*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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I'm in. how do they expect you to be able to buy all the exspensive cars with out trading, they should add more races with greater moeny and prize winning.
I don't like the 1 mil cap either..but Im happy that it stops duping.

It doesn't stop duping! People will still dupe under 1million ... There are plenty of cars people want ... Subaru Impreza Super Touring Car for example, JGTC cars also, they can still be duped!
It doesn't stop duping! People will still dupe under 1million ... There are plenty of cars people want ... Subaru Impreza Super Touring Car for example, JGTC cars also, they can still be duped!

I know I've edited the comment now.
to make the trading better.... they should have it where someone puts up a car for trade( like shared) but with a car they want traded for it. then someone else put the car they want traded( like shared) and with the car they want for it. within 1 mil cr . Then the trade auto happens when it finds a match..... i think the car should be recieved 0 miles 0 switches with no mods!!!
HAHA yeah.. i have an X2010 with an insane mileage on it.. but if i was to gift it away someone else would get it at 0? no chance :L
You KNEW the game had over 1000 cars.
You also probably KNEW from past GT games that there are rare cars in the game.
You KNEW that collecting all the cars you want was going to be hard and would take a lot of time (and probably skill),
yet you all complain now that getting all of your wanted cars is not possible anymore in a way it originally even wasn't supposed to go.
What happened to feeling proud and happy because you EARNED something? Why do so many people want to go the easy way?
And what's the fun in collecting when every car in the game is for grabs?
This was certainly not the intended way of playing GT5.
And please, don't bring up that you don't have time to play. Most of the kids here play all damn day, which leaves them enough time to grind and earn money.
You should appreciate the game every time you experience the driving pleasure it gives (stock F40 on the Nordschleife for example, try it, you'll love it),
instead of turning on your PS3 and only go through the gift menus and not driving at all! (which I think you do, hence all the 0 miles cars ;))

What I would suggest is to reintroduce winning prize cars everytime you win a championship. Don't like the car?
Sell it, receive the extra money and save up for your wanted vehicle. No duping, no trading, just racing.
And make the damn AI better so winning makes you feel even better :)
You KNEW the game had over 1000 cars.
You also probably KNEW from past GT games that there are rare cars in the game.
You KNEW that collecting all the cars you want was going to be hard and would take a lot of time (and probably skill),
yet you all complain now that getting all of your wanted cars is not possible anymore in a way it originally even wasn't supposed to go.
What happened to feeling proud and happy because you EARNED something? Why do so many people want to go the easy way?
And what's the fun in collecting when every car in the game is for grabs?
This was certainly not the intended way of playing GT5.
And please, don't bring up that you don't have time to play. Most of the kids here play all damn day, which leaves them enough time to grind and earn money.
You should appreciate the game every time you experience the driving pleasure it gives (stock F40 on the Nordschleife for example, try it, you'll love it),
instead of turning on your PS3 and only go through the gift menus and not driving at all! (which I think you do, hence all the 0 miles cars ;))

What I would suggest is to reintroduce winning prize cars everytime you win a championship. Don't like the car?
Sell it, receive the extra money and save up for your wanted vehicle. No duping, no trading, just racing.
And make the damn AI better winning makes you feel even better :)

ahmen 👍👍
Is the GTplanet community suppose to be a driving force for decision making or something??? I mean GT5 sold 6 million already.........do you email Microsoft everytime spell check doesn't recognize a word???
You KNEW the game had over 1000 cars.
You also probably KNEW from past GT games that there are rare cars in the game.
You KNEW that collecting all the cars you want was going to be hard and would take a lot of time (and probably skill),
yet you all complain now that getting all of your wanted cars is not possible anymore in a way it originally even wasn't supposed to go.
What happened to feeling proud and happy because you EARNED something? Why do so many people want to go the easy way?
And what's the fun in collecting when every car in the game is for grabs?
This was certainly not the intended way of playing GT5.
And please, don't bring up that you don't have time to play. Most of the kids here play all damn day, which leaves them enough time to grind and earn money.
You should appreciate the game every time you experience the driving pleasure it gives (stock F40 on the Nordschleife for example, try it, you'll love it),
instead of turning on your PS3 and only go through the gift menus and not driving at all! (which I think you do, hence all the 0 miles cars ;))

What I would suggest is to reintroduce winning prize cars everytime you win a championship. Don't like the car?
Sell it, receive the extra money and save up for your wanted vehicle. No duping, no trading, just racing.
And make the damn AI better winning makes you feel even better :)

i agree with selling your cars you get hardly any money and no money for exsensive cars you should atleast be able to sell them when you get bored of them this is why the duping started because you don't get enough money to buy all the cars.
It seems PD made the biggest mistake of implementing a gifting feature in the first place. I would like to know how all you whiners (Hig-GT) fared in GT4 when there was no gifting. Appreciate what you got PD may just take away the whole feature.
it is! i agree! F1 cars+ should be untradeable! so that means cars that cost 8million+ shouldn't be traded ... those are cars that should be rare :)

Exactly, thats what I was getting at..maybe worded badly. The cap should be higher.
As some of you may know, I got ripped off for a deal for an x1, a person on the forum was kind enough to want to give me one today but noooooo pd had to release this rubbish patch and now I'm a good car down -.-

I'm in
Why are so many people so bothered by how others play their game?

What aspect of what others do with their game, affects yours so much?

Honest questions seeking a rational, non-sarcastic reply.
What I would suggest is to reintroduce winning prize cars everytime you win a championship. Don't like the car?
Sell it, receive the extra money and save up for your wanted vehicle. No duping, no trading, just racing.
And make the damn AI better so winning makes you feel even better :)

I agree & would go for this ... Make GT5 more balanced first.
You KNEW the game had over 1000 cars.
You also probably KNEW from past GT games that there are rare cars in the game.
You KNEW that collecting all the cars you want was going to be hard and would take a lot of time (and probably skill),
yet you all complain now that getting all of your wanted cars is not possible anymore in a way it originally even wasn't supposed to go.
What happened to feeling proud and happy because you EARNED something? Why do so many people want to go the easy way?
And what's the fun in collecting when every car in the game is for grabs?
This was certainly not the intended way of playing GT5.
And please, don't bring up that you don't have time to play. Most of the kids here play all damn day, which leaves them enough time to grind and earn money.
You should appreciate the game every time you experience the driving pleasure it gives (stock F40 on the Nordschleife for example, try it, you'll love it),
instead of turning on your PS3 and only go through the gift menus and not driving at all! (which I think you do, hence all the 0 miles cars ;))

What I would suggest is to reintroduce winning prize cars everytime you win a championship. Don't like the car?
Sell it, receive the extra money and save up for your wanted vehicle. No duping, no trading, just racing.
And make the damn AI better so winning makes you feel even better :)

You make some good points but

There was nothing wrong with Legit Trading, you both earned the cars but you would much rather have a different one so you swap.
No cheating, and you still had to earn the car in the first place.

Say I didn't know what to buy between the Audi R10 TDI or the Peugeot FAP HDI, I earnt the credits and brought the Audi, if then decide i don't like it and want the Peugeot, I can swap it with a friend so I can get the Peugeot
Don't see whats wrong with that:sly:
What happened to feeling proud and happy because you EARNED something? Why do so many people want to go the easy way?

I suspect that there is an element of human nature that compels some to find an exploit for every given situation... :boggled:
It seems PD made the biggest mistake of implementing a gifting feature in the first place. I would like to know how all you whiners (Hig-GT) fared in GT4 when there was no gifting. Appreciate what you got PD may just take away the whole feature.

I didn't actually play GT4, last one I played was GT3. What difference would it make in how I fared in GT4? And btw, stop just calling us all whiners, if there was something you didn't like you would be the same and then you wouldn't appreciate being called a whiner would you? All we're trying to do is put our point across and actually debate this limit, but unfortunately we are trying to do it with very closed minded people and kids so the thread is going the way it is.
You make some good points but

There was nothing wrong with Legit Trading, you both earned the cars but you would much rather have a different one so you swap.
No cheating, and you still had to earn the car in the first place.

Say I didn't know what to buy between the Audi R10 TDI or the Peugeot FAP HDI, I earnt the credits and brought the Audi, if then decide i don't like it and want the Peugeot, I can swap it with a friend so I can get the Peugeot
Don't see whats wrong with that:sly:

Yeh, it aint like we're buying a Citroen 2CV and trading it for an X1 is it?
You make some good points but

There was nothing wrong with Legit Trading, you both earned the cars but you would much rather have a different one so you swap.
No cheating, and you still had to earn the car in the first place.

Say I didn't know what to buy between the Audi R10 TDI or the Peugeot FAP HDI, I earnt the credits and brought the Audi, if then decide i don't like it and want the Peugeot, I can swap it with a friend so I can get the Peugeot
Don't see whats wrong with that:sly:

That's all perfectly fine ....until people dupe. That is the problem
Tbh GT5 doesn't give that much of a driving experience, there is definately nothing to get immersed in, especially at high levels, GT5 is more of a chore than an immersive game.

Everything requires grinding, A Spec, B Spec, Licenses take repetition, some specials take repetition (some in grand tour and the X1 events) Endurance races can't be done without leaving the PS3 on for stupid amounts of time.

So yeh, GT5 is a chore :)
Grinding is part of the game, deal with it, or in your case cheat!!!
At least this "troll" and my "limited mind" can play a game without having to trade/dupe my cars. and is it really pointless having to earn your money to get more cars.....? i think thats called playin the game.

good luck with the petition cheaters!!!!! you only have yourselves to blame for abusing this so called trading.

lol, grinding is a dumb tactic made up by games companies to give you something to do without having to need to program or design anything themselves. Most chumps fall for it as "a part of the game" but in all reality its just a way to keep perfectionists hooked with minimal company expenditure. But hey, enjoy ur grind.
Tbh GT5 doesn't give that much of a driving experience, there is definately nothing to get immersed in, especially at high levels, GT5 is more of a chore than an immersive game.

Everything requires grinding, A Spec, B Spec, Licenses take repetition, some specials take repetition (some in grand tour and the X1 events) Endurance races can't be done without leaving the PS3 on for stupid amounts of time.

So yeh, GT5 is a chore :)

If Its that much of a chore......dont play it......and dont sign a petition for a game that you think is a chore......just a thought
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