This could mean that about 67% people want the old gift system back, and 33% people are rejoicing.
A petition is not going to make them change anything. Japan is not like the USA with the first Amendment and petition right. Petitions mean nothing to them over there. Wasting your time....
The 1.07 patch will eventually make me put the game down. No more online play for me. I dupe my cars so I don't have devote my life to the game just to get one car and then have it wrecked in a race by novice drivers. Sorry GT5 creators but you just shot yourself in the foot. Once I'm done with A and B spec endurances the game comes out and gets sold back to gamestop. 63million copies?? make that a future 62.9mil. FIX what you have destroyed!
you have better luck selling it online or doing game stop credits towards another game. game stop will rape you for money
The only problem I see is the 1,000,000 credit cap for trades. That is kind of a big middle finger to the people who spend time making legitimate trades.
But, all the people acting like a bunch of 10 years olds who just had their candy taken away by their parents are no better than the people who were complaining about duping and caused this whole mess in the first place.
I have one question that I want an honest answer to. What effect does it have on YOU if someone else is duplicating cars? Have you ever been in a race online, seen another car and thought;"Hey, you didn't earn that car so you have an unfair advantage"? Even without the person telling you they duped the car?
People complain, and get features taken away and claim it's "better for everyone" they create this illusion for themselves that if anyone plays the game in a different way than they do that makes them a bad person and means that they will ruin the game for themselves by playing it their way. I honestly can't wrap my head around the logic, or lack thereof, behind half the posts on this forum.
I figured it would be a good thing that PD listens to majority of their fans, to bad the majority have the mentality of a Fox News reporter(everything I do is right and every one who doesn't do the same is stupid).
But really, in the next update they should remove the credit limit, and the car per day limit and let the people who bought the game play it the way they enjoy it the most, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else.
You know what?
Now I think that all this issue started because the servers were really clogged. People making a million accounts to get the birthday glitch gift, people trading and duping from a hundred accounts, etc.
I really doubt this has to do with people cheating, or PD forcing people to play a certain way, this was a measure to avoid server clogging.
If duping was the problem, they could have limited the duping with server control, by registering a log for every user like the one we all have, and leave all the trading thing as it was.
Honestly, I prefer the game without gifts, I like to get things with effort, but that is only me, I've seen a lot of guys, the vast majority may I call it, complaining. They might be right, not everybody wants to commit a life to a videogame.
Nevertheless, in Japan people commit lives to videogames, and the game is developed by Kazunori Yamauchi, a pretty stereotypical Japanese guy, so, don't expect awesome changes (in a western way of fun), really. He does´t want his servers clogged, but he also wants you to play forever. He is very proud of his creation, maybe we could bear with him, or just forget about the game.
Can someone explain in laymens terms whtat this update means for trading? What's different?
Personally I think the patch is a good thing. Perhaps it'll stop people from duplicating cars. Ultimatly those people are to blame for this.
Correct me if I'm wrong and I may well be but aren't we connected to the GT5 servers as soon as we load up the game?
Or is that just PSN?
I seem to remember the launch day of GT5, everything was fine here in the UK playing the game until around 2pm which is 9am eastern time in the US (when they're all waking up and loading up their new copy of GT5) then everything just went tits up and crashed, so aren't we constantly logged into the GT servers anyway?
I'm disabled and used to play need for speed games and am going back to them.. I can get the cool cars real easy but not in this game unless you trade.. I was just starting to enjoy trading ane meeting new people but you are taking all the fun out of it for me..
I'm in.
I originally posted the following as a dissenting opinion on the pro 1.07 thread but now I feel that due to the spirit of this thread, it belongs here more:
Not everyone is addicted to the racing element. Sometimes it's fun to take a break from the racing aspect of the game and collect cars. The coolest thing about trades is that it makes a whole sub game. A game within a game, a mini game of collecting cars.
I mean who are the dicks here? The players who dupe to collect all the cars or PD for making so many stupid cars that are EXACTLY THE SAME. The Mazda6 Touring and the Atenza touring are THE SAME CAR. Also the (EU) vs. (US) versions. SAME CARS. They made a huge list of identical cars that serve no purpose in the game other than to inflate their silly/inaccurate boasting of "over 1000 cars to race!" yet half of which are either functional equivalents or some POS minivan or station wagon or such and such crapola, that absolutely DO NOT belong on Nurburgring - the only purpose for their existence to be to "collect them all!"
People love to collect, why else would nonsense like beanie babies and fountain pens exist in large quantities? It's really nobody's business how someone else chooses to enjoy the game. If somebody would rather collect cars than grind for 40 levels, (which requires slave-like dedication and/or cheat grinding IMHO - when u complete races you should already be at the level of the next race group without having to rerace and rerace to get to the very next race) then what is it to anyone else?
PD started this crap with their game design and subsequent flaws. Now the genie is out of the bottle and now there is a large group of people who love that aspect of the game and are now made to feel as if they've done wrong when all they've done is enjoy the game they bought. Remember that word? Game? IT'S A GAME! It's not national security. It's not healthcare!
If people have fun duping, collecting, giving away cars, if it makes them FEEL GOOD and they HAVE FUN, well isn't that WHY we play games? Or is it just to jump through the hoops of some game developer?
The best games take on the life and identity of the PLAYERS not the designers. Seriously, what would Half Life have been without Counter-Strike? Old reference I know but I'm an old guy. It would have been greatly diminished is what.
It's no skin off my nose how people choose to enjoy the game they PAID FOR to play. I've had cooler connections with other humans by giving away and trading cars than I could ever have had beating a special event or an A-Spec race and then posting about it on GTPlanet.
Everyone needs to give PD the finger. Changing major game mechanics like this is inexcusably oppressive. Remember it's not cheating if nobody is getting cheated.
+1 👍I'm in.
I originally posted the following as a dissenting opinion on the pro 1.07 thread but now I feel that due to the spirit of this thread, it belongs here more:
Not everyone is addicted to the racing element. Sometimes it's fun to take a break from the racing aspect of the game and collect cars. The coolest thing about trades is that it makes a whole sub game. A game within a game, a mini game of collecting cars.
I mean who are the dicks here? The players who dupe to collect all the cars or PD for making so many stupid cars that are EXACTLY THE SAME. The Mazda6 Touring and the Atenza touring are THE SAME CAR. Also the (EU) vs. (US) versions. SAME CARS. They made a huge list of identical cars that serve no purpose in the game other than to inflate their silly/inaccurate boasting of "over 1000 cars to race!" yet half of which are either functional equivalents or some POS minivan or station wagon or such and such crapola, that absolutely DO NOT belong on Nurburgring - the only purpose for their existence to be to "collect them all!"
People love to collect, why else would nonsense like beanie babies and fountain pens exist in large quantities? It's really nobody's business how someone else chooses to enjoy the game. If somebody would rather collect cars than grind for 40 levels, (which requires slave-like dedication and/or cheat grinding IMHO - when u complete races you should already be at the level of the next race group without having to rerace and rerace to get to the very next race) then what is it to anyone else?
PD started this crap with their game design and subsequent flaws. Now the genie is out of the bottle and now there is a large group of people who love that aspect of the game and are now made to feel as if they've done wrong when all they've done is enjoy the game they bought. Remember that word? Game? IT'S A GAME! It's not national security. It's not healthcare!
If people have fun duping, collecting, giving away cars, if it makes them FEEL GOOD and they HAVE FUN, well isn't that WHY we play games? Or is it just to jump through the hoops of some game developer?
The best games take on the life and identity of the PLAYERS not the designers. Seriously, what would Half Life have been without Counter-Strike? Old reference I know but I'm an old guy. It would have been greatly diminished is what.
It's no skin off my nose how people choose to enjoy the game they PAID FOR to play. I've had cooler connections with other humans by giving away and trading cars than I could ever have had beating a special event or an A-Spec race and then posting about it on GTPlanet.
Everyone needs to give PD the finger. Changing major game mechanics like this is inexcusably oppressive. Remember it's not cheating if nobody is getting cheated.
I'm in.
I originally posted the following as a dissenting opinion on the pro 1.07 thread but now I feel that due to the spirit of this thread, it belongs here more:
Not everyone is addicted to the racing element. Sometimes it's fun to take a break from the racing aspect of the game and collect cars. The coolest thing about trades is that it makes a whole sub game. A game within a game, a mini game of collecting cars.
I mean who are the dicks here? The players who dupe to collect all the cars or PD for making so many stupid cars that are EXACTLY THE SAME. The Mazda6 Touring and the Atenza touring are THE SAME CAR. Also the (EU) vs. (US) versions. SAME CARS. They made a huge list of identical cars that serve no purpose in the game other than to inflate their silly/inaccurate boasting of "over 1000 cars to race!" yet half of which are either functional equivalents or some POS minivan or station wagon or such and such crapola, that absolutely DO NOT belong on Nurburgring - the only purpose for their existence to be to "collect them all!"
People love to collect, why else would nonsense like beanie babies and fountain pens exist in large quantities? It's really nobody's business how someone else chooses to enjoy the game. If somebody would rather collect cars than grind for 40 levels, (which requires slave-like dedication and/or cheat grinding IMHO - when u complete races you should already be at the level of the next race group without having to rerace and rerace to get to the very next race) then what is it to anyone else?
PD started this crap with their game design and subsequent flaws. Now the genie is out of the bottle and now there is a large group of people who love that aspect of the game and are now made to feel as if they've done wrong when all they've done is enjoy the game they bought. Remember that word? Game? IT'S A GAME! It's not national security. It's not healthcare!
If people have fun duping, collecting, giving away cars, if it makes them FEEL GOOD and they HAVE FUN, well isn't that WHY we play games? Or is it just to jump through the hoops of some game developer?
The best games take on the life and identity of the PLAYERS not the designers. Seriously, what would Half Life have been without Counter-Strike? Old reference I know but I'm an old guy. It would have been greatly diminished is what.
It's no skin off my nose how people choose to enjoy the game they PAID FOR to play. I've had cooler connections with other humans by giving away and trading cars than I could ever have had beating a special event or an A-Spec race and then posting about it on GTPlanet.
Everyone needs to give PD the finger. Changing major game mechanics like this is inexcusably oppressive. Remember it's not cheating if nobody is getting cheated.