*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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I don't completely understand. Is he saying the option gets postponed??

Looks like the ban will be lifted... But I'm not totally sure either... sometimes things do get lost in translation.
If you're just collecting the cars, buy them. It's easy enough. Where's the problem?

The only issue I have with this is I was going to leave the 20 million credit premium cars until last, so I could dupe for my collection.

As it is now though, it looks like' I'll be auto grinding A spec, duping the regular UCD cars so that I don't lose any money, just so I can afford one 20 mil car.

I play online with my friends in low/middle end cars, I've stopped playing GT life for anything other than grinding credits for my car collection.

I was thinking if I couldn't find a car in my UCD, I could trade with someone to get it, but now this can't happen.

I'm currently owning 860 unique cars. It's not a lot of fun.
The amount of utter crap I've just had to remove from this thread beggars belief. The next person who makes a post in here that a moderator has to delete will be getting a week's holiday from this site.

Read it. Obey it.

I assume my previous post was in that mix. Why not edit and send me a warning.
Like I said, Im in.

Weren't people selling cars on Ebay. It will stop those. lol
Sorry, pal. I dont have time in read all the threads.
Looks like the ban will be lifted... But I'm not totally sure either... sometimes things do get lost in translation.

I really hope so !

Pleeeeese Kaz, do the right thing and scrap this 1mill limit at the very least
I'm in, too. I'm really dissapointed about this million credit limit. For example, I bought a Jag XJ13 race car for the historic race, then won a second one after completing the Indy 500. Why shouldn't I be able to trade it with someone who has an equivalent car I don't have, such as the Ferrari 330? I worked my butt off early in the game to buy a Veyron, then ended up winning a second of them! Unless you know every prize, and plan every purchase that far in advance (which makes it not a game, then, right?), you end up with expensive duplicates. And apparently no way (I know of) of obtaining certain cars.

Some say GT5 isn't a collecting/trading game. Well, when Polyphony gives us over 1,000 cars, and then gives us a special trophy for having them all, well, then YES, GT5 IS a collecting/trading game.

One of the great things about GT5 is that it appeals to so many, and gives us so many types of enjoyment, from arcade racing, to gt life, to b-spec, to on-line, to museum card collecting, etc. And YES, it IS a collecting/trading game. When we're given Fiat 500's and half a dozen almost identical Miata's, most of which will /never/ be used in a race, it is very much a collecting/trading game.

I've completed B-spec to Level 40, gotting gold in every race and enduro, completed A-spec to Level 30, again with gold in every race except enduros, which I only completed Indy (just can't rationalize sitting there that long for the others), GT5 says I'm 95% complete. So, all that was left for me in the game was accumulating, viewing, modding and driving more cars, especially, well, special ones. That's pretty much taken away from me now. So, guess I'm 100% complete with the game.

In any event, with so many ways to enjoy GT5, which should Polyphony limit our enjoyment in ways that don't hurt others???
I'm in, too. I'm really dissapointed about this million credit limit. For example, I bought a Jag XJ13 race car for the historic race, then won a second one after completing the Indy 500. Why shouldn't I be able to trade it with someone who has an equivalent car I don't have, such as the Ferrari 330? I worked my butt off early in the game to buy a Veyron, then ended up winning a second of them! Unless you know every prize, and plan every purchase that far in advance (which makes it not a game, then, right?), you end up with expensive duplicates. And apparently no way (I know of) of obtaining certain cars.

Some say GT5 isn't a collecting/trading game. Well, when Polyphony gives us over 1,000 cars, and then gives us a special trophy for having them all, well, then YES, GT5 IS a collecting/trading game.

One of the great things about GT5 is that it appeals to so many, and gives us so many types of enjoyment, from arcade racing, to gt life, to b-spec, to on-line, to museum card collecting, etc. And YES, it IS a collecting/trading game. When we're given Fiat 500's and half a dozen almost identical Miata's, most of which will /never/ be used in a race, it is very much a collecting/trading game.

I've completed B-spec to Level 40, gotting gold in every race and enduro, completed A-spec to Level 30, again with gold in every race except enduros, which I only completed Indy (just can't rationalize sitting there that long for the others), GT5 says I'm 95% complete. So, all that was left for me in the game was accumulating, viewing, modding and driving more cars, especially, well, special ones. That's pretty much taken away from me now. So, guess I'm 100% complete with the game.

In any event, with so many ways to enjoy GT5, which should Polyphony limit our enjoyment in ways that don't hurt others???

Good Post.

I just can`t undertsand PD anymore. It seems like that they are trying everything to prevent us from having fun.
Stupid question maybe, but does anyone know how to inform PD about this petition? I can't seem to find any mail address. I don't use twitter, so maybe someone else could point out this topic to Kaz or his team?
yea im in ! im surprised they didn't fix the poor AI/collision detection in b-spec cote d'azure which is a built in deffect of the game or some of the very badly drawn wheel arches to the standard cars, that wolud have at least pleased everyone
look i can see why alot of people are pissed because of "dupped" cars, but lets be reasonal, why not 10 million...why 1 million, the main car people do that stuff with is the X1, get pissed all you want, but if you're trading and you dont save your file before sending and reloading before getting then you still have the same amount of cars, say you have 5 cars and Johnny has 5 cars, you want to get the 5 cars Johnny has without giving up your own, so the "dupping" method helps you, other wise you just keep 5 cars and never finish having all said 10 cars

so yea im in for the petition
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For those against 1.07 here you go, let your voice be heard, no one ignores facebook.
Facebook have toppled dictators and unified people all over this world. PD will regret 1.07. Spread the word. 1.07 needs to go. There are better ways to limit trades and duping. For instance lock the car level to the Aspec level, if you are below the car level then you can't accept the trade. Same way you can't buy a car above your level for the dealers.

Im not in any way supportive of dupping. I trade cars i dont want for cars I do, now I cant do that. how am I supposed to get the rest of the old race cars? I would get a kick out of hearing PDs way of obtaining them.......
The way I look at it, there is probably less than 30 cars above 1 million credits right?

Why not try and get all the other cars and when your done with that, THEN cry about not being able to trade above the 1Mill mark.
if (gift_car == already_owned){
//gift another car;
} else {
//gift selected car;
It's actually not that simple.

int i=0
bool not_available= true
While(i=! recipient.garage_count())
if (recipient.iscaravailable(car_to_be_gifted))
{//print out error message
not_available= false
else continue

if (not_available) this.gift_car(car_to_be_gifted)

The line in bold, would require having a real time database of all of our cars, which is impossible.

For those of you who like 1.07, please visit:
The way I look at it, there is probably less than 30 cars above 1 million credits right?

Why not try and get all the other cars and when your done with that, THEN cry about not being able to trade above the 1Mill mark.

there are 76 cars above 1mil. there are also a few cars that are under a mil but cant be traded. thats still like 1% of the cars in the game BUT the fact that the ONLY way to obtaining these cars (that arnt prizes) is literal hours of grinding is complete bull.
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