People who want GT6 FOR PS4!

  • Thread starter tillbot8
For purely selfish reasons I don't really want it yet on ps4 because aside from Gran Turismo I play all my games on the PC so GT5 will cost me about £500, still no racer exists on PC to compete, maybe project cars when it's out?
Want it for PS4 because of graphics, physics, less waiting time, more power and due to the fact that PS3 won't offer native PS3-compatibility. Therefore: PS4, please. But PS4 means at least one more year to wait and that's why I want GT6 to be on PS3, too. I want to play it soon.
Want it for PS4 because of graphics, physics, less waiting time, more power and due to the fact that PS3 won't offer native PS3-compatibility. Therefore: PS4, please. But PS4 means at least one more year to wait and that's why I want GT6 to be on PS3, too. I want to play it soon.

Well your not going to get it soon and that's the same reasons I want it on PS4.
I'm voting for PS3. The next time I spend money will be for a gaming PC and then I'll try out rfactor2, NetKar, and iRacing. So I'd like to get GT6 "for free".
Why no interest in Drive Club? Looks like a solid driving title.
It does look like a great game, but nothing but supercars as far as I can tell... err...

It depends on how well designed the game is. Gran Turismo has spoiled me. I'm too used to having hundreds of cars in many levels of performance. I have almost as much fun in a Capucchino tuner or CR-Z Touring Car ar as I do a BMW or Ford GT I've tuned up. And I loves me some Super GT and DTM.

Hopefully there will be a demo on PSN to help me decide when I get that PS4.

Ditto. Especially on the Prologue garbage.
Hey now, I had a lot of fun with that "garbage," and so did a few million of us Earthlings. ;)

In the case of GT6 though, I think a Prologue would only be necessary if the game itself is delayed so Kaz can give us roughly as many Premiums as we had cars in GT4, which was several hundred.

What they should do is leave all standards out of the game from the retail copy and DLCs completely but have an option for those that want the standards from older games to be transfered on their part on their own time.
I was thinking that very thing this week. Hide the car data in the disc, and give us the option of including them if we want. The logistics of producing a game with a thousand Premium cars means many man-years of work. And we did have two levels of car models in GT4, some ported over from GT2 that weren't as pristine as the newer cars, and no one really cared.

But it depends. If the team is able to rework the Standards into something roughly on the level of the Premiums, I doubt anyone would complain much. Especially if they could suffer comparable damage and be Race Modded and liveried. I love my Standards, and a "Premium Light" model in GT6 would make me very happy.

I want it on the PS4 to see an evolution in every single part of the game. Fluid menus, better graphics, more cars on the track, more possibilities in every way.

Hopefully weather effects that will blow our mind. Wind, snow and strom that will effect the road and trackside conditions.

I dont think that those things are possible on the PS3. The PS3 was a great console, but it is time to let the new generation go on.
Exactly. The only way to realize the full potential of a Gran Turismo is to produce it for the PS4. I think when people see the game running on that spiffy, powerful new hardware with all the new gameplay features, they'll do whatever they can to get it.

By the way, SONY cares a lot. Kaz has to do a lot of negotiating to hold the executives at bay in order to work on Gran Turismo. And keep getting funded for it. :D
I dont really care, as long as the game is complete, good and fully functional with new exciting features. If PD looks at our wishlist, and implement like 40% of the great suggestions the game will be a great success. And if they manage to make the SRF optional
I was thinking that very thing this week. Hide the car data in the disc, and give us the option of including them if we want.

I was thinking of leaving it out of the disk and have it so you can import the standard cars from GT5 from your saved game file or if it's on PS4 use a USB thumb drive.
What about people who don't want to spend hundreds upgrading to the next console? It will probably end up on PS4 anyway as they've already done two GT titles on PS3 (GT5 Prologue and GT5).

I guess I would just like to see a complete game, as in have all the tracks and cars from previous GT games and maybe a few more.
What about people who don't want to spend hundreds upgrading to the next console? It will probably end up on PS4 anyway as they've already done two GT titles on PS3 (GT5 Prologue and GT5).

With that logic we're looking at multiple releases on PS2 and PS3 as GT5 Prologue is a secondary release. It is not a full game.

Don't argue that GT5 itself was a full game, I'm going off of what a main release, and a secondary release is.
I have just seen the latest episode of IGN's 'Daily Fix' which reports rumors of Forza 5 being a Nextbox opening title! Now reports are preliminary and at this stage it is still just speculation, but if there is credence to this, would it not prompt Polyphony to gear towards a nex gen title soon! I understand that they are not directly competing with each other but your average Car gaming enthusiast may be swayed towards Microsoft if Sony does not offer something beside Driveclub! Not dissing Driveclub in any way shape of form but it is still an unknown entity! I understand it's background with Motorstorm but this type of Car game is a little different! Forza aint half bad guys and it is only getting better I don't know if a PS3 only GT6 will cut it for the consumer now!

Here is the link, sorry not sure how to make it a straight link:ouch: just highlight, right click and press go to! 'edit' oh wait it worked:dunce:
should have it on both consoles to be honest as not all of us are going to buy a ps4 straight away, infact, unless my ps3 breaks then I wouldnt even waste money on ps4 certainly not for a single game..

poor marketing if they go the opposite way as they wont be thinking of all their customers.
should have it on both consoles to be honest as not all of us are going to buy a ps4 straight away, infact, unless my ps3 breaks then I wouldnt even waste money on ps4 certainly not for a single game..

poor marketing if they go the opposite way as they wont be thinking of all their customers.
Thinking would be: GT6 only on PS4 -> Exorbitant PS4 sales! 👍
This is pretty much what I've been hearing from people in lots of forums, GT6 for PS4 or no buy.

Just spreading the word...

What ever. :rolleyes:

I can't wait for a GT version for the PS4, GT7 Prologue or what not. It will certainly be amazing.

But you know all those people will be buying GT6 - no matter which platform it comes out on.
It's gonna have so many tracks...
[head explodes and sends hat 20 feet in the air]
I'm hoping that GT6 is a PS4 game.

There's only so much that can be achieved technically with the PS3... and frankly, I think GT5 was already pretty close to that limit, even if it was far from being a masterpiece. A jump to PS4 would yield a massive leap in what's possible, and would cure the many technical problems (ridiculous loading times, flickery/jagged shadows, screen tearing, frame rate drops, etc) with GT5.
Well Kaz could say that it's possible to upgrade GT6 from its PS3 status. He could conceivably get another 2/3 years by saying its ready to go on PS3 but the fans want it on PS4 so we will look into it.
GT5 is pushing the PS3 to it's limits already, i really don't see why people want the series to stay stagnant just because they can't afford a PS4 at the moment, i wonder if they were also hoping for GT5 on PS2...
Do you guys know that the ps3 WILL NOT DIE the day the PS4 is launched nor will it for around 3-4 years...
It has blu ray... etc. It's basically future proof for now as opposed to the Xbox.. , GT6 is on the ps3 ,deal with it.. besides if PD wants to keep up there graphical standards , they need to redo all the tracks..
Do you guys know that the ps3 WILL NOT DIE the day the PS4 is launched nor will it for around 3-4 years...
It has blu ray... etc. It's basically future proof for now as opposed to the Xbox.. , GT6 is on the ps3 ,deal with it.. besides if PD wants to keep up there graphical standards , they need to redo all the tracks..

PS3 was launched when HD TVs weren't even commonplace's been a LONG time coming, PS3 may be future proof as a blu ray player but it's been left in the past by PC games for some time now, and the PSN is no comparison to the features offered by PS4 and even the current XBL service, time for change.
'GT6 is on the ps3 ,deal with it..' Oh in which section of Polyphony Digital are you situated? Like I said in a comment a few post's before this there is rumor that Forza 5 is an Opening day title (Even if it's not we all know how fast Turn 10 get's product out). I know outsourcing blah blah but still! How do you think it's going to look to the fence sitting gamer when Machinima and IGN are doing comparison reviews on Forza 5 v Driveclub v GT6 (PS3). Not good! I would guess potential sales of 5-7 million copies sold for PS3, But at least 8+ for GT6 on PS4 over a longer space of time! If they do GT6 right then it will be a classic on the PS4. GT5 will not be seen as a classic on the PS3 the way GT3 (PS2) and GT2 (PSX) were seen! No matter how much talent PD have there is a limit to squeezing 256mb XDR + 256mb DDR3 memory out of a game!

It's time to move on up to the east side!
why waste gt6 for the ps4, you guys dont make any sense. it will take at least 2 years + for the ps4 to have a library of games to make the purchase of the console actually worth it. gt7 can come out by then when the ps4 actually has maybe 5 to 10 more titles worth owning, 10 might be pushing it though.
First of all, Sony has enough launch titles as is. They already have early plans for fps (Killzone), action (Second Son), adventure (Knack), and a whole array of third party and multiplatform games. All this talk about Sony needing GT6 for PS4's launch as a "do or die" situation just doesn't make sense anymore, if ever.

Second of all, they have an up and coming DriveClub as a new franchise. It's a new racing IP, and to get maximum exposure, it can't have GT6 alongside it nor near it. What does this mean? It means GT6, if on PS4, probably won't launch anytime soon. Best case scenario is probably at least late 2014 and that's already stretching it. Plus, we don't even know when DriveClub will release. Do we really want to wait that long for another Gran Turismo?

If we're not going to get GT6 for at least another 1.5 year, why not have GT6 release this year?... or at least certainly a lot sooner than late 2014. In 1.5 plus years, PD can probably make another GT game for the PS4, especially considering the console is much more accessible in terms of ease of development. In that period of time, we can simply enjoy GT6.

Third, we can't rule out any possible Vita iteration of GT. For all we know, they might be releasing a GT6/GTVita combo. There hasn't been any announcement on getting the Vita version free, when buying the "PS4" version so it would most likely have to be a PS3 version if they're going to have that combo. What better way to attract new buyers than a GT game? K, probably not as influential as consoles, but for me personally, I'd get a Vita if there's a GT game on it, especially if we get the Vita version for free.

Lastly, at the end of the day, we'll probably enjoy GT6 no matter what console it'll be released on. If not, then tough for you. Personally, I just want new cars, a bunch of new tracks, new customizeable features, and a new career mode, things you can add without having to upgrade to a new power.

Of course, it'll be a better game with more power, duh. Did we have that mindset when we played GT4 or GT2? I know I didn't cause enjoyed those games very much even if they were towards the end of the generation.