Thanks CSLACR, the Cerbera is better than I hoped for. I took your advice and went with the full weight reductions, then went for stage 1 engine, and everything else. No wing though, I don't really like the look of them. Ended up with 474bhp and 548PP.
This car still has the TVR 'you're going to die if you make a mistake' attitude about it. What you have done is make it a little harder to make that mistake. She will go where you point her, and when (not if) a slide starts, she's easier to grab and guide back in the right direction. There is a wonderfully wide usable powerband, and acceleration is somewhat akin to a scalded cat. I cant remember ever needing to lift in the middle of the tunnel at Monaco in any other car before.
Obviously she is overkill for the lightweight seasonal, on my first run I was in first place at the carousel, and almost 300kph for most of the final straight. But really, who cares when the driving is this much fun.
She is beautiful and I think I'm in love. I think I'll name her Demi

. And I gave her a spicy orange dress to wear.