Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk

All right! You compared me to Harry Potter! You're so witty! 👎

I expected people to be mature and not make fun of other people's pictures. Unlike some people I could mention.

Don't be a ****ing ***hole. :)
No need for name calling you know, that was all in jest.
Yeah but you don't realise how annoying it is to be compared to Harry Potter. I was a few years ago and it really pisses you off.

Danny that was abit hrash IMO, but -logi74- you could have been a bit more tactful in your response.
Yeah but you don't realise how annoying it is to be compared to Harry Potter. I was a few years ago and it really pisses you off.

Danny that was abit hrash IMO, but -logi74- you could have been a bit more tactful in your response.

Sorry, it's 3 in the morning.

I've lived through this the entire past 3 school years, it still gets to me.

I would be more tactful if I was less tired and cranky :crazy:
Hey, I used to be called Harry Potter when I was younger, but I never got pissed off at it. I just ignored it and told them to come up with something original for a change.
Hey, I used to be called Harry Potter when I was younger, but I never got pissed off at it. I just ignored it and told them to come up with something original for a change.

Ah, that's what I do, but what if they ignore YOUR response and keep on doing it!

I swear, they never get tired of it. I never thought I would get so irritated by a bunch of idiotic preteens(usually 2 or more years younger than me, middle and high school share the bus).
Ah, that's what I do, but what if they ignore YOUR response and keep on doing it!

I swear, they never get tired of it. I never thought I would get so irritated by a bunch of idiotic preteens(usually 2 or more years younger than me, middle and high school share the bus).
There was usually a few people in school that did. Throw a few remarks at them and they shut up.

One of my mates little sisters still calls me potter, but she's just a biatch anyway.
There was usually a few people in school that did. Throw a few remarks at them and they shut up.

One of my mates little sisters still calls me potter, but she's just a biatch anyway.

My eyes are getting itchy and watery and such.
At 3:37 AM, I'm goin' to sleep.

Thanks Exige, appreciate the sentiments.


P.S. I drove a 20-minute long road full of hairpin turns and crazy rednecks in jeeps. Then I dropped off my friend and went back. :nervous: Seemed way longer than it actually was.
All right! You compared me to Harry Potter! You're so witty! 👎

I expected people to be mature and not make fun of other people's pictures. Unlike some people I could mention.

Don't be a ****ing ***hole. :)

I agree with this post.

No one should make fun of other peoples pic's even in jest.

Unless its a inside joke between you and the person your making fun of.

Real mature :rolleyes:

Some people get teased enough about their looks from school, let alone have GTP members do it also.

Absolutly no reason to make fun of people, all it shows is that you are insecure about yourself and need to put others down to make yourself feel better.

Shame 👎
You wont believe how annoyed I was at school being called I look like a certain person, even talking like one. That is why I'm a little hesitant at putting more pics up on here. It is wrong, even though you may have thought it was a joke.
You wont believe how annoyed I was at school being called I look like a certain person, even talking like one. That is why I'm a little hesitant at putting more pics up on here.


It wasnt to hard for me to post pics up, because i accept how i look, and i feel comfortable with that. If anybody was to tease me then i pitty them as they must be feeling very insecure and down if they have to make fun of a person who has had heart operations to make themselves feel better.

I may come across pretty harsh towards bullies, but i despise people who go around making fun of others and making their life hell, just so the bully can feel better and feel powerful. Also the people who laugh and encourage bullies arnt much better than the bullies themselves. If no one was there to laugh or encourage them in the first place then they wouldnt do it.

If somebody bullies you, they are just jelous or feel threatened 👍
All right! You compared me to Harry Potter! You're so witty! 👎

I expected people to be mature and not make fun of other people's pictures. Unlike some people I could mention.

Don't be a ****ing ***hole. :)

Christ, chill out dude. I would have posted what Ultrabeat did if he hadn't, I mean you do look exactly like him. It's not like he was insulting you, he was just pointing out how you looked like somebody else. People do that in this thread all the time, it's no big deal.

Nobody is bullying you, so get over yourself and relax.
No reason to feel sorry.

these are the cards i got dealt, now its up to me to make the most of it 👍, Im a postivie person and im in great shape. Fitter and healtyer than so many my age, even though they have normal hearts.

I was born with tricuspid atresia, and my polmanry artery was skinny. plus i had a few holes in my heart. Google them to find out what they are, cause its hard for me to explain.
Max Powers
Christ, chill out dude. I would have posted what Ultrabeat did if he hadn't, I mean you do look exactly like him. It's not like he was insulting you, he was just pointing out how you looked like somebody else. People do that in this thread all the time, it's no big deal.

Nobody is bullying you, so get over yourself and relax.
Agree. 👍

Danny wasn't making fun of you, he was just showing how you look like that guy. Nothing to be offended about in my opinion.
Danny wasn't making fun of you, he was just showing how you look like that guy.

Like he didnt already know

Danny could of worded the post a bit better 👍
I didn't use any words at all....

And I apologise to you for any displeasurement caused.
I also withdraw someone's previous statement about Dunc looking like Jude Law.
And also Adam looking like Dunc looking like Jude Law.
Danny could of worded the post a bit better 👍
I agree there.

OK, you might have meant it as a joke, but remember not everyone thinks alike. If it were worded better I'd accept it.
And I apologise to you for any displeasurement caused.
I also withdraw someone's previous statement about Dunc looking like Jude Law.
And also Adam looking like Dunc looking like Jude Law.
The difference is...What's wrong with looking like Jude Law?

Like I said. It wasn't a particulary bad thing that Danny did. It just hit a raw nerve and logi74 reacted abit strong (due to tiredness.).
Max Powers
What's wrong with looking like Harry Potter?
Because Harry Potter is not by any means 'cool' to anyone over the age of 12. The movies may interest you but you wouldn't say the characters fill you with excitement (Unless you count Hermione, though it's debateable.). And I realise I just made a statement that may include hundreds that disagree with me, but I don't care.

Jude law was great in 'Enemy at the Gates' and he has had some hot girlfriends.

Just wait until the Daniel Radcliffe fanclub get a hold of you Evan...
I've long dreaded the day when a 100 10yr old girls accomapnied by a single sadistic 30yr old try to kill me.
Jude law was great in 'Enemy at the Gates' and he has had some hot girlfriends.

Mmmm... no, Rachel Weisz's Ass was.

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