Pimp My Gun (Pimp Your Own, Leave Mine Alone!)

I have no idea what the hell this thing is, perhaps you could give a bit more detail on what a nuclear chainsaw could be, Stig. :P

However, on to the description...


- Powered by a micro positive energy reserve generator (PERG), when the chainsaw is being powered, all excess energy is drawn back to the generator which can be converted into harsh energy used to power the flamethrower.
- Lightweight construction.
- 2-speed setting. First setting is penetration. Second setting is damage. The latter of the two is for grinding away at cast iron, metal, or even solid steel objects with sheer ease.
- Chamber can be extended, and the teeth come in several different grits.
my awesome AK-pimpy:


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Nuclear Chainsaw.

Perhaps a bit understated in the looks department, but in performance, it is completely unrivaled.
The nuclear part comes in at the bottom of the grip, it's a small fusion reactor, and it generates 400 kilowatts of energy. The fuel for it is stored in the fuel tank aft of the grip, in the silver tank. It's enough to get you about an hour of full throttled destruction. And as for how it works, it's interesting.
There are no moving parts in it.
The chain is rotated through an incredibly strong magnet, similar to a railgun. It propels the chain around fast enough to make it's titanium-carbide teeth reach 200 degrees from air friction alone. Thanks to this, it can cut through a foot thick concrete wall in 10 seconds. It can also cut a tank in half fast enough to cause you serious problems. And for all of this, it's eerily quiet, except on throttle, when you get small sonic booms.

Of course, back to the beginning, in order to kick start this thing, you have to give it a truckload of energy, given by the high output capacitor it comes with. In order to recharge it, because obviously if you charged it with a normal socket, it'd blackout half the neighborhood, you just leave it in place until the green light appears on the back of the capacitor.

And thus. Any questions?
Nuclear Chainsaw.

Perhaps a bit understated in the looks department, but in performance, it is completely unrivaled.
The nuclear part comes in at the bottom of the grip, it's a small fusion reactor, and it generates 400 kilowatts of energy. The fuel for it is stored in the fuel tank aft of the grip, in the silver tank. It's enough to get you about an hour of full throttled destruction. And as for how it works, it's interesting.
There are no moving parts in it.
The chain is rotated through an incredibly strong magnet, similar to a railgun. It propels the chain around fast enough to make it's titanium-carbide teeth reach 200 degrees from air friction alone. Thanks to this, it can cut through a foot thick concrete wall in 10 seconds. It can also cut a tank in half fast enough to cause you serious problems. And for all of this, it's eerily quiet, except on throttle, when you get small sonic booms.

Of course, back to the beginning, in order to kick start this thing, you have to give it a truckload of energy, given by the high output capacitor it comes with. In order to recharge it, because obviously if you charged it with a normal socket, it'd blackout half the neighborhood, you just leave it in place until the green light appears on the back of the capacitor.

And thus. Any questions?

Not one. Just happy I know what I'm working with now. :lol:


The Noisy Cricket.

Sweet. 👍

A salvaged unit, the natives call it a "Tommy Knocker".

From what we're able to tell, it's a 7-round wide barrel assault launcher with a short receiver. A customized hand grip with a barrel-infused shock absorber, appears to have a low-level programming initiative with a Level 2 anti-personnel protection.

Much of the weapon is still as of yet not fully understood, but what we (AEW) have discovered is the rounds themselves, when fired, share several characteristics with .50 BMG rounds.

My try. A bit less extravagant than some of the others in this thread but hey. :D

Edit: I just had to make another one.

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Wanted to bring some much deserved life back into this thread, seeing as Dr. n00b hasn't updated in quite sometime...

The World's first AKs-110/H


These are guns that I came up with, using the base of a pistol. It's got two barrels, the bottom one for normal shooting, and the top one in case you're in a tight spot, you're out of ammo, and there's a guy trying to kill you. On the other side, there's a switch to flip-flop between the two. The top showcases the base model, and the bottom shows the assault version, along with the hand guard flipped into a grip.
Those are some pimp guns GTpeople! Personally, I prefer a more functional type of gun, like the GlockBerry-GB19. Its defensive, it'll keep you organized and in-the -loop, and its shiny for those moments when you need to be blingy. With society going the way it going, who isn't gonna want to IM over blackberry messenger while firing off a few rounds?

This is the Ballistic Fire Gun-Grenade Launcher 1. As you can see, it's got a slot, where you open the fire panel, insert the round, close the panel, and fire.

It's got a recoil damper system that turns a fair percentage of the recoil into forward motion. The round being fired now is called the "Compensator," from the superhero Deadpool's golden gun that fires diamonds. In this case, it's merely a solid gold bullet.

Well, in order to reload, there's a tab on the side that you press to eject the spent round, and it also opens the lid. This allows you to reload without the nasty side effect of burning your hand off. It's got two grips to hold, and it also comes with a shoulder brace. As an addition, you can have a scope put on the brace, to make it a long distance tool of destruction. A stripper version is available (Mind out of gutter, please) that doesn't have the shoulder brace, nor the scope.

It can fire a range of rounds, the most common is a simple incendiary frag grenade, but it can also fire depleted uranium rounds, smart bombs, and EMP devices.
Has anyone else noticed PMG is gone, or is it just me not seeing something that isn't there...that should be there?
This thread really needs a revival.

This was an M16.As you can see it is really downsized.I like to call it "Micro-M16"

I just made this out of boredom, it started as a M9.I have got rid of all m9 parts.Dual mags, fore grip,flash light and scope come standard.I like to call it "M32"
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Hmm, yes.


I call it the RVT-Bulhos. Short for bullet hose. Which this thing is. It's got six barrels, it rotates like a minigun, and it's designed to fire up to 2000 rounds per minute. It's got a normal 20 bullet magazine, coupled with a Glock, for when you run out of ammo. An option is a 400 round ammo container that hooks on to your pants or belt, along a chain feeding feature.
So I run out of ammo in .6 seconds? Ouch.

Perhaps, but consider this...what other weapon will fill someone's arse full of lead so quickly? :lol:

I'd love to have the thread revived, I don't feel I can do anything else unless I start slapping things together and making random doomsday armaments, and this dude hasn't updated since what...September?