Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
people like american football cause they get to wear that cool skin tight outfit. That the only reason why they play it. Rugby short are loose and the shirts most of the time are aswell.
Yes Young Warrior, gay people go about kissing all men...Even those who they know arn't gay.

Somebody get this freaking duck away from me...

Excuse the hair, just had a shower.

Half your head is missing. :crazy:

Now that I know what you look like in my mind you shall never again win a argument against me :sly:
people like american football cause they get to wear that cool skin tight outfit.

So, what your saying is, people only play it to wear tight clothes.

That's sure right ...
This isn't a country vs. country war.

Its principle and everyhting on a internet forum I dont take serious. I see it has some conversation and fun making. I havent got a clue about rugby or american football but I think I would prefer to play american football to tell the truth.

Best pleasantly shocked look evAr.
THIS is what you guys made me feel like reading through these last few pages.


By the way, yes, rugby scrums ARE gay. I'm a back so I stay out of them. :sly:
THIS is what you guys made me feel like reading through these last few pages.

By the way, yes, rugby scrums ARE gay. I'm a back so I stay out of them. :sly:
Backs are gay. :grumpy:

Jack, you ever taken a photo with all the lights on!?

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