Photoshop Competition Week 1 - CLOSED

  • Thread starter JosX

Week 1


This week the theme will be Open chosen by MK1.

Use any car on any track, photodrive or phototravel.

Cars: Any
Phototravel: Yes


  • The winner of the previous week's competition will pick a theme for the next week's competition, they will also decide who's photo's they think look best & choose the top 10 entries for the the poll.
  • You can use a preview image if you like, but make sure it is no bigger than 300x400 pixels.
  • You may change your final entry twice, please state if you do.
  • Do not use an entry you have used in a previous competition, if you do, you will have the option to change your entry, if you don't change it before the deadline, you will be disqualified.
  • If possible, use to host your entry.
Photoshop or any other image editing program may be used to edit your entry in any way.​


The deadline for this competition will be 16th November 2006

Have Fun!

Many thanks to Revolution. for letting me use his Photoshopped images as banners. 👍
  • Do not use an entry you have used in a previous competition, if you do, you will be disqualified.

All good exept that, I think they should just be told to chage their entry, but whatever you think.
Just as a reminder guys, there will be one of these types of comps going up in the Xbox 360 forum in a matter of weeks, where you must edit a PGR3 picture, which I will take in any way. Anyway it’s good to see one of these comps return, because I missed this type of comp, when Franz stopped his own version.
Probably not entering this one, I don't have a silly chance against Garnett's picture there! :eek:
Probably not entering this one, I don't have a silly chance against Garnett's picture there! :eek:

I hate it when people say things like that, it shows that you only care about winning and don't enjoy the 'taking part' bit.

I'll enter if I have the time, I have a busy week.
Many thanks to Revolution. for letting me use his Photoshopped images as banners. 👍

Gah, you were supposed to pick one or maybe two banners for my pics to go on, not all of them! :crazy:
I feel embarrassed now, all those other great entries from the Photoshop Competitions of long ago..
Gah, you were supposed to pick one or maybe two banners for my pics to go on, not all of them! :crazy:
I feel embarrassed now, all those other great entries from the Photoshop Competitions of long ago..
I only have your permission or I would of :lol:
Nice! 👍 I like how you've done that. Did you use the glowing edges filter for that? Nice work!
I DO! awesome!

so can i enter ANYTHING that is based on a pic taken on GT4?
I hate it when people say things like that, it shows that you only care about winning and don't enjoy the 'taking part' bit.

I'll enter if I have the time, I have a busy week.

Is that what I said? NO, I did not say:

"Ew, I can't win, I don't participate". And, are you enjoying the "taking part" bit :rolleyes: