Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Beach Ball jokes? Like Bay Watch playing with beach balls kind of jokes?

No. The more childish ones like, "Have you seen my beach ball. It's about this big. *Flex arms in front in a circular shape* And I think it went that a way. *Flex with both arms pointing 1 direction w/ 1 arm over head*

The Gunshow ones are just as bad :)
:lol: I hear ya. My nephew thinks he's the biggest stud and quite the ladies man and often recites the bicep jokes on a regular basis.
omg same here :dopey: i would never guess you are black person.
...and how could you TELL if he was black or not without a picture? Hmm?


Here you go, let the beach ball jokes commence...

I wonder if you're bigger than my friend.
He's pretty big.


But he uses Winstrol amongst other things.
Is he your special friend?


As a general rule, never go out with someone who could kill you.
I notice there isn't a "Post pictures of your friends" thread. I'm not going to make one, since there's no need for one. I just notice. :/

If I did make it Mr. Cracker, you'd just have to imagine the 's' on the end of the title wasn't there. :)
I wonder if you're bigger than my friend.
He's pretty big.

But he uses Winstrol amongst other things.

Probably not.... I'm just a small fry. 5' 11" 235lbs. I would like to get bigger ( and more defined ) Had to Google "Winstrol", I do supplements, vitamins and natural or synthetic anabolic steroids here. I would like to have a fully functioning liver when I'm 50.
...and how could you TELL if he was black or not without a picture? Hmm?


Here you go, let the beach ball jokes commence...


Whoa, didn't see this before! If I didn't drive a company rig, I'd have to sport a GTP decal on my rig!

Nice B'mer BTW! A lot nicer than the o'le Neon. 👍
Is that what I think it is? A rare public pic of Sir Duke? Nice GTPlanet decal on your motor :)👍
Indeed - pic shot by another mod, as well, and a third in attendance! Even if the general appearance and the waiver/wristband do make me look like a furlowed mental patient.
Whoa, didn't see this before! If I didn't drive a company rig, I'd have to sport a GTP decal on my rig!
It's actually one of the Cafe Press bumper stickers mounted on a piece of magnetic vinyl. I threw those together a couple days before the event. It would have been better to actually get something nice and large cut instead, but this works.
Nice B'mer BTW! A lot nicer than the o'le Neon. 👍
Thanks! THough I admit I occasionally miss the raw tossability of the old Neon ACR.

Hey, Pako, want to do about 5000 situps for me?
Indeed - pic shot by another mod, as well, and a third in attendance! Even if the general appearance and the waiver/wristband do make me look like a furlowed mental patient.


It's actually one of the Cafe Press bumper stickers mounted on a piece of magnetic vinyl. I threw those together a couple days before the event. It would have been better to actually get something nice and large cut instead, but this works.

Thanks! THough I admit I occasionally miss the raw tossability of the old Neon ACR.

Hey, Pako, want to do about 5000 situps for me?

Very nice, good idea on the magnet! So what ever happened to the Neon? Think you'll ever pick one up again and trick it out for old times sake?

5000 Sit-ups? I did 120 yesterday and just about died. Tell you what, every time I'm in the Gym I'll think about how much fun you could be having and every time you get in your B'mer, you think about how much fun I could be having..... We will live vicariously through each others life's experience. :D

Honestly, I think you have the better deal.
I wonder if you're bigger than my friend.

Did a quick shot for a side by side comparison. Tried to use the size of our heads as a common ratios for sizing. Pictures are also very deceiving. I'll let you form your own conclusions.


  • friend comp.jpg
    friend comp.jpg
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...and how could you TELL if he was black or not without a picture? Hmm?


Here you go, let the beach ball jokes commence...

Lol. I thought you had a grey 3 series though.

Did a quick shot for a side by side comparison. Tried to use the size of our heads as a common ratios for sizing. Pictures are also very deceiving. I'll let you form your own conclusions.

Pako wins. Game over for Dan's friend.
Indeed - pic shot by another mod, as well, and a third in attendance! Even if the general appearance and the waiver/wristband do make me look like a furlowed mental patient.
LMAO :lol:👍 Good job on the decal-magnet. Tight. 👍

This is actually the second picture of Duke I've seen. There was another one somewhere, a company photo or something.
Just a couple of photos from my holiday on the island of Kos in Greece. We went to a small lively town called Kardamena. I went with seven friends.

Start of the evening. I look a bit peeved here because somebody had just knocked over my cocktail which I had literally had just one mouthful from.


This photo is from the foam party which is absolutley brilliant. This was right at the end of the night when the foam had receeded. At it's peak it was about 4 foot in height. They had to close the bar because they couldn't pour any more drinks. This was taken at 7.00am in the morning when it was just finishing.

Wow,.... you really look like a Brit on Tour

That's because I'm British and I was on tour.

I wasn't intending to do much clubbing on holiday but there were over a 100 bars and 12 nightclubs. It was the best holiday I've ever had especially since it was with my closest friends.
Maybe with some nicer trainers, untucked shirt, no blazer, no glasses you would look ready to go clubbing.

The suit jacket is ok but he needs a lighter pair of jeans with a pair of shoes. I can't tell what colour the suit jacket is, it looks navy but would be better in black. That outfit is ok but you really need a pair of white trainers which are quite plain, something like a pair of Stan Smiths by Adidas. The problem is some clubs are quite strict on trainers.

Stan Smiths


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