Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk

Took on the weekend. I don't mind the shot but its really rather sad as its most likely going to be the last time I see my dog before she passes. I can't go home regularly on account of full time work and uni 6 hrs away... :/
Of course. She took care of Dion`s rum. (Amazing Photoshop skills here.)


Actually, she's not smiling in that pic; she's laughing. There's a reason why they call him Small_Fryz.
(Sorry Dion, I tried to suppress that for days now but could no longer withstand the temptation)


Here is one of me on a camping trip playing the wizards drinking game ;)

:lol:! Nice one mate :cheers:

Flaco13 looks like Pako's little cousin. :lol:


Nice Alcohol there Flaco 👍
That's how I've always pictured Australians. :D

Lol good call! I'm not a drunk most of the time though :)

For instance - Family man:

Loving man:

As of last Saturday - that is my fiancé!

And Broken man:

That one was taken after my nasty downhill mountain bike crash, I have a large scar on my arm from it now.
Is that marmalade on your chin? (Or jam to be 100% correct because it doesn`t look like orange marmalade or made of any citrous fruit.)
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Wow, that`s a really really really poorly tied tie (to the very right).

Indeed :P. Three years ago, I could do it "properly":

I'm pretty sure that's a Full Windsor.
(Also, check out my amazing Photoshop skills :lol:!)
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Just checked your amazing hair cut. :lol:

Reminds me...


Limahl, former front singer of Kajagoogoo

Also a bit of:


Howard Jones

No. it's Shirlie from Pepsi and Shirlie

I see the resemblance :lol:! Nowadays, I'm lazy so I just wear a cap, instead of making it as "amazing" as above. The only things that haven't changed is my facial expression;
. A thing that has changed, is my beard as it has grown a bit :P.

I see it coming. Tsunami of pictures from the 80ies ...
Haha, I didn't realize it was 80's-like back then :lol:!
Lol yeah awesome haircut!

Haha I had pretty bad cuts on my face, that one on my forehead was from the helmet being pushed in to my forehead, bad scrapes on both arms and on my legs. Had a few days off work and showering was an absolute nightmare.

Was coming down a track too fast, hit a jump, got big air, put my weight over the front instead of the back, landed on the front wheel and went straight over, landing on my head and my arms went under me and my bike went over the top. It sucked.