Pininfarina Teases Fittipaldi EF7 Vision GT Before Geneva Motor Show

Except it's impossible? How can you simulate something in the 'real driving' simulator if laser propulsion doesn't, and can't exist?
"Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist"
"Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist"

Yeah, you're fair there.

Except it says not that, but the Real Driving Simulator - therefore saying it'll be simulating well - real driving, not figments of imagination that may be possible in a century or so.

Oh now you mean it.

It's just a slogan.:)
Do you get mad when RedBull don't give you wings like they say?:lol:(RedBull gives you wings)

Haha, you have to admit it is misleading though.

"I can't wait to get a good representation of driving all of these cars!"
"Wait, 2020? This car doesn't even exist, man."

It's a bit of a bad look for a game that has FIA class credentials.

How dare people who make concepts think outside of the box and have fun with it

That's the point of a concept, isn't it?

Or were we doing it wrong the whole time?
That's fine as long as you're not touting it as a simulation of what would happen in the real world.

Take for example the support beams for the aero panels on the Dodge concept. Someone in one of the threads once pointed out that there was no way they could physically do what the game replicated; they were tiny & simply nowhere near durable enough to do what they're supposed to. I believe @Imari has also talked about how the technology under the Chaparral 2X is way too far out there.

That's where I believe most people begin to take issue. Most of the VGT cars are fine & easily replicated in real life. But a couple of them appear just too far into the fantasy realm. Certain things may have to be changed for them to work in real life as they do in-game.
How do you know it can't?
I already provided a link breaking the car down. Not only is it not my fault if you haven't read it, but I'm pretty sure you're acting as if there is a better chance that the car can exist than whoever at GM was that came up with the thing who thought it would be so kewl to have lasers man. So far removed from reality is the car that even the manufacturer's badging it was given was seemingly done simply to justify the press release about it.

Oh my god this argument is so stupid.
Feel free to stop taking part in it then. I daresay no one would be teared up if you did.
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Feel free to stop taking part in it then. I daresay no one would be teared up if you did.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookay? The hell is up with the goddamn snark?

Where did I say that I wanted to leave the argument? I just said the argument was "stupid," not "this argument is stupid and I want to leave."

Calm down with your shade-throwing self, please.

Either way, a concept car is a concept car. Anyone can view it any way they please. It's not just limited to one viewpoint.
The spaceship stuff is way to over the top for me, this car looks like it might have some potential to belong in the game.

I think leaving PD alone to do it's VGT thing isn't so bad, if they listened to the negative feedback and stopped just think what other types of hairbrained ideas they might come up with instead :lol:
Other games have concept cars and no one says a damn thing about it

I would say there is a difference when you have a concept car that could very easily exist in real life if it weren't for regulations, cost, practicality etc. compared to a couple VGT cars that couldn't exist because they use voodoo magic.

I do like the concept behind VGT, but I really think PD could have done a better job handling it (seems like a trend with PD). :lol:

Hopefully the EF7 is one of the awesome VGT creations.
Except it's not even known if it is possible or not. NASA's certainly planning to give it a go

Again, it's simulating how it would work if it did. It's not called a concept car for nothing.

Nasa have an entire segment of R&D money going to experimental drive systems for space craft.

Ion Booster

Solar propulsion

There is plenty of laser type propulsion theorized, in design or being tested here's an even bigger list of propulsion systems known to exist in some capacity or theorized beyond these two links. There is also the Resonant EM drive nasa is looking into also know as the Impossible EM drive

All in all using NASA isn't a good idea, because NASA isn't a car group building something that is of smaller size for a much much smaller application. What some VGT do, is simply science fiction that I'd expect out of a F-Zero game and not GT. So just because you see something on a scientific website doesn't mean anything other than hey engineers and scientist have a unique idea to solve a problem and are in the plans of making said idea a reality.
You're completely missing the point. The game is simulating how the car is supposed to function if it existed in the real world. It's not that complicated.

Actually it is, how do you simulate what doesn't exist? That's yet again science fiction, some of us on this board do this for a living or go to school for some great period of time to do this and would never simulate something and say "yeah that's how it should perform in the real world if it existed." You can't do that, because you have no idea, you can say that how you've simulated it is how you would ideally hope it would act or operate, but even your simulation isn't a correct system other than the numbers you picked for it to be successful. Until that reaches some real world simply have no way to prove or correctly simulate it, it's fiction.
Why don't you go make a status update about it?


Because I don't want to?

Holy hell the amount of shade in this thread is so damn high right now I can't even.
Either way, a concept car is a concept car. Anyone can view it any way they please. It's not just limited to one viewpoint.
What kind of argument is this? A simulator is basically that if it is to simulate something as it would in real life.

A simulator can't just start allowing cars to fly to the moon & hit 500mph just because they threw plastic wings & a jet engine on the back.

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