*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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I'm in,
instead of solving serious problems that the game has, they've removed one of the best features the game had, now to get some cars we have to grind our a**es off for as long as we can take without go nuts.
For me if this isn't turned off, or solved within the game(more events and with payment consistent with car prize) I think I'll put GT5 aside for quite a long time
I love the patch , I just cant understand people Whining about the 1 mill limit those that used the duping abused à glitch ffs
err... you will get gt6 and you know it. This patch stops the Dupers and cheats so how is it a bad thing, I wish you lot would stop moaning and maybe play the game properly now!

Comments like this make me think this forum is full of 12-year-old kids who can't barely change their diappers... "Mom, this kid is cheating!"

WTF, what is the problem with you guys? I really don't get it, how do other people "cheating" change your lives? You think it's wrong to cheat, then don't cheat. Simple as that!

I never did stuff like duplicating cars (btw, how do you do it?), but let's not forget that not everyone has got nothing else to do other than playing GT5 all day long. There's people like me who work hard during the day, study at night, have girlfriends and families and stuff... If they wanna cheat to get an X2010 or whatever, what do you guys have to do with that?

As I said, I never cheated like you say, though now that you guys are mentioning it, I will try to do this duplicate car thing (lol). And I really don't see how could I hurt someone by doing so. Well, OK, I will actually continue to work on getting my X2010 the "hard" way for the fun of it (I have just reached lvl 30 a few days ago and haven't had much time to play since then), but I won't lose my sleep just for knowing that there's people cheating around the world...

BTW: I'm in!
Who cares if we duplicate cars. Now you'll have to spend a ton of time getting certain cars just to complete certain races. I don't want to do Endurance races. Good thing I have a good garage already.
Who cares if we duplicate cars.

Obviously the makers of the game.

(edit) I'm not sure if accounts are saved only to the PS3 or if all these duplicated cars effect the servers for GT5 online racing? I know some computer games (Blizzard) have been negatively effected by duped items.

That's a techy programmer question.
In in! this game is about driving cars under the most realistic conditions possible that we would otherwise not even be able to see or breathe on nevermind touch or drive. Trading makes this game better no matter how you slice it. This is rediculous. I shouldnt have to rely on one of my "friends" to "share" a car and not be able to use it so that I can drive it until they want it back. This just doesnt make sense if anything they would have made it more lax and everyone would have more opportunity to enjoy the game instead of now contemplating why they might not buy GT6. Well done PD for once again upsetting a fan base that has already put up with alot to get you this far!!

Not to mention car collecting with this many cars available (0mi or not, your choice) is one more way to play/enjoy this game. This doesn't make sense!
BTW, although I can't stop playing it (whenever I can, that is), the fact is that the game IS SCREWED UP from the beggining. The graduation of the levels, the small number of challenges (making you having to repeat the challenges to climb levels), the separation between A and B-spec and the lack of fast-forward in B-spec and of a save feature for the endurances... The game is just plain WORSE THAN GT4 (though GT4 also didn't have the save feature). I mean, less tracks, much less events... And I will unfortunately NEVER be able to finish this game because of the endurance events (I would have to have my PS3 on for like 2 weeks to finish a 24-hour event, for the reasons explained in my previous post, not to mention having to buy a UPS).

They really didn't think about people who don't live exclusively for playing GT. So I don't really see anything wrong if someone choses to cheat.
Im happy that I already bought most (if not all) of the 1 mill + cars already. I've completed everything in the single player game other than some of the endurance races (which I doubt I'll ever have time for). If I hadn't done this prior to the 1.07, I'd have to boringly repeat the same races over and over again, or wait till they put up new seasonal races (once a week, if that).

The amount of races you would have to repeat to get all of the more expensive cars in the game without duplicating is ridiculous (not to mention how long it would take). GT6 will probably come out before you were able to accomplish this. 👎

If they gave you prize cars that were actually worth a crap, people would probably just stick to playing the game, and not look for alternate ways to get the cars. Unfortunately, 99% of the prize cars you get for completing A & B spec events are a 🤬 joke.
I don't dupe but I don't care what other people do since it doesn't affect me at all.

^^ what he said. it doesnt affect him at all. if my worst problem of the day was somebody copying a car that doesnt affect me......i had a pretty dam good day.

im in.
GT5 doesn't have the option to re-earn prize cars, which was a great way to do money in previous installments. Without this AND being prohibited to trade cars with values over 1M is just plainly stupid. It's not like that nice car you want that is sitting in the used car dealer is going to wait for you to complete those 10 races needed to grab the money to buy it.
look heres the point im trying to make, yes dupping a car steals the effect of grinding for money and searching for it in the UCD, but it has absolutely no affect on the overall gameplay what so ever, all you do is get a better car...so what, isnt that the whole point of this game, to get a better car and make the races easier so you can earn more money to get even better cars?
Any truth that the criteria for the ban on Million dollar cars has already been lifted? Rumor probably, but has anyone tried? I am in the middle of endurance, and can't test.
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