PhotoMode Competition - Week 41 - Closed

  • Thread starter Brock5000
hey its my crappy entry

Final Entry

can someone please tell me how to post a photo after u have added a signature in photoshop
well here goes nothing what do you think? (subject to change)
final entry

nothin better than drifting a 1000hp super car from the 60s :dopey:
New Entry!!

Final Entry:


Changed Entry!!

P.S. Is this the correct way to go about changin my entry?
1. Go to
2. Click browse; find picture; select and press open
3. Click "Host it"
4. After it loads copy the first thumbnail URL
5. Paste it in the reply box and post.
damn you sej!!!!!!!!!, i will win a freakin comp, one ****in day, i will win a freakin comp., quit being so damn good sej.
is it just me, or have you guys noticed that only a few ppl are utilizing blur and focus, it seems they are gettting good angles, but making it boring with high shutter speed and no bg blur. But then other ppl have beautiful shots with blur and stuff, and random ppl show up in comp's that you will never hear from again, they are like aliens and stuff, wierd