*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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Why not make certain special cars like the X2010 banned from being traded, instead of a credit cap?
Why not fix the flawed gifting system, instead of introducing caps at all? ;) If they fix the gifting system so duping is not possible AND fix the poor game economics, there would be no need for any limits (including trading and selling).
I was having fun till PD stoped it. I agree with you but why am I forced to be like you. In that the only fun I can have in this game is your method. People are diffrent I enjoy collecting cars you enjoy slow relaxing gameplay, I am in no way saying that this is bad. Why can't we co-exist. My trading doesnt effect your style.
I enjoy collecting cars, too. I easily bought 6 million credits worth of cars today by just playing the game -- without even grinding.

I don't care one bit about anybody else's trading. Trade all you want!

GT5, like every other game in the history of mankind, has a set of rules that governs it. Every single game has structure, and the fun in any game involves excelling within that structure. Trash the structure, and there is no game.

The argument of "why can't we just have all the cars we want?" is like going up to an umpire and saying "Why should we have to hit the ball and run around the bases? Can't we just say we scored 10 runs this inning?" Well, you can. You won't have anything resembling a game, but you can ask. PD built a game, so I wouldn't be too surprised or upset if PD is trying to hang on to the structure that makes GT5 a game.
G'day Guys,

I have just registered specifically so I could add my input to this petition (I hope that's ok?).

As others have said, I only play GT5 as a game and for fun.

I think it's a great game (I've never been into computer games much, but this one was a beauty) but I've pretty much gone as far as I want to at the A-spec level. I don't have the time or inclination to spend hours, days or weeks trying to get through the endurance races or slowly accumulate the money needed for the cool cars. So I had pretty much lost interest in the game after a couple of months.

It was only after finding out about the gifting (or duping?) idea that I regained some interest in GT5 as I was then able to start collecting some of the cooler cars that I like.

I'm not interested in the on-line racing aspect of the game and I'm not out to trade with or rip off people with my cars. I'm quite happy to just plod along on my own PS3 and have a bit of fun, collecting cars, having a bit of a drive of them, taking photos and admiring the cool graphics. If I needed to be banned from any on-line involvement in order to do this, I would.

Not having the ability to look forward to collecting the cool cars for my own enjoyment has taken the fun out of the game for me. Which is a shame, because I was really hooked on it before.

Thanks for letting me add my vote. Is there some way of contacting the game developers directly and passing on my opinion as well?

Welcome to GTP :)
Here is an FB page
KaZ, PD...GT5..
5 years...
Premium.. Standard Cars...
only 17 RM-able cars...
Now this 1 Car per PS3 and NOT by Account.
KaZ is lucky coz' here in Japan...
If he were here... I would have strangled him...
Curse that SICK Japanese and his SICK 1.07 Update.
KaZ, PD...GT5..
5 years...
Premium.. Standard Cars...
Now this 1 Car per PS3 and NOT by Account.
KaZ is lucky coz' here in Japan...
If he were here... I would have strangled him...

Yes.And indeed many of us would have.
No, it's because of other people whining about duping, even though they don't encounter any disadvantage from it what so ever.

I don't think it is because of the normal gamer duping or trading or the people who complain about them. I am willing to bet allot of money that PD did this because of the A holes on ebay selling the cars and making money of their product. I was on ebay last month looking for a wheel and when I searched GT5 a lost count of how many people were selling the x1.
I'm in!

For me, I don't trade cars, not yet, anyway. But the limit is silly anyway. I suspect PD will change the policy, in some way. They seem quite responsive to user opinions.

As they say, Don't Panic!


This is one of the major 'unintended consequences' in patch 1.07...many of us have huge garages of top end cars because of our penchant for trades, while newer players will be severely limited in their aquisitions....greatest area of impact will be their inability to enter many of the high end PP online races.....
i love the patch...go play and earn your cars...stop grinding indy and learn all the tracks & how to tune your cars by not adding every upgrade...lol i love it

Idk where you're getting this supremacist attitude. I've traded with you before, and you're one of the dupers. Just because you already finished trading doesn't mean you should laugh at everyone else who can no longer do so.
the whole "play the game right" argument would be great if "playing the game right" didnt involve hours of grinding against AI that are hideously terrible.....but if i drive a slower car we should be even right? no, because the AI is programmed to stay on their line....even if it involves ramming your car as it goes for a pass.
the whole "play the game right" argument would be great if "playing the game right" didnt involve hours of grinding against AI that are hideously terrible.....but if i drive a slower car we should be even right? no, because the AI is programmed to stay on their line....even if it involves ramming your car as it goes for a pass.

Exactly,they still havent fixed that and the tyre smoke that pixellates your car's rear end:grumpy:

And I am not playing 24/7 just to get a ferrari F1,mazda 787B,ford GT40 mkIV,etc.There are also car's over a million cr I'd like to send my pals!!
The halt of gifting car over 1 mil Is a temporary thing.
So a pointless thread this Is.
Exactly,they still havent fixed that and the tyre smoke that pixellates your car's rear end:grumpy:

And I am not playing 24/7 just to get a ferrari F1,mazda 787B,ford GT40 mkIV,etc.There are also car's over a million cr I'd like to send my pals!!

I believe the issue occurs because of PS3's hardware limitation...I sadly accepted this since GT5's launch...

The halt of gifting car over 1 mil Is a temporary thing.
So a pointless thread this Is.

that's also another point....if it's temporary why did they even bother implementing such rule...
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I'm in, by the way. :D

we technically didn't have unlimited trade prior to v1.07...remember we can only send 1 car per account per day back then?

KaZ, PD...GT5..
5 years...
Premium.. Standard Cars...
only 17 RM-able cars...
Now this 1 Car per PS3 and NOT by Account.
KaZ is lucky coz' here in Japan...
If he were here... I would have strangled him...
Curse that SICK Japanese and his SICK 1.07 Update.

prior to GT5 release, everybody is saying that Japanese gaming industry is dying...but I always said "GT5 has something to say about that" but when it was released...I realized I was wrong....Japanese gaming industry is really dying, but please keep JRPGs alive!
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im in usually lend cars to my friends for challenges. My mate loaned me the f1 2010 car and now i cant send it back. Hes not a happy bunny ! also some cars are nearly 10 million credits thats ridiculous !.
But I want Boardwalk and Park Place NOOOW...

But why do I have to go down the chute...can't I just go up the ladders?

But I want this, and I want this, and this, and this...

But I want an Oompa Loompa NOOOOW...

Really. You guys need to hear yourselves. :lol:
Some people think there so crash hot cause they have grinded (Put bob on auto pilot all night) That is not grinding and as far as i am concerned, its cheating more so than the people collecting cars through multi trading across 16 accounts and also duping...

Not to mention the people that bitch about the whole duping scenario is mainly conceived of the early dupers and collectors who have it all and feel the need to bitch and carry on over the whole, Duping is killing the servers...

Furthermore I'm guessing a lot of these so called bitches are in fact the ones that actually do that pathetic trick with the rubber band lol. WTFU people and get over yourselves. if people want to collect or dupe and you think its unfair, why don't you just do it anyhow. It will save all the flaming on the anti 1.07 and the duping threads.

As fr everyone crapping on about accomplishment and reward for the so called Grind, this game is ****all of a grind go play a MMORPG like World Of Warcraft and grind some of the rep lol. take you bloody ages and a lot more time than this game. Also i would like to add that this racing element is so damn easy and boring and not enough content at that, you are cheating yourselves if you think you have accomplished greatness...

LMFAO Go play Iracing or Rfactor and then see how much you accomplish with the skills necessary to go through GT5. If PD actually gave a hoot about after sales happiness of there customers Maybe they would incorporate all the features as promised or took another 2 years to actually finish the game to begin with. Or completely took Duping out of the game altogether and I am 100% positive they knew full well this was going to happen and a simple coding would have fixed all of it, and another thing why have the birthday cars anyhow Another mistake lol. The only type of game where it may come out in a unfinished unpolished state is really a MMORPG, which will get major patch development through its life. Not an arcade simulator lol.

Not to mention fix all the problems with the game instead of nerfing all the features that this community fell in love with in the first place. Lol for such an awesome Franchise this last installment is nothing special at all...
The halt of gifting car over 1 mil Is a temporary thing.
So a pointless thread this Is.

Where was it said that this was temporary? I thought the lifting of the restrictions was temporary, but the restriction is indefinite from March 3rd?
I'm in.

I hope to see this emerging new era of game development become more of a democracy than a dictatorship.
KaZ, PD...GT5..
5 years...
Premium.. Standard Cars...
only 17 RM-able cars...
Now this 1 Car per PS3 and NOT by Account.
KaZ is lucky coz' here in Japan...
If he were here... I would have strangled him...
Curse that SICK Japanese and his SICK 1.07 Update.

Free advice: perhaps you could buy a game you do like!
Would just like this to be an elaborate April fool's joke.... I just want unlimited car trades back...
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