Photo GT5 prologue VS Forza 3 Demo

  • Thread starter elaguila45
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It is a conflict of interests. And yes, Top Gear did hire some average "joe" off the street... Who happens to be a freelance writer.

And as I said, there's no indication he drives around in Zondas. Infact I'm gonna go ahead and say in all likely hood he's never touched a Zonda in his life. He wasn't paid to write that article because he's a race car driver. He was paid because he's a writer.

You laugh a lot but I don't see what's funny, other than you who didn't check your facts first and started parading that quote around like you think the STIG wrote it.
LMAO once again you never seem to amaze me. Your having me on the ground here man. My stomach cant take any more with you making me laugh.

So what your saying is, If a Aviation site called me to write a article for them, and I have no experience on flying a plane. The only plane I ever flew was through a computer game.

So they wanted me to review on 2 Flight Sims for them. I tell them Flight Sim B is more realistic, even though I do not know how to fly a real plane. Should their audience take any word from me as the truth?

Dont you think, they would hire someone who at least have some experience , before they have them write a article for them? Its only common sense man.

Also what is your proof that PD paid Top Gear. so what your saying is, PD paid off a Freelance writer? You know the one, you said is a Average Joe.
You laugh a lot but I don't see what's funny, other than you who didn't check your facts first and started parading that quote around like you think the STIG wrote it.

If the Stig wrote it, it would look like this

Top gear
If the Stig wrote it, it would look like this

heh :sly:

Some say...... He switched it on, went to the track section, couldnt find what he was looking for so switched it back off again.

It is a conflict of interests. And yes, Top Gear did hire some average "joe" off the street... Who happens to be a freelance writer.

And as I said, there's no indication he drives around in Zondas. Infact I'm gonna go ahead and say in all likely hood he's never touched a Zonda in his life. He wasn't paid to write that article because he's a race car driver. He was paid because he's a writer.

You laugh a lot but I don't see what's funny, other than you who didn't check your facts first and started parading that quote around like you think the STIG wrote it.

This is from the same article.

"What with us being at the Nordschleife and all, we obviously had to do a bit of actual, real driving ourselves. It would have been rude not to."
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LMAO once again you never seem to amaze me. Your having me on the ground here man. My stomach cant take any more with you making me laugh.

So what your saying is, If a Aviation site called me to write a article for them, and I have no experience on flying a plane. The only plane I ever flew was through a computer game.

So they wanted me to review on 2 Flight Sims for them. I tell them Flight Sim B is more realistic, even though I do not know how to fly a real plane. Should their audience take any word from me as the truth?

Dont you think, they would hire someone who at least have some experience , before they have them write a article for them? Its only common sense man.

Also what is your proof that PD paid Top Gear. so what your saying is, PD paid off a Freelance writer? You know the one, you said is a Average Joe.

That quote was from a blurb written about Forza from E3. I'm sure they spared no expense in hiring only the most qualified and experienced race car driver/freelance writer :lol:
No. I never said if you could drive a simulator you can drive a race car. Although vice versa shouldnt be a problem.

It is, believe me. I have done ASA racing for quite some time now, and it's nothing like the video games. As much as I would like them to be, that just isn't the case.

Lmao , I do not know who is funnier, you or bogie.
Like I said earlier, I do not know who makes me laugh more, you or Bogie.

LMAO once again you never seem to amaze me. Your having me on the ground here man. My stomach cant take any more with you making me laugh.

So what your saying is, If a Aviation site called me to write a article for them, and I have no experience on flying a plane. The only plane I ever flew was through a computer game.

So they wanted me to review on 2 Flight Sims for them. I tell them Flight Sim B is more realistic, even though I do not know how to fly a real plane. Should their audience take any word from me as the truth?

Dont you think, they would hire someone who at least have some experience , before they have them write a article for them? Its only common sense man.

Also what is your proof that PD paid Top Gear. so what your saying is, PD paid off a Freelance writer? You know the one, you said is a Average Joe.

This guy is a hoot. You crack me up.
That quote was from a blurb written about Forza from E3. I'm sure they spared no expense in hiring only the most qualified and experienced race car driver/freelance writer :lol:
Funny how that is all you can come up with :)

But i want to bring up something you said earlier, since you pointed out that the whole article is a conflict of interest. Do you think PD paid off the Freelance writer?
Ufortunately, it seems some fanboys have brought this thread down to it's lowest of lows. Paid off?

Can we get back on topic? Better yet, can we just get GT5 so we can play the damn thing?!? I want it now.
Might want to pry your eyes open a TAD bit more. Check out the subject line 👍

If you don't like discussing Forza, nobody is stopping you from avoiding the topic. The rest of us can carry on as we were. Thanks.
Our forum here caters to not only just GT lovers, but those who love GT and Forza (and all racing sims). 👍

I know it does... Whats your point?

Might want to pry your eyes open a TAD bit more. Check out the subject line 👍

If you don't like discussing Forza, nobody is stopping you from avoiding the topic. The rest of us can carry on as we were. Thanks.

Hell no!

I love where this thread is going.
Might want to pry your eyes open a TAD bit more. Check out the subject line 👍

If you don't like discussing Forza, nobody is stopping you from avoiding the topic. The rest of us can carry on as we were. Thanks.

Where you the one who was just complaining?
Bogie 19th
Ufortunately, it seems some fanboys have brought this thread down to it's lowest of lows

So basically, if you dont like what you are hearing, its fanboy rant. Gee talk about being one sided.
Bogie has said it, as has many before him (or her?), Both games are unrealistic.

Racing drivers play a racing sim and they think its amazingly close to real life. It's because they know how to drive fast, you can apply that to the game and still drive fast. But to play a driving game and then try to apply that knowledge to real life racing is a lot more difficult. Sure there was GTacademy, but those that got through to the actual driving stages had proved their excellent skill in the game. Heck i bet almost half the finalists had been to track days etc before they played GT5P (no evidence to support this...).

I play GT5P and i just feel even though it seems realistic, me managing 1:34-1:35 laps of Suzuka in an F2007 is a bit farfetched (i know they're not brilliant laps, but i only use a Sixaxis). We are so far away from achieving racing simulation, so i think we can discount the physics realism factor from this argument. We have already established over and over, that the graphics in GT5 will be better than those in Forza 3. We cannot compare overall gameplay or online mode or even customization, because PD could come out and copy everything Turn10 has done in those departments (Maybe even better Turn10, we'll know when its released). At the moment we could expect anything from PD, they are keeping their hand close to their chest. GT5P was in my opinion just an online beta test, and i wouldn't be surprised if they changed every aspect of the game from the graphics (Improved textures maybe) to the AI, definetly the online, and maybe even features we havn't seen in any racing game yet. They could surprise us.
Hells yeah i got that mess on one track repeat on my classic.:lol:
Did u hear the remix?

OT: A remix?? I don't think there's a remix of it.. Crash test dummies, right?

OK back on topic: Bogie could you answer the things I asked earlier?
OT: A remix?? I don't think there's a remix of it.. Crash test dummies, right?

OK back on topic: Bogie could you answer the things I asked earlier?

Sure. Search the forum. The interview where Kaz said he wasn't aware of any competitors has been posted her before, and can be found via google.
OT: A remix?? I don't think there's a remix of it.. Crash test dummies, right?

OK back on topic: Bogie could you answer the things I asked earlier?

Sure. Search the forum. The interview where Kaz said he wasn't aware of any competitors has been posted her before, and can be found via google.

Its like a political debate in here, a lot of talk but nobody focuses on the actual issues. A lot of 'He said that' and 'you said this', quoting things that may contradict other things people have said, even if its only the slightest contradiction, it sparks a huge flamewar.
Both games are Good, Every game has its Flaws, Both are Worth 60+ Dollars, or Euros, or whatever the price it has in your Country, and BOTH ARE EPIC.

So why Bother Defending Gran Turismo if you dont have or dont like the X360, same with Forza 3, if you dont have or dont like the PS3 dont bother arguing, because at the end of the day you will play the game you like most.

Now, if thats not enough, Why do you have to flame/argue with people talking Bad about other games, do you have your Money Invested in PD or T10? you only buy the game YOU WANT TO PLAY, GOSH! is that too hard to Understand?

And IF happens that you dont like for example Gran Turismo and dont have a 360, then Buy one or Sell your PS3 and get a 360, Same for 360 Owners.

So Please, stop talking about who flamed who, review Scores and all that Crap, and Buy The Game you Want, if it happens that you have Both Consoles, BUY THE TWO GAMES.

Found it!

Eurogamer: When you look at the games which have come out since GT4 - with Forza Motorsport probably being the most notable - do you see things that you'd like to do, things that have moved the genre forward? Or do you develop Gran Turismo in a vacuum, ignoring the competition?

Kazunori Yamauchi: The latter is actually exactly fitting, I think. We don't reference any other games when we're making Gran Turismo - it's purely based on what we want to achieve as a game.

Actually, I have difficulty playing other games for over five minutes. A lot of the low-level quality just stands out so much in other games that I can't stand them!

Dunno if this is flaming or not. It could also be just a honest opinion. :D
Sure. Search the forum. The interview where Kaz said he wasn't aware of any competitors has been posted her before, and can be found via google.

that quote shows that he is aware of competition, but he just does't compete with them. he does what he wants regardless of what others are doing.

back on topic. after playing the FM3 demo i was glad they tweaked the physics and graphics. the graphics are a huge step forward from FM2. they still need that attention to detal that PD has but its still a good looking game. the physics seem to ahve gone from one extreme to another. from retarted oversteer to tons of understeer. the RSR seems to be very close but i have never driven one so i can't say for sure. over all GT5 will be the best looking game on the market when it is finnaly released.
that quote shows that he is aware of competition, but he just does't compete with them. he does what he wants regardless of what others are doing.

I disagree. There is an additional quote out there where he said he wasn't aware of competition.

Found it! Dunno if this is flaming or not. It could also be just a honest opinion. :D

Indeed it is, but you are correct. It could be his honest opinion, and I respect that. Just like Dan offered his honest opinion.

In the end, it matters to nobody.
Just like Dan offered his honest opinion.

It wasn't an honest opinion.

I am very good at reading body language, and when Dan Greenawalt said Forza 3 is the best looking racing game on any console he did not beleive himself, as was evident in his body language. After he made the comment his arm jerked up, which is the reaction someone has when they are lying
you never played it so how would you know if it deserves a 9.0 or 9.4 ? :crazy:

I'm sure it's at least as good as GT3 and that got a 9.8

Sorry I was basing that of the score for Halo: ODST, it still got a good score. That game is obviously real fun but is merely a sort of half game-expansion pack that was charged for normal price.

Well it will be better than GT3 because we're in a new generation and a 9.8 would just affect the games available at that period :)
It wasn't an honest opinion.

I am very good at reading body language, and when Dan Greenawalt said Forza 3 is the best looking racing game on any console he did not beleive himself, as was evident in his body language. After he made the comment his arm jerked up, which is the reaction someone has when they are lying

Now you are a shrink? The outright absurdity of the above statement is something that cannot easily be described. Are you seriously, seriously suggesting that you have the ability to comprehensively analyze an off-the-cuff body movement made after a statement made during an interview and claim, as fact, that the man was lying about his own opinion?
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