Pimp My Gun (Pimp Your Own, Leave Mine Alone!)

Here is my attempt at making a Gauss Rifle:

i tried to make this a little less insane. i failed

EDIT: well im addicted so i now resort to all out insanity
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i tried to make this a little less insane. i failed
KNIFE VISION! For when you need piercing vision!
EDIT: well im addicted so i now resort to all out insanity
I have officially no freaking idea how that works, and I officially do not give anything resembling a damn.
Wow, this is really fun. Something I quickly created:

[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

The Compact Sniper. :P

How do you hold it?
First hand goes to the grips by the trigger. Second hand grabs the long handle the rest of the barrels are below your arm, kind of like an upside down gun
Lots of FUN looking guns! tried the editor and i'll say im hooked although mine is currently limited to some parts, i dunno why? but heres my contribution:

now choose your weapon and lets hunt some WABBITS! :)
Hunt time!

With inbulit grenade launcher for those moments when the buck is in the bushes.

Laser dot and flashlight makes it easier at night.
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You guys need to watch Sons of Guns on the Discovery Channel. Best new show I've seen since Tosh.0. The stuff they build is just awesome.
Do they make normal guns or the kind of guns we make.

I haven't looked into much of this thread, but they've made a triple mounted M16, a remote control automatic gun (dont remember the model name) that can be placed on top of a Humvee and fired inside the vehicle, and an AK47 able to hit targets at 1000 yards. Pretty epic 👍.
Well I'm not sure if there's anything that extravagant, but they actually build them and its a good way to spend an hour, in my opinion :).