Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
I've never liked Gin. I'm more of a Rum man, myself. Though I don't mind a Scotch every now and again. I successfully turned myself off Bourbon almost altogether with one episode a couple of years ago, and the only Bourbon I can drink now is Wild Turkey.

I also can't seem to stomach Vodka anymore, either. Though, it's been a while since I've drunk anything other than Beer and Rum.

As for flip-flops (thongs in Australia), I absolutely love them. In fact, with the surf culture in Australia, I think a lot of people prefer them. I have a bit of a bad habit of not wearing shoes at all, though, coming from Tasmania.
Me with my traps on, just for you:

I've never liked Gin. I'm more of a Rum man, myself. Though I don't mind a Scotch every now and again. I successfully turned myself off Bourbon almost altogether with one episode a couple of years ago, and the only Bourbon I can drink now is Wild Turkey.

I also can't seem to stomach Vodka anymore, either. Though, it's been a while since I've drunk anything other than Beer and Rum.

My blood was piratically Vodka my first year at uni. Mixed it with everything, had it everywhere... oh man was it bad :dunce:

The one thing I know I cannot stand is tequila... got way too sick on it once when I was 16 or so in Mexico... horrible experience.
My blood was piratically Vodka my first year at uni. Mixed it with everything, had it everywhere... oh man was it bad :dunce:

The one thing I know I cannot stand is tequila... got way too sick on it once when I was 16 or so in Mexico... horrible experience.

Funnily enough. I'm the other way around. I really don't like Vodka mixes, but I'll down Tequila like it's going out of fashion. Though I do think the taste of it resembles petrol...

Beer is good too.
Gin is like drinking liquified flowers. :crazy:

Can't beat a South and lemonade, but don't ever call it SoCo.... :grumpy:
Back in college we had a funny drink.

You take a glass and fill it with 2 parts vodka and one part orange juice, so it's a screwdriver... but since it had so much vodka, you drink it slowly. Hence, it's a slow screw.

Then we put some Southern Comfort in it, and it's a slow comfortable screw.

Finally, some Harvey Wallbanger in it... a slow, comfortable screw against the wall...

good times, drunk times. 👍
Lol, that's great, Diego. I've got some questions for you professionals.

First, is it alright for young guys like myself to drink Pina Colada? Or does that drink require hot females present?

Are margaritas okay, or, again, do females have to be present? Does Jimmy Buffet have to be playing in the background? Am I not old enough for margaritas?

What about wine? I love wine, especially chardonnay and merlot. Old people drink wine. Old people drink wine with their spouse at a dinner party. Is wine for old people or is it good enough for anyone to sip?

I already know chugging a quarter bottle of vodka is bad, especially when you're already wasted...

How long will it be before I can drink more than three Guinni without getting the Bitter Beer Face? I hate Guinness goodness wearing off.

By the way, I LOVE drinking pine trees. :lol:
Not that I'm a professional, but my take:

1) Pina Coladas are never okay, even when the song is playing.
2) Margaritas are fine whenever, just don't get too "gay" of a flavor. I like the lime-flavored ones...
3) I'm not a wine fan, but it shows sophistication. If you're young, its easier to go with the cheaper stuff (beer, liquor, etc.)
4) People who chug straight liquor look like idiots at the parties I go to. Don't be an idiot.
5) Guinness? I don't know. Haven't had one.

I usually play it safe, know my limit, and just drink beer. You don't look like a massive tool, as beer is always the standard. But thats just me...
Ever notice that he is always in a Pitsburg shirt drinking beer? You could almost mistake him as a young American in Pennsylvania...
Lol, that's great, Diego. I've got some questions for you professionals.

First, is it alright for young guys like myself to drink Pina Colada? Or does that drink require hot females present?

Are margaritas okay, or, again, do females have to be present? Does Jimmy Buffet have to be playing in the background? Am I not old enough for margaritas?

What about wine? I love wine, especially chardonnay and merlot. Old people drink wine. Old people drink wine with their spouse at a dinner party. Is wine for old people or is it good enough for anyone to sip?

I already know chugging a quarter bottle of vodka is bad, especially when you're already wasted...

How long will it be before I can drink more than three Guinni without getting the Bitter Beer Face? I hate Guinness goodness wearing off.

By the way, I LOVE drinking pine trees. :lol:

Being from a tropical country, I guess my experience is different. Piña Coladas must be really strong for them to be good. Hot females present isn't mandatory, but drinking it at the beach is. No other place is allowed, so don't go ordering one at a bar, unless it's a beach bar (i.e. on the sand). And since you're at the beach, hot females are almost sure to walk by.

Margaritas are okay, as long as everyone else is drinking them. Again, going to the bar and ordering a margarita is pretty lame. The cool thing about margaritas is getting together with friends and buying the ready-made margarita mix, get a blender, throw some tequila in and have a go. This one you can drink at home, since you need a blender, but it's mandatory to drink it among friends, where you're all conscious that it's a very dubious drink. The typical margarita glass with salt on the edge is mandatory as well. Margaritas are usually for older people as a usual drink.

Wine is alright for meals or just for a glass or two during the night. Preferably red wine; white wine is kind of gay and pink wine is for women. Drinking wine at a party of people your age makes you look ignorant (too much wine gives monstrous hangovers, unless it's the expensive type), and there are much cheaper/better choices of beer/liquor. You could always surprise friends drinking sherry before a meal, but the taste is nothing to bow down at.

Guinness... that's a tricky subject. I personally love Guinness, but when I drink it I'm not looking for a buzz. I usually have two or three and have it over with, until the next 30 minutes. If you're looking to keep that buzz, drinking it slowly may help, but Guinness isn't a beer to be had freezing cold, so it wouldn't matter if it warms up.

Any more questions, I'll answer happily.
Being from a tropical country, I guess my experience is different. Piña Coladas must be really strong for them to be good. Hot females present isn't mandatory, but drinking it at the beach is. No other place is allowed, so don't go ordering one at a bar, unless it's a beach bar (i.e. on the sand). And since you're at the beach, hot females are almost sure to walk by.
Agreed with that. I've never seen anyone order a Pina Colada at a bar, except for 2 gay men. That was it, and even the bartender looked at 'em funny. I, personally, not a big fan of 'em. Then again, I rarely drink them, even at a beach.
Margaritas are okay, as long as everyone else is drinking them. Again, going to the bar and ordering a margarita is pretty lame. The cool thing about margaritas is getting together with friends and buying the ready-made margarita mix, get a blender, throw some tequila in and have a go. This one you can drink at home, since you need a blender, but it's mandatory to drink it among friends, where you're all conscious that it's a very dubious drink. The typical margarita glass with salt on the edge is mandatory as well. Margaritas are usually for older people as a usual drink.
I never drink ready-made Margarita mix, esp. not with the people I hang with. You never know what kind of alcohol will be in it.

But as you said, I drink it with friends. I order one pretty much anytime I'm in Europe, and share it with Jen. However, I friggin' hate the salt on glass, while Jen. seems to give nothing of a care to it.

As for wine, don't drink it. I drank it once, in many variations, at many parties, and have never liked it. I always feel like getting rid of it when I take 1 sip.
I never drink ready-made Margarita mix, esp. not with the people I hang with. You never know what kind of alcohol will be in it.

Margarita mix usually comes without alcohol. Just the un-alcoholized ingredients and then you put the tequila you want.

As for wine, don't drink it. I drank it once, in many variations, at many parties, and have never liked it. I always feel like getting rid of it when I take 1 sip

I'm of the opinion that wine shouldn't be had at parties. It's good for meals and that's about it... maybe for a sit down with a couple friends... especially if it's a double dat kinda thing. Two or three men together drinking wine is... suspicious. Beer is the usual choice.
Margarita mix usually comes without alcohol. Just the un-alcoholized ingredients and then you put the tequila you want.
That's what I mean. You never know what my friends will dump in it.

I'm of the opinion that wine shouldn't be had at parties. It's good for meals and that's about it... maybe for a sit down with a couple friends... especially if it's a double dat kinda thing. Two or three men together drinking wine is... suspicious. Beer is the usual choice.
These aren't exacty like college parties, but more old-fashioned, when I usually meet with the family, such as an older relative's birthday.

I could never drink beer with some of the men in my family though. Beer's usually not my first or second (even third) type of beverage to have, so I can drink one at the most before getting sick of it. The other guys though, can chug it all night long.
I didn't know you had little Brians and started early, didn't you? The boy looks just like you, by the by.
25's not too early... he just looks older.

Diego's going to be one of these playboys who has kids at 60 and 70 So 25 is way too early.

Actually, just yesterday I was talking with my wife about adopting a kid... we're already in the "talking about it" period.
25's not too early... he just looks older.

Actually, just yesterday I was talking with my wife about adopting a kid... we're already in the "talking about it" period.

He will be 9 in october. My daughter will be 8 this month, but she came as a package deal with the new wifey.

Props to you for working the adoption angle!

Great pics Brian, and I echo your props to Diego - sounds like a very interesting development indeed 👍

Thanks...interesting and very scary at the same time. Diego being responsible for the raising of a child...:nervous:

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