PhotoMode Competition Week 78 - Closed

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Final Entry


Tommy Kaira ZZII on Test Course second attempt :

Final Entry


Since I crashed my second ZZII after the red one (see my HM for last week comp'), I promise I'll try something else next week... Oh, I still have the silver one in my garage ! :)
Well, Vr6gti72, Arsenal and Atlop aleady have the win in their hands so I'm not going to even bother. 👍
Haha, I was thinking about it at work last night, so much for that plan!

Very awesome shot atlop, way to set the bar 👍
Aye - sometimes I wonder why I bother - it's not like I'll ever win with these guys around :scared:

I dont win too often either...not like it matters. I just like to see if I can make the cut and how it measures up to the others.
Hope I'm not to late. Had heaps of fun doing these pics... great topic. The level of the pics entered so far is awesome, great work everyone.
Oh well I shall now throw my pic into the mix, I don't know if I'll make the top ten, but your gotta enter, or else it'll be just the same old entries each time. Man if I can get a pic of a Spyker into a top ten... then anything is possible!

Final Entry


Cya Fireblade101.