*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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impossible to enjoy any of the truly great cars in the game, because they have no time to:

1.) grind for credits all day to be able to afford the nice cars

2.) then rotate the UCD all day to actually find the nice cars to buy

I'm into and agree ti the abov
Unless they pay out more so you can buy the race cars no trading >$1M really sucks. My ps3 fat would use almost enough electricity to buy a real car at this rate.

I'm in.
got to page 8 and couldnt be bothered to read the rest..

i have notice lots of people moaning on this site about gt5, moaning rarely gets you anywhere and if you dont like something, go about something else..

i dont care for dupes, but if this patch stops more a-holes from getting the x1 and keep ruining peoples games then im all for it... im fed up of going online and trying out some new purchases only to get my fun ruined by an idiot in an x1 who keeps bashing me or getting in my way(its not in the way like in racing, but purposely doing it) and putting me off and even when they not doing that, they always insist on using them in races with peeps who dont own or cant afford them which make onling racing very pointless...

the only negative i have is the 1 car per day gifting:rolleyes:, i only started using that feature couple days ago to help a work mate out, so when i found out you cant gift more than one at a time i was really annoyed, so they should bring that feature back to proper state..
Signed. I don't dupe. And I don't cheat. I bought the 2J last night and didn't save beforehand and backup so I could also buy the Miura. I'm doing it legit.

But this is still stupid. If I want to send a buddy a Le Manh car I should be able to.
I'm in. :)

Judging by the number of pages in each the Anti 1.07 and the Praise 1.07 threads, the anti 1.07 thread has about double the number of pages. This could mean that about 67% people want the old gift system back, and 33% people are rejoicing.
I'm in
I want my 908 back!

I too want my XJR-9 ... I would be a lot happier with this limit if PD could just give us a week to get our cars back, finish our trades off etc.

Once everyone has had chance to sort their cars out one way or another, then I can get more on-board with such a limit, but even then, I do think it should be capped at around 5 million, that seems fair to me? Maybe a cap just under the price of an F2007 may be more appropriate? I don't know, I think we should probably discuss what a reasonable limit would be, about 5-7 million sounds about right.
But this is still stupid. If I want to send a buddy a Le Manh car I should be able to.

Thats what the effing share car feature is for...Jesus H Christ.

well its not exactly cheating buddy, its just helping, cheating isnt defined by getting a car thats better when it allows the car....cheating is doing some kind of mod and getting all the cars and having max money, how people chose to play the game has absolutely nothing to do with you because it does not render your ability to play, therefore your opinion is invalid

If PD went to so much effort to stop it. They obviously view it as cheating.
I am not a hater, I love the game, and I do think a lot of stuff has to get fixed, but the trading kill was a good idea, as well as all the other 1.07 features. I'm off (wearing a fireman suit now).
The new 1.07 update is rubbish thay could have put a 5 mill cap on the cost of trading. I'm thinking bout taking the game back to game stop I like trading and collecting the cars and colors half the cars I got I have not even seen in my used car delership so how is this suppost to happen know I say put it back like it was and leav it alone why patch somthing that is good now a lot of people are mad is becous what are people going to trade now there is not much u can trade that is under 1 mill that people want so can we put it back like it was. Thanks
The share feature ONLY works for people with a full time internet connection. Some people may use the gift feature to people that either don't have one all the time, or are underage and (understandably) don't have internet access. Do any of you have kids? Do you travel? We do in a 35' coach. Gifting has it's place and limiting them is petty and childish of PD.

Fix/tweek the Level system for online and only allow people of the proper experience to race online against others and then you can get rid of the people whining about inexperienced X1 drivers banging into them...
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