*PETITION* Anti V1.07 patch

  • Thread starter veryferry
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Remember, its a gifting system... NOT a trading system. I don't care how you've gotten your cars but don't treat it like something that it isn't, and then cry because you have to work for something again.

This is my last post aimed at brandon6i because clearly I won't change your mind and you won't change mine.

First off, who cares what the system is called. PD officially recognizes trading in their latest news update when they say, "Depending on your network environment, the timing may vary slightly, so if you have plans to give or traded high price vehicles, please do so within this time." So sure the system was originally intended to be a gift system, but this isn't the first time something was created and it’s actually use is other than what the designer intended it for. EX: The internet was supposed to be for scientist to exchange informartion. Was gtplanet in the desginers mind. I think not. Should we stop the use of the internet expect for scientific use, no.

You say "I don't care how you've gotten your cars", but you clearly care. Why else would you seek out a post discouraging the 1,000,000 credit limit on trading and argue with people on it.

I am one of the people who worked hard to get my cars and I enjoyed the process. I don't get my sense of accomplishment from the community recognizing me.

I believe that this update ruins the gift giving system also.
EX. I have two X2010 S. Vettel, one for B-Spec lvl 35 and the other from the challenge. I have accomplished something hard to do. Now I want to show my friends my accomplishment by giving someone a X2010 no strings attached, because what else am I going to do with two X2010 Red Bull's. But I can’t.

My main point is trading didn’t affect play for other players, so why stop it. It was voluntary to trade you didn't have to do it and when someone else did it didn't affect my game.

So PD let the players play the game.
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This is my last post aimed at brandon6i because clearly I won't change your mind and you won't change mine.

First off, who cares what the system is called. PD officially recognizes trading in their latest news update when they say, "Depending on your network environment, the timing may vary slightly, so if you have plans to give or traded high price vehicles, please do so within this time." So sure the system was originally intended to be a gift system, but this isn't the first time something was created and it’s actually use is other than what the designer intended it for. EX: The internet was supposed to be for scientist to exchange informartion. Was gtplanet in the desginers mind. I think not. Should we stop the use of the internet expect for scientific use, no.

You say "I don't care how you've gotten your cars", but you clearly care. Why else would you seek out a post discouraging the 1,000,000 credit limit on trading and argue with people on it.

I am one of the people who worked hard to get my cars and I enjoyed the process. I don't get my sense of accomplishment from the community recognizing me.

I believe that this update ruins the gift giving system also.
EX. I have two X2010 S. Vettel, one for B-Spec lvl 35 and the other from the challenge. I have accomplished something hard to do. Now I want to show my friends my accomplishment by giving someone a X2010 no strings attached, because what else am I going to do with two X2010 Red Bull's. But I can’t.

My main point is trading didn’t affect play for other players, so why stop it. It was voluntary to trade you didn't have to do it and when someone else did it didn't affect my game.

So PD let the players play the game.

True...I really can't find one single valid reason for wanting the option to trade to stay out.
I agree, the trading limit imposed by update 1.07 is a bad idea.

Makes you look really childish and petty, KY.

You know, people (including me, right now!) are using rubber bands to drive your game and earn credits/xp. How does that make you feel, KY? Might as well nerf that exploit too.

and since you seem intent on alienating everyone except the elitest fanboy jerks, why not remove the game save back-up feature too.

Go ahead, I DARE you.

Me thinks Forza is reading and having a good laugh at your expense, while preparing for September.
I must admit I am thinking about an X-Box 360+Forza combo when it comes out ... I played Forza 3 in currys before I got GT5 and I must say I honestly thought that was just as good as GT5, I thought the graphics where really good and the AI was much better than what GT5 has ... Maybe now GT fans will defect over? God GT6 will have to be good! :P
You know, people (including me, right now!) are using rubber bands to drive your game and earn credits/xp. How does that make you feel, KY? Might as well nerf that exploit too.

Ya next there will be a limit of only one race per day, per console, per account. And the maximum money that you can earn in a day is 10,000 and you can only start the game once a day. Once you quit the game that day you can't play anymore. This way no one gets to far ahead.

and to those who say duping is cheating, what happen to the days of N64 where I would play the game for 10 min before looking up cheat codes. No one questioned me then, why now?

Note: I don't copy cars. Just saying, people are always going to want to cheat when games get hard or BORING as in the case of GT5.
I believe that this update ruins the gift giving system also.
EX. I have two X2010 S. Vettel, one for B-Spec lvl 35 and the other from the challenge. I have accomplished something hard to do. Now I want to show my friends my accomplishment by giving someone a X2010 no strings attached, because what else am I going to do with two X2010 Red Bull's. But I can’t.

Not to forget the two GT40's I got. One for the Indy 500 in B-spec, and one for one of my level 21 tickets. I don't need two, and can't even sell it. What's worse, I actually grinded my way to having all the money to buy an F2007, only to realize after I bought it that you can't use the damn thing throughout most of the game (don't really care much about once-off opportunities). And then I get another one with one of my level 24 tickets. Not happy! What am I supposed to do with them if I can't even gift them away, or trade them for something I actually want? Just delete them from my garage? Or ignore them? And that's what I did all that grinding for? Geez, what an accomplishment!

If PD really does want to put a stop to duping, please, be my guest, but don't break other parts of the game in the process. Epic fail!

I'm in!
Just bought another 4 million credit car today, and a 2 million credit car yesterday. Didn't do any grinding, just played the game with some cars I felt like experimenting with.

Is it really that hard to do? It doesn't seem to be.

I've tried playing the game a couple of ways. One was trying to level up in a hurry, and buy lots of stuff as soon as possible. The other was to relax, take my time, and do some exploring. I've found that the patient way is much, much more rewarding. Trying to hurry was very frustrating -- the game just doesn't seem to be built that way, and it's an uphill struggle at best. But settling myself down brought the enjoyment level WAY up. The interesting part is that we can choose a frustrating path, or choose a different way. Rather than try to bend PD to do what I want, I choose to play in a way that's fun.

Like any game or hobby, I always say "If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong."
Like any game or hobby, I always say "If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong."

I was having fun till PD stoped it. I agree with you but why am I forced to be like you. In that the only fun I can have in this game is your method. People are diffrent I enjoy collecting cars you enjoy slow relaxing gameplay, I am in no way saying that this is bad. Why can't we co-exist. My trading doesnt effect your style.
I also think that some of the Target Times in Special Events are impossible to beat (AMG Easy/Gold Sector 2). Which shows there are other things to worry about than restricting our gift system. I need the Gold to unlock the Winter Ahrwieler Photo location. Simulators shouldn't require you to unlock neat features....
I also think that some of the Target Times in Special Events are impossible to beat (AMG Easy/Gold Sector 2). Which shows there are other things to worry about than restricting our gift system. I need the Gold to unlock the Winter Ahrwieler Photo location. Simulators shouldn't require you to unlock neat features....

Don't expect anything awesome from the Winter location, it is the same as the regular one, but with a crappy Christmas Tree and some bulb lighted stars hanging around (which by the way look Jewish to me, not very Christmas stuff PD...) Oh, and 3 or 4 snowflakes falling every 10 seconds, nothing spectacular.

It is not impossible, it is kind of hard yes, but you need to try a lot of times until you memorize the correct braking points and the maximum grip tolerance for the car in some corners, etc... (and totally ignore the driving line which is really inaccurate, and turn all assists off, except abs to 1 if you find it too hard to control the car with it off)

Hard, yes, impossible, no, worth the effort, no. (Unless you are aiming at the platinum trophy like me, but guess I am a minority)
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"Patches, I'm depending on you son(y)...." Please Give Us Unrestricted Trading On Our Own PS3's, at Minimum...

They, Sony and Polydigital Phonies, want to sell you DLC which is why they have become the DLC Police.​

Duping, trading, cloning, sharing, whatever you call it, is no more "cheating" then dealing out the properties at the beginning of a Monopoly game to speed it up. If you want to spend all your time playing this game with a 71 Dodge Charger crashing into everything else on the track, who gives a rip? Not everyone wants to think they are Emerson Fitipaldi or Jimmie Johnson, and the ones that are holier than thou with their "play the game the right way" crapola. Give me a break. You bought the game and the console. Use it however you want, end of story.
Don't expect anything awesome from the Winter location

Thanks for the tip, I still hope they can SOON make the game easier to enjoy. Its kind of their own fault people are trading expensive cars. Mainly because us people have lives and not hours to make virtual money. I spent days on end to legitimately earn the XJ13 and the Miura.
Thanks for the tip, I still hope they can SOON make the game easier to enjoy. Its kind of their own fault people are trading expensive cars. Mainly because us people have lives and not hours to make virtual money. I spent days on end to legitimately earn the XJ13 and the Miura.

I do understand dude, even though I could be a "hardcore" player, the game is indeed absurd at many things. I love it deeply, but it is indeed pretty absurd too.
G'day Guys,

I have just registered specifically so I could add my input to this petition (I hope that's ok?).

As others have said, I only play GT5 as a game and for fun.

I think it's a great game (I've never been into computer games much, but this one was a beauty) but I've pretty much gone as far as I want to at the A-spec level. I don't have the time or inclination to spend hours, days or weeks trying to get through the endurance races or slowly accumulate the money needed for the cool cars. So I had pretty much lost interest in the game after a couple of months.

It was only after finding out about the gifting (or duping?) idea that I regained some interest in GT5 as I was then able to start collecting some of the cooler cars that I like.

I'm not interested in the on-line racing aspect of the game and I'm not out to trade with or rip off people with my cars. I'm quite happy to just plod along on my own PS3 and have a bit of fun, collecting cars, having a bit of a drive of them, taking photos and admiring the cool graphics. If I needed to be banned from any on-line involvement in order to do this, I would.

Not having the ability to look forward to collecting the cool cars for my own enjoyment has taken the fun out of the game for me. Which is a shame, because I was really hooked on it before.

Thanks for letting me add my vote. Is there some way of contacting the game developers directly and passing on my opinion as well?

I'm in and I don't understand how duping or trading affects ANYONE. the whiny people who can't do it or seem to have some crazy idea that a GAME is real life and we should all be required to follow rules they impose on us need to move on with their lives. IT'S A GAME and if I don't want to waste years of my life collecting cars that I can get in a few weeks through trading and duping in a game that, lets face it, has NO APPEAL beyond level 25 then why should others be able to tell me that I can't do it because of their game morals?
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G'day Guys,

I have just registered specifically so I could add my input to this petition (I hope that's ok?).

As others have said, I only play GT5 as a game and for fun.

I think it's a great game (I've never been into computer games much, but this one was a beauty) but I've pretty much gone as far as I want to at the A-spec level. I don't have the time or inclination to spend hours, days or weeks trying to get through the endurance races or slowly accumulate the money needed for the cool cars. So I had pretty much lost interest in the game after a couple of months.

It was only after finding out about the gifting (or duping?) idea that I regained some interest in GT5 as I was then able to start collecting some of the cooler cars that I like.

I'm not interested in the on-line racing aspect of the game and I'm not out to trade with or rip off people with my cars. I'm quite happy to just plod along on my own PS3 and have a bit of fun, collecting cars, having a bit of a drive of them, taking photos and admiring the cool graphics. If I needed to be banned from any on-line involvement in order to do this, I would.

Not having the ability to look forward to collecting the cool cars for my own enjoyment has taken the fun out of the game for me. Which is a shame, because I was really hooked on it before.

Thanks for letting me add my vote. Is there some way of contacting the game developers directly and passing on my opinion as well?


This post sums up the whole sad saga...it doesn't matter if people dupe, it affects nobody. Changing the gifting rules does though...

...nice one! :ill:

Tut tut PD
I'm in!

For me, I don't trade cars, not yet, anyway. But the limit is silly anyway. I suspect PD will change the policy, in some way. They seem quite responsive to user opinions.

As they say, Don't Panic!

^Perhaps a bit too responsive. Various polls have proven that the anti-dupers are the minority, but they were apparently very vociferous and made it seem like they had enough people to get their way. Part of being responsive to opinions is being able to tell between noisemaking and true majority.
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