*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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Tbh GT5 doesn't give that much of a driving experience, there is definately nothing to get immersed in, especially at high levels, GT5 is more of a chore than an immersive game.

Everything requires grinding, A Spec, B Spec, Licenses take repetition, some specials take repetition (some in grand tour and the X1 events) Endurance races can't be done without leaving the PS3 on for stupid amounts of time.

So yeh, GT5 is a chore :)

This I disagree with,but to each their own:)(understand shadowman?).I love driving my lp640:)
i'm in! Its a huge help to rent a car by a friend to complete a race IMO..

GT5 begins to suck even more.......
You guys defending this update realize that collecting even half the cars in the game is going to be impossible now right? I don't think there is a playstation out there that can survive the grind that it requires.

Count me in.
This 1mil limit can be easy fixed.
Let us sell cars for a more reasonable price and let us sell cars that cost more than 500k Cr.
And no petty 100k for a 800k Cr car...
I'm in, if for nothing else than to just piss off someone who is happy about this update upsetting people.
i have enough cars to compete at any level and brought most of the cars i wanted so yeah im happy with this update.
The fact is duping is cheating and waters down the rarity of rare cars, pd have gone on to try and fix it with this update and credit to them, nice one pd fantastic update.
The fact is duping is cheating and waters down the rarity of rare cars, pd have gone on to try and fix it with this update and credit to them, nice one pd fantastic update.

Forget it,im so sick and tired of explaining OVER and OVER....
The fact is duping is cheating and waters down the rarity of rare cars, pd have gone on to try and fix it with this update and credit to them, nice one pd fantastic update.

Finally Another Pro Patch, Non-Cheater Well Said 👍
I think it's a fine patch, It will stop dupers from duping expensive cars, such as the X1 or Bugatti Veyron.. As some have said, Duping lowers the rarity of cars, since people will inevitably dupe the car and in a way, scam the person their trading with, since (hopefully, the person is a good, clean player) the other player is expecting the person they're trading with to lose the car they're trading with you and vice versa.

All in all, this patch was aimed to stopped people from duplicating cars.
who's gonna give me back the X1 carbon that i lend to a friend two days ago?...

Many players are in this STUPID and UNFAIR situation.

Shame on you PD.
This update sucks. I have a life/family and dont have the time to earn 60million cr to buy the three 20 million cr cars i want (and have paid for by purchasing the game). I have made it up to 19 million and was looking forward to buying these cars but now what am i supposed to do. If this is nt changed i wont be buying anymore PD products thats for sure.
I completely agree with what the patch has achieved but not that they have done it without any prior warning or cooling off period to allow genuine people to get their cars back. Not that I used it but I lost a 330 P4 Ferrari.

Love the game it it doesn't bother me that I can't trade stuff over a million but THE GAME SHOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE THIS FROM DAY ONE!!!!

PD should allow a weeks grace for people to get their cars back from being lent out and then put the patch/limit in place for good.
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