be trying it. Just like real life you wouldn’t be doing a move like that as it’s too dangerous. It’s frustrating when someone’s made a mistake and you can’t capitalise but that’s racing. The aggressors penalty sounded deserved from your description.
I just wanted to point out that damage has done nothing to help the situation.

If there's going to be damage, it needs to catastrophic, as in part flying around. Light damage should get no penalty. Catastrophic damage should get a major penalty.

I don't believe that technology is the reason we still lack massive damage.

Yes, it sucks for the victims, but in time, it will wwed out bad driving. Also, credit reduction for penalties.
I just wanted to point out that damage has done nothing to help the situation.

If there's going to be damage, it needs to catastrophic, as in part flying around. Light damage should get no penalty. Catastrophic damage should get a major penalty.

I don't believe that technology is the reason we still lack massive damage.

Yes, it sucks for the victims, but in time, it will wwed out bad driving. Also, credit reduction for penalties.
Proper damage and no ghosting would make for some really interesting races. I think they should trial it. You’d have to imagine it would result in more circumspect decision making.
Credit reductions would be pointless as you basically get nothing as it is. Maybe they should start fining people instead!
Credit reductions would be pointless as you basically get nothing as it is. Maybe they should start fining people instead!
Well, yes, that's a separate issue. Sport Mode races are the most challenging in the game, yet pay the least... So wrong.

A fine though... 👍
Yeah the penalty system is bull, for example in GT Sport in the daily B races. A Level A driver bumped my car off the curb and I got a penalty when it was the other driver's fault which was not fair. This discourages me from doing more races in Sport mode. But complaining really doesn't solve anything, just bringing more negative energy in my reality.
I'm getting extremely frustrated with it, unless I start in the top 5 its almost not worth racing at the low SR I just dropped to, we need a reporting system
Yeah the penalty system is bull, for example in GT Sport in the daily B races. A Level A driver bumped my car off the curb and I got a penalty when it was the other driver's fault which was not fair. This discourages me from doing more races in Sport mode. But complaining really doesn't solve anything, just bringing more negative energy in my reality.
But you should complain!
If people dont complain, they will leave things as they are.
Remember when gt7 came out and it was hellish grind for credits (and PD even nerfed the rally witch was the best money farming spot at the time) at the same time had way overpriced mtx. People trashed PD negative and review bombed the game. Shortly after PD released high paying races and high paying CE that made the mtx basicly irrelevant.
If people didnt complain, they probably would leave the game as it was on release.
So keep complaining!
But you should complain!
If people dont complain, they will leave things as they are.
Remember when gt7 came out and it was hellish grind for credits (and PD even nerfed the rally witch was the best money farming spot at the time) at the same time had way overpriced mtx. People trashed PD negative and review bombed the game. Shortly after PD released high paying races and high paying CE that made the mtx basicly irrelevant.
If people didnt complain, they probably would leave the game as it was on release.
So keep complaining!
Okay well hopefully if we bitch and moan more, that'll drive PD to working/doing the added features that we want to see. They should do something about this penalty system.
The penalty system is at this time in it’s worst state I have ever seen in gt7 or gt sport. No penalty for ramming or blocking what so ever. A great place for dirty drivers and a sad place for clean drivers.
Why has it come to this?
It not real racing at present time.
Really hope we come back to some fair racing. Better today than tomorrow.
Its not fun anymore.
Can we please put an end to this yellow flag nonsense?
It serves no practical purpose in a video game race. Nobody's safety is at risk.
That 3 second penalty ruins a race for someone who did nothing to anybody. It's so ridiculous. :irked:

You only got hit once though! Against the AI on the Tokyo Tomahawk rumble a yellow flag could easily net you 12 seconds, 3 sec per car you fly past :lol: Nice mess there.
So I tried Daily B, got punted twice, bumped multiple times, blatant ugly racing, my DR gets absolutely TANKED.

At this point I'm just laughing anymore and I've already gone past the stage of anger.
Yeah it's a pathetic mess, and the reason I don't bother with Sport mode anymore.
I must have lost over 30,000 points through no fault of my own.

And being penalised for 'track limits' when you gain no time, for running slightly wide on an exit, destroying your DR and CRB, is an absolute clown **** show.
Welcome back to Sport Mode!

First race back in nearly 2 weeks, at Sardegna and I'm tottering along nicely towards the back of the pack. The Frenchman ahead of me is getting a bit squirmy in sector 2 and he loses it at the crested right-left. I expected once his car was at 90 degrees perpendicular to the track, the game would ghost him and let me through safely (nowhere else for me to manoeuvre!) but noooooo I whack into the side of his stationary car instead.... 3 second penalty for you and goodbye fun race vibes.
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Welcome back to Sport Mode!

First race back in nearly 2 weeks, at Sardegna and I'm tottering along nicely towards the back of the pack. The Frenchman ahead of me is getting a bit squirmy in sector 2 and he loses it at the crested right-left. I expected once his car was at 90 degrees perpendicular to the track, the game would ghost him and let me through safely (nowhere else for me to manoeuvre!) but noooooo I whack into the side of his stationary car instead.... 3 second penalty for you and goodbye fun race vibes.
Ghosting was a lot more predictable in GT Sport. I don't trust it in GT7. I've already had several experiences like yours. :banghead:
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Running in 3rd at Sardegna, up from qualifying 8th, very happy about just holding my position on the last lap as the pack is chasing me hard.

I come towards a corner, still 3 seconds before the braking point, healthy distance to the car in front and suddenly the guy brakes way too early. BOOM, I bump into him and he goes WAKKA WAKKA flying into the gravel pit. Oh well, his own fault I think, no penalty comes up and I'm happy in 2nd.

Three turns later and DING, 5 second penalty, right before the penalty marker, and ZOWIE, the pack soars past me and DAMN I finish 8th.

Oh and POW my SR goes from B to C.

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So this what I’ve found today

if you overtake a car that’s ghosted and pointing the wrong way there is a 60% chance you will receive a 3 second penalty too me from C back E - I’m a dirty cheating driver as in 6 races gone from A rated to E rated been hit in every race

if you know what you are doing you can hit any car at any speed and not receive any penalty - spoke with a streamer for a while earlier who runs his own channel to take people out across various games. I did a daily race with him and he talked me through it - his view was the penalty system was so basic and ineffective it allowed him to make a decent living from his stream - he thinks it will never get better because if they could why haven’t they…. In the race he started 6th took out 8 cars - finished the race in 6th without a single penalty to his name. I guess if you know you know and he does.
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This was the only race where a cluster of penalties were issued, even the leader/winner got one. Well I may as well forget the platinum trophy cause I've only got 3 wins, 3 pole positions and 3 Fastest laps, and you have to win 91 to get the gold trophy. And get 65 pole positions to unlock another one. Honestly I wish they would like only have the penalty for the Daily race C and just not even put any in the other races(A and B). It'd be easy for us to cheat, take shortcuts and other stuff. I'm getting sick of it, I kinda just want to fully switch to gt7 but how will the sport mode be there? Idk what I'm gonna do, I need to figure something out.
I'm going to risk angering PD here...

I haven't had any issues with penalties for about a month. The last ones were all track infractions that took me from SR S to B, but since dropping to the back at the start and racing from there, I've managed to avoid penalties. This is mainly due to the fact that I'm far enough back that I'm still catching up when everyone starts taking eachother out, leaving me to just gain free places.

Now I just hope that I haven't just forfeit my luck...
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