*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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Im so in this I want them to just take the 1 million limit away in the next update, they have just gone backwards they were the best racing in the world one day ago and now they have ruin it very badly. Way to go PD ruining your own product and pissed the customers off. GOOD JOB PD
Maybe make it so only the X2010 can't be traded. Cause that's possibly the most traded car ever.
BAD "pd" move!
Let say i spent 10 days giving my family member on other account (same system) 10 Highest prised cars.
So they could use them on they're account while i was on tw0 weeks vacation.
When i get back from vacation patch is implemented, i have no more 10 Highest prised cars??! Wtf..
(just a scenario bound to have some truth to it all over the world)

That sh:t aint right no matter how you look at it.
PD has to ulock this.

I'm all good with 350 cars plus. 95% of the 1mill to max Cars are allready harvested to my garage. v1.07.5 patch for the win.

I'm IN

Just my 2c

1 car, per system, per day, I can live with.

The 1,000,000 limit on gifting I can not, mainly becuase the limit is way to low. We all know that PD wanted to stamp out the X1 trading (especially for money as people were doing on Ebay) but they could have done that by applying a limit that made trading 20mil cars not possible.

What I would have done (per $ trading limit)

Just checking the car list at mygranturismo by price, and you can see that the Bently Speed 8 race car is the most expensive at 5.5mil. I would have bumped the limit to 5.6 or an even 6 as the cars above that are truly worth playing the game to get (people could always use or gift birthday or level tickets to get these so not such a big deal) and the X1 would have been the ONE car in the game you truly had to earn.

I dont think the PD realise that they are severley limiting something that most game developers would love to have: User Generated Content . The UCD and OCD were not creating enough content (actually their both pretty crap) so the useres created their own market, and more importantly one which the game developers did not need to manage!!!

If PD do want to make some cars worth playing (cough grinding) the game for the 2 that come to mind are the X1 and the FGT. If that really is how they feel about the game than a 4.5 (or even 4) mil limit I am sure would have been ok for most of the people playing GT5.


P.S. OK so Just gifted an X1 from one of my backup accounts so rumors of the limit being dropped for a short time are true, the 1 car gift per system is still in effect. Cyrrent time 7:50pm GMT 25/02
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"Extending the life of your product."

AKA Patch 1.07.

Trust me, its for the better.

I don't trust you

I don't trust ANYONE OR ANYTHING that think THEY know what is best FOR ME.

Frankly, I think the update is ridiculous. For the record, yes I am a "duper". I admit it openly and freely. Take it for what you will. If PD are going to take away the option to gift cars that are worth over 1,000,000cr to friends then they need to at least let us sell those cars. I have spent the last 3 weeks grinding for cash to buy a Ford Mk IV race car (Still only at 9mil)... but there is now way on God's green Earth that I will now buy that car, know that once I do all that time will be for naught if I don't like it...

To all the people who have cried about dupers ruining the game, I have one simple question: How has it affected your ability to play and enjoy the game at all?!

EDIT: Forgot to mention: I'm IN!
I'm in, if only because I sent my friend my Ferrari '10 formula (NOT duped) so he could run the seasonals, and he didn't send it back to me before the update. 10 million CR goes poof for me with that update.
Im in.
I play and earn my cars fairly, I earned enough to barely afford a Forlmula GT and my brother asked me to lend it to him so he could pratice racing it, I did and now he cannot give me back my nearly 5 million $ car......needless to say I am none too happy with 1.07
I'm in.

I loved Gran Turismo 1 to 4 but this one turns out to be Grind Turismo. The gifting of expensive cars between friends and/or sub-accounts (including duping) made it a little bit easier to bear, and to take this feature away basically kills the game for me.

Gran Turismo used to be about the thrill of driving many different exclusive and exotic cars on many different exciting tracks. Now it's about driving the same races again and again and again to be able to afford at least some of the nice cars. For people with a job/life it is nearly impossible to enjoy any of the truly great cars in the game, because they have no time to:

1.) grind for credits all day to be able to afford the nice cars

2.) then rotate the UCD all day to actually find the nice cars to buy

If you would actually win desirable prize cars during your racing career this would ease the pain a bit, but no - most of the time you win some underpowered or ugly pile of **** you wouldn't want to be caught dead in IRL.

If winning the career races would actually pay enough to buy at least a handful of the exciting cars you bought the game disc for in the first place, that might soften the blow, but no - you barely make enough money to tune and maintain the few rust buckets the game throws up on you.
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