*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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i'm in.

this restriction is wrong,
without warning!!

ive finished a&b spec and only have about 150 cars..
theres just not enough rewards in the game!!!

online rewards are still pointless,
i can play a whole night just for a couple of sets of tyres!!

without repitition, how else can you collect all cars other than to dup'e??!!

the game structure is obviously flawed!!
i'm in.

I originally posted the following as a dissenting opinion on the pro 1.07 thread but now i feel that due to the spirit of this thread, it belongs here more:

Not everyone is addicted to the racing element. Sometimes it's fun to take a break from the racing aspect of the game and collect cars. The coolest thing about trades is that it makes a whole sub game. A game within a game, a mini game of collecting cars.

I mean who are the dicks here? The players who dupe to collect all the cars or pd for making so many stupid cars that are exactly the same. The mazda6 touring and the atenza touring are the same car. Also the (eu) vs. (us) versions. Same cars. They made a huge list of identical cars that serve no purpose in the game other than to inflate their silly/inaccurate boasting of "over 1000 cars to race!" yet half of which are either functional equivalents or some pos minivan or station wagon or such and such crapola, that absolutely do not belong on nurburgring - the only purpose for their existence to be to "collect them all!"

people love to collect, why else would nonsense like beanie babies and fountain pens exist in large quantities? It's really nobody's business how someone else chooses to enjoy the game. If somebody would rather collect cars than grind for 40 levels, (which requires slave-like dedication and/or cheat grinding imho - when u complete races you should already be at the level of the next race group without having to rerace and rerace to get to the very next race) then what is it to anyone else?

Pd started this crap with their game design and subsequent flaws. Now the genie is out of the bottle and now there is a large group of people who love that aspect of the game and are now made to feel as if they've done wrong when all they've done is enjoy the game they bought. Remember that word? Game? It's a game! It's not national security. It's not healthcare!

If people have fun duping, collecting, giving away cars, if it makes them feel good and they have fun, well isn't that why we play games? Or is it just to jump through the hoops of some game developer?

The best games take on the life and identity of the players not the designers. Seriously, what would half life have been without counter-strike? Old reference i know but i'm an old guy. It would have been greatly diminished is what.

It's no skin off my nose how people choose to enjoy the game they paid for to play. I've had cooler connections with other humans by giving away and trading cars than i could ever have had beating a special event or an a-spec race and then posting about it on gtplanet.

Everyone needs to give pd the finger. Changing major game mechanics like this is inexcusably oppressive. Remember it's not cheating if nobody is getting cheated.
i'm in.

I originally posted the following as a dissenting opinion on the pro 1.07 thread but now i feel that due to the spirit of this thread, it belongs here more:

Not everyone is addicted to the racing element. Sometimes it's fun to take a break from the racing aspect of the game and collect cars. The coolest thing about trades is that it makes a whole sub game. A game within a game, a mini game of collecting cars.

I mean who are the dicks here? The players who dupe to collect all the cars or pd for making so many stupid cars that are exactly the same. The mazda6 touring and the atenza touring are the same car. Also the (eu) vs. (us) versions. Same cars. They made a huge list of identical cars that serve no purpose in the game other than to inflate their silly/inaccurate boasting of "over 1000 cars to race!" yet half of which are either functional equivalents or some pos minivan or station wagon or such and such crapola, that absolutely do not belong on nurburgring - the only purpose for their existence to be to "collect them all!"

people love to collect, why else would nonsense like beanie babies and fountain pens exist in large quantities? It's really nobody's business how someone else chooses to enjoy the game. If somebody would rather collect cars than grind for 40 levels, (which requires slave-like dedication and/or cheat grinding imho - when u complete races you should already be at the level of the next race group without having to rerace and rerace to get to the very next race) then what is it to anyone else?

Pd started this crap with their game design and subsequent flaws. Now the genie is out of the bottle and now there is a large group of people who love that aspect of the game and are now made to feel as if they've done wrong when all they've done is enjoy the game they bought. Remember that word? Game? It's a game! It's not national security. It's not healthcare!

If people have fun duping, collecting, giving away cars, if it makes them feel good and they have fun, well isn't that why we play games? Or is it just to jump through the hoops of some game developer?

The best games take on the life and identity of the players not the designers. Seriously, what would half life have been without counter-strike? Old reference i know but i'm an old guy. It would have been greatly diminished is what.

It's no skin off my nose how people choose to enjoy the game they paid for to play. I've had cooler connections with other humans by giving away and trading cars than i could ever have had beating a special event or an a-spec race and then posting about it on gtplanet.

Everyone needs to give pd the finger. Changing major game mechanics like this is inexcusably oppressive. Remember it's not cheating if nobody is getting cheated.

Signed. I and many other people do not have the time to Grind Indy for 8+ hours so we can purchase a 10 million+ credit car and then have to do it again to get another. Please PD, reinstate gifting or significantly increase the credit payout.
Normally I find online petitions pathetic, but 1.07 is such a kick in the seedbag to the fans that I have to add my support to this... All PD have done is make the game even more awkward than it already was. Rather than banning duping/gifting high value cars they'd have been better served to add an extra zero onto all the rewards for racing, allow us to win the same cars over and over again and then sell them for silly money like we did in all the previous GT's, that was fun, almost tradition for GT. Alternatively lose a digit off the price tags of all cars/tuning upgrades and we're about right.

Consider me a +1
I do think we always are connected to their servers, but anyway, they could have controlled duping easily. Think about it, if they maintain a trade per day per account control (now per console), they can easily control duping alone, and leave the gift system for legit trading.

But they will not do it, and that IS weird.
They can't stop duping because of the backup feature. There is no way for them to see if a car is duped because of 'legit' restore, or the car was duped because of a 'illegal' restore.

Take this example: you are my friend. I give you a car, and another, and another, and another, up to a number of 20 cars. Before I started giving you cars, I made a backup. All perfectly legit so far. Now my PS3 HDD dies. No problem, I install a new HDD, install GT5 and put back my save. BLAM: I just duped those 20 cars I gave you.

There's no way for PD to tell if that restore was legal or that I was duping on purpose. Not with the current system. Now if they would make backup online (like trophies) it would be a different story... :)
PD get your heads out of your asses and use the updates to fix the problems with the bleeping game! Like the shadows, the paint models so we can see what the car will look like before we paint it. How about adding more content etc. bunch of idiots who think they can dictate how the general public plays the game. FFS its not even online, its mostly single player so what bloody difference does trading do exactly? does it ruin the game for others no! Have you pissed off every single person that plays the game yes! Why don't you actually build new race series instead of releasing a piss weak bunch of piss easy seasonals each week. Pathetic that's what that is. Why put in bloody GT tv, who gives a rats ass about this feature.
If you keep this **** up no one will even play this game. it's not that great anyway, just boring endless races that you expect people to grind endlessly all day. Why dont you stop ppl from leaving Bspec on all night or how about incorporating A save feature, WTF wants to sit here and play endurance races for 24 hours just to level up. Its a joke and you should be ashamed of yourselves. LOL people play World Of Warcraft which is the most addictive game ever created and they don't sit there for 24hours to win stuff all money and get some xp.
Every single time you release an update its full of useless crap that no one wants and if your still planning on releasing free roam wasting more memory instead of enhancing the game. You are the worst game designers i think i have come across. LOL 6 years wait for a game and you release a half ass unfinished unpolished game that isn't worth the long wait at all.
Stuff all premium cars, to many Nissan and Toyota and Mitsubishi and not enough variety
Go fix the damn issues and leave people to play the game any damn way they want to.
Also why don't you build a more structured server that can actually handle the trades that people have been doing.

And another thing, some people enjoy trading and having fun more so than even playing your game lol.
Furthermore Fix the bloody support for the Logitech g27, instead of gimping it to increase sales on the crappy Thrustmaster T500RS, lol its not that good either, just so you can extract more money from people, I for one payed 550AUD for my wheel just for this game and you idiots would rather shaft Logitech in the hopes of getting more money for your already fat bank accounts. You make me sick not to mention Thrustmaster make great flight sticks and that's about it. Logitech is the most supported brand through all gaming and i can't believe you would screw over ever single person that spent 500+ on the wheel

also +1000 for sgtmamataco post, i think that and mine have hit the nail on the head
The objective of the update was very poorly executed,why is why people are pissed,even non dupers like myself.
I'm in.

I originally posted the following as a dissenting opinion on the pro 1.07 thread but now I feel that due to the spirit of this thread, it belongs here more:

Not everyone is addicted to the racing element. Sometimes it's fun to take a break from the racing aspect of the game and collect cars. The coolest thing about trades is that it makes a whole sub game. A game within a game, a mini game of collecting cars.

I mean who are the dicks here? The players who dupe to collect all the cars or PD for making so many stupid cars that are EXACTLY THE SAME. The Mazda6 Touring and the Atenza touring are THE SAME CAR. Also the (EU) vs. (US) versions. SAME CARS. They made a huge list of identical cars that serve no purpose in the game other than to inflate their silly/inaccurate boasting of "over 1000 cars to race!" yet half of which are either functional equivalents or some POS minivan or station wagon or such and such crapola, that absolutely DO NOT belong on Nurburgring - the only purpose for their existence to be to "collect them all!"

People love to collect, why else would nonsense like beanie babies and fountain pens exist in large quantities? It's really nobody's business how someone else chooses to enjoy the game. If somebody would rather collect cars than grind for 40 levels, (which requires slave-like dedication and/or cheat grinding IMHO - when u complete races you should already be at the level of the next race group without having to rerace and rerace to get to the very next race) then what is it to anyone else?

PD started this crap with their game design and subsequent flaws. Now the genie is out of the bottle and now there is a large group of people who love that aspect of the game and are now made to feel as if they've done wrong when all they've done is enjoy the game they bought. Remember that word? Game? IT'S A GAME! It's not national security. It's not healthcare!

If people have fun duping, collecting, giving away cars, if it makes them FEEL GOOD and they HAVE FUN, well isn't that WHY we play games? Or is it just to jump through the hoops of some game developer?

The best games take on the life and identity of the PLAYERS not the designers. Seriously, what would Half Life have been without Counter-Strike? Old reference I know but I'm an old guy. It would have been greatly diminished is what.

It's no skin off my nose how people choose to enjoy the game they PAID FOR to play. I've had cooler connections with other humans by giving away and trading cars than I could ever have had beating a special event or an A-Spec race and then posting about it on GTPlanet.

Everyone needs to give PD the finger. Changing major game mechanics like this is inexcusably oppressive. Remember it's not cheating if nobody is getting cheated.


Great post - 👍
This trade limit is useless..Either warn all gamers that is going to be in release a month(at least) earlier or don't bother doing it at all . . I dont dupe cars but i have sub accounts that i am playing all seasonal just to have enough money to collect all the cars and then send them back to the main account....Call me sick if you want but except racing i really enjoy buying all cars.If they dont like the "trading" thing they can also return to the old "system" ,explaining : After every win on a race they may as well let us win again the same prize car and also let us sell it at a reasonable price so that we can Grind the A-spec races with double pleasure(winning money from the race and the car and additional XP)
Not signed.

I fully support all the decisions made by the developers to limit trade. I just wish this trade limitation was brought to us earlier.

Owning certain cars brings with it a measure of accomplishment now that there is a limited amount of exploiters mulling the system.

Thank you, PD! 👍
Owning certain cars brings with it a measure of accomplishment now that there is a limited amount of exploiters mulling the system.

Accomplishment?!? Grinding the same race for 24 hours to buy ONE car? Wow, what an accomplishment!

I don't even want to think about all those PS3's rubberband-grinding away all night for virtual cash while wasting real electricity. PD is probably lobbied by the energy companies and they are laughing all the way to the bank. Not to mention the subsequent environmental pollution caused by GT5-grinding PS3's the world over.
They can't stop duping because of the backup feature. There is no way for them to see if a car is duped because of 'legit' restore, or the car was duped because of a 'illegal' restore.

Take this example: you are my friend. I give you a car, and another, and another, and another, up to a number of 20 cars. Before I started giving you cars, I made a backup. All perfectly legit so far. Now my PS3 HDD dies. No problem, I install a new HDD, install GT5 and put back my save. BLAM: I just duped those 20 cars I gave you.

There's no way for PD to tell if that restore was legal or that I was duping on purpose. Not with the current system. Now if they would make backup online (like trophies) it would be a different story... :)

Wrong. The trades pass through their server. They should have assigned a GUID to each car each person has, and as the car passes through their server as a gift, log the person it went to and the GUID of the car. If that GUID is seen again coming from anyone other than the person the car was logged as gifted to, disallow the gift. Yes, that's a lot of data to store (though only tiny per record), it would solve the problem of duping without this ridiculous monetary restriction.

I have 2 accounts with random cars stuck spread across them now. +1 on the petition for this horrible design and implementation without warning.
I am in, bored with grinding on my new account, go back to being able to win cars more than once, to sell.
Dont get me wrong i love this game.
PD get your heads out of your asses and use the updates to fix the problems with the bleeping game! Like the shadows, the paint models so we can see what the car will look like before we paint it. How about adding more content etc. bunch of idiots who think they can dictate how the general public plays the game. FFS its not even online, its mostly single player so what bloody difference does trading do exactly? does it ruin the game for others no! Have you pissed off every single person that plays the game yes! Why don't you actually build new race series instead of releasing a piss weak bunch of piss easy seasonals each week. Pathetic that's what that is. Why put in bloody GT tv, who gives a rats ass about this feature.
If you keep this **** up no one will even play this game. it's not that great anyway, just boring endless races that you expect people to grind endlessly all day. Why dont you stop ppl from leaving Bspec on all night or how about incorporating A save feature, WTF wants to sit here and play endurance races for 24 hours just to level up. Its a joke and you should be ashamed of yourselves. LOL people play World Of Warcraft which is the most addictive game ever created and they don't sit there for 24hours to win stuff all money and get some xp.
Every single time you release an update its full of useless crap that no one wants and if your still planning on releasing free roam wasting more memory instead of enhancing the game. You are the worst game designers i think i have come across. LOL 6 years wait for a game and you release a half ass unfinished unpolished game that isn't worth the long wait at all.
Stuff all premium cars, to many Nissan and Toyota and Mitsubishi and not enough variety
Go fix the damn issues and leave people to play the game any damn way they want to.
Also why don't you build a more structured server that can actually handle the trades that people have been doing.

And another thing, some people enjoy trading and having fun more so than even playing your game lol.
Furthermore Fix the bloody support for the Logitech g27, instead of gimping it to increase sales on the crappy Thrustmaster T500RS, lol its not that good either, just so you can extract more money from people, I for one payed 550AUD for my wheel just for this game and you idiots would rather shaft Logitech in the hopes of getting more money for your already fat bank accounts. You make me sick not to mention Thrustmaster make great flight sticks and that's about it. Logitech is the most supported brand through all gaming and i can't believe you would screw over ever single person that spent 500+ on the wheel

also +1000 for sgtmamataco post, i think that and mine have hit the nail on the head

It's great listening to Aussies rant! Nice one, mate.👍
Uhh.... your little petition is so insignificant that I can't even hate on you. Instead I'll wish for your parents to give you a hug, take you outside, and show you the stars in the universe so you can get a fraction of a glimpse at how miniscule and ridiculous your efforts are.

PD will not stop the progress of this game and if you don't want the new patch, disable your internet when it prompts you for the download and save the real players who optimistically look forward to PD's ultimate vision.
Lol! @ 274 signing! This pretty much shows that a very small percentage of people here, mostly dupers, express their opinions the most, which does not reflect the opinion of the other 95% of the forum...

Thank you good bye
Uhh.... your little petition is so insignificant that I can't even hate on you. Instead I'll wish for your parents to give you a hug, take you outside, and show you the stars in the universe so you can get a fraction of a glimpse at how miniscule and ridiculous your efforts are.

PD will not stop the progress of this game and if you don't want the new patch, disable your internet when it prompts you for the download and save the real players who optimistically look forward to PD's ultimate vision.

Uhuh...whatever dude.

PD already decided to dismiss the limitations at least until march 3rd. You don't think people complaining had anything to do with that?
And if you noticed PD lifted it until 3rd March for the exact reason that I and many others mentioned ... So we can finish any pending trades and get our cars back from friends. They clearly have seen our opinions somewhere.
Im in lets all fly to japan and picket the PD building.LOL Well I already only played the game to trade with other people for cars i didnt have now I guess the GT5 disc will just collect dust like all the other GT games thank god for test drive LOL
I'm in

If other people cheat why should I pay. I don't care about the others I care about my game. I want to trade my cars for others. You put 1000 cars in a game an expect that we will take the time to earn all of them through grinding. Really?
Uhh.... your little petition is so insignificant that I can't even hate on you. Instead I'll wish for your parents to give you a hug, take you outside, and show you the stars in the universe so you can get a fraction of a glimpse at how miniscule and ridiculous your efforts are.

PD will not stop the progress of this game and if you don't want the new patch, disable your internet when it prompts you for the download and save the real players who optimistically look forward to PD's ultimate vision.

Wow, this guy. Your argument can be used againt you. Allowing the 1,000,000 trade patch to be lifted won't effect the "real players." It will simply allow other players to enjoy the game in a diffrent capacity. If you don't want to trade 1,000,000 cars then don't. So "real players" can enjoy not trading and other players who enjoy trading, can trade. Simple.

Sound's like you worked hard to get an expensive car and your mad others are not. Who cares. Play your game, and others will play their game.
They can't stop duping because of the backup feature. There is no way for them to see if a car is duped because of 'legit' restore, or the car was duped because of a 'illegal' restore.

Take this example: you are my friend. I give you a car, and another, and another, and another, up to a number of 20 cars. Before I started giving you cars, I made a backup. All perfectly legit so far. Now my PS3 HDD dies. No problem, I install a new HDD, install GT5 and put back my save. BLAM: I just duped those 20 cars I gave you.

There's no way for PD to tell if that restore was legal or that I was duping on purpose. Not with the current system. Now if they would make backup online (like trophies) it would be a different story... :)

You are right, they should have done that then...

PD get your heads out of your asses and use the updates to fix the problems with the bleeping game! Like the shadows, the paint models so we can see what the car will look like before we paint it. How about adding more content etc. bunch of idiots who think they can dictate how the general public plays the game. FFS its not even online, its mostly single player so what bloody difference does trading do exactly? does it ruin the game for others no! Have you pissed off every single person that plays the game yes! Why don't you actually build new race series instead of releasing a piss weak bunch of piss easy seasonals each week. Pathetic that's what that is. Why put in bloody GT tv, who gives a rats ass about this feature.
If you keep this **** up no one will even play this game. it's not that great anyway, just boring endless races that you expect people to grind endlessly all day. Why dont you stop ppl from leaving Bspec on all night or how about incorporating A save feature, WTF wants to sit here and play endurance races for 24 hours just to level up. Its a joke and you should be ashamed of yourselves. LOL people play World Of Warcraft which is the most addictive game ever created and they don't sit there for 24hours to win stuff all money and get some xp.
Every single time you release an update its full of useless crap that no one wants and if your still planning on releasing free roam wasting more memory instead of enhancing the game. You are the worst game designers i think i have come across. LOL 6 years wait for a game and you release a half ass unfinished unpolished game that isn't worth the long wait at all.
Stuff all premium cars, to many Nissan and Toyota and Mitsubishi and not enough variety
Go fix the damn issues and leave people to play the game any damn way they want to.
Also why don't you build a more structured server that can actually handle the trades that people have been doing.

And another thing, some people enjoy trading and having fun more so than even playing your game lol.
Furthermore Fix the bloody support for the Logitech g27, instead of gimping it to increase sales on the crappy Thrustmaster T500RS, lol its not that good either, just so you can extract more money from people, I for one payed 550AUD for my wheel just for this game and you idiots would rather shaft Logitech in the hopes of getting more money for your already fat bank accounts. You make me sick not to mention Thrustmaster make great flight sticks and that's about it. Logitech is the most supported brand through all gaming and i can't believe you would screw over ever single person that spent 500+ on the wheel

also +1000 for sgtmamataco post, i think that and mine have hit the nail on the head

I agree with some things in your post, but guess what... They have already sold millions, and they are constantly bragging about it, that is what counts in a business dude, most gamers are screwed... They make money first, and then MAYBE as a side effect, people happy...
Remember, its a gifting system... NOT a trading system. I don't care how you've gotten your cars but don't treat it like something that it isn't, and then cry because you have to work for something again.
Remember, its a gifting system... NOT a trading system. I don't care how you've gotten your cars but don't treat it like something that it isn't, and then cry because you have to work for something again.

Remember, this is an anti petition... NOT a pro petition. I don't care how you play your game but don't act like we all have to play the same, and then cry about that some of us don't have to work for something.
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