Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
You guys still wear trucker hats in the UK?

I thought you guys were supposed to be leaders in the fashion world...
You guys still wear trucker hats in the UK?

I thought you guys were supposed to be leaders in the fashion world...

LMAO, thats what I was thinking.

At least they aren't as bad as Japan, where they just now discovered the 90s :lol:
You guys still wear trucker hats in the UK?

I thought you guys were supposed to be leaders in the fashion world...

What they don't wear trucker hats on your side of the state? Every toolbox here wears on with there Abercombie polo and collar popped.

Alex Wurz called... he wants his hand gestures back.
Nick Heidfeld called also. Queen Bee can probably grow a better beard than he can.
Laura, the flapper glasses, skater wrist band, ghetto hat, and white-trash hand gestures really don't make you attractive. But whatever Bee likes, i suppose.

Yeah, I know I sound harsh. But it looks like you haven't had a good style spanking in a while. Don't make my fly over there and straighten you out...

OMG don't hurt me cause im on that juice lmao. Awesome
This may look stupid... Actully, it is rather stupid. I was trying to propell myself forwards using the broom, it didn't quite work.

I've got hairy legs too, don't be ashamed!

Either way, you need to do some leg exercises. Much too thin!

I've been known to pull similar stunts at work, actually. I just don't leave photographic evidence......... most of the time. Just this week, I got caught throwing a paper baseball at my coworker with my Hideo Nomo tornado windup pitch. Few minutes later, girl who saw me do it asked me if I was falling, or dancing. :lol:

"Tornado windup"