Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
I've messed about with some hair product thing, think it was Wax..


*Note, I was standing on my bed, I'm not that tall..

You remind me of a young Margera. Hopefully, you don't act like him. :scared:
Yeah, take it from me. It's a ploy to keep you all to herself. Don't trust girlfriends! They're sneaky, sly, and have some sort of ulterior motive.

Oh man, I'm going to be giving a thousand backrubs for posting that..
They'll just make sure you look absolutely hideous, so they can be sure when they leave you won't be going on someone else... and when (if) you break-up you'll be so deluded thinking you look good, it won't be even funny.
This was taken a couple of weekends ago at our annual Rockin' The Rivers show that we get to play at. I thought it was a good shot of 'The Bass Face' while I was laying down a solid groove. :D



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Now i definitely don't want a mac, if it makes you look like that ;)

edit: your glasses look like mine.
Which brand is it?
Family. My sister lives here. I moved with my mom because I didn't trust myself being on my own so far away without anyone to help me or to fall back on if I screwed up.
A few pictures from my recent 2 month stay in Peru.

My girlfriend and I at a motocross race in Tarapoto.

My friend and I at the zoo in Lima. It was definitely the best zoo I've ever been to. By the way, I'm not that short, he's just 6'8.

In Moyobamba with one of the coolest bartenders I've ever met.

At a night club in Lima.

Bee brought a new trucker hat the other day. So i tried it on, I think it looks better on me personally!



But, whats even better about the hat is that it's Sonic!


Sonic Rocks.
