PhotoMode Competition Week 77 - Closed

  • Thread starter arsenal
Oh god, sorry, I though this was the 2.0 rules, I'll edit it out and change it shortly.
adjusted brightness,contrast and added a border
jarnom, geetown and renesis great entries.
tough competition this week, o well ill give it a shot.

Final Entry:


Great entries so far everybody!:dopey:
Preview Changed 8/25
Please remember the theme for this week said production cars with 500+ hp. dmanbluesfreak will be the final authority on what entries are eligible for the poll.
The Buick special is a production car. It was first built in 1936 and was in production off and on until 1972.
It's a drag car, classed as a tuner.
Yea, i'm pretty sure it was never produced with 556 hp, but the car itself is production. With this much debate over it, I would just save yourself some trouble and pick a different car.
I'm going with garnett, and here's my entry:

EDIT: I'm going to change my entry just to be safe.

I'll have it up soon.