Remember, its a gifting system... NOT a trading system. I don't care how you've gotten your cars but don't treat it like something that it isn't, and then cry because you have to work for something again.
This is my last post aimed at brandon6i because clearly I won't change your mind and you won't change mine.
First off, who cares what the system is called. PD officially recognizes trading in their latest news update when they say, "Depending on your network environment, the timing may vary slightly, so if you have plans to give or traded high price vehicles, please do so within this time." So sure the system was originally intended to be a gift system, but this isn't the first time something was created and it’s actually use is other than what the designer intended it for. EX: The internet was supposed to be for scientist to exchange informartion. Was gtplanet in the desginers mind. I think not. Should we stop the use of the internet expect for scientific use, no.
You say "I don't care how you've gotten your cars", but you clearly care. Why else would you seek out a post discouraging the 1,000,000 credit limit on trading and argue with people on it.
I am one of the people who worked hard to get my cars and I enjoyed the process. I don't get my sense of accomplishment from the community recognizing me.
I believe that this update ruins the gift giving system also.
EX. I have two X2010 S. Vettel, one for B-Spec lvl 35 and the other from the challenge. I have accomplished something hard to do. Now I want to show my friends my accomplishment by giving someone a X2010 no strings attached, because what else am I going to do with two X2010 Red Bull's. But I can’t.
My main point is trading didn’t affect play for other players, so why stop it. It was voluntary to trade you didn't have to do it and when someone else did it didn't affect my game.
So PD let the players play the game.
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