Pizza Delivery in Europe?

Parnelli Bone
United States
Columbia, MD.
Just a quick question for PAL gamers and those who have been to Europe.

What's the most popular cars for pizza delivery in Europe? Limit your answers to those cars that are in GT4 if you don't mind. I know it's a strange question but I'm curious.

In America the answer is the Civic hatch, hands-down. But any cheap, beat-up Honda products (del Sol, Civic sedan, CRX, Prelude) are used for pizza delivery. The Mitsubishi Colt/Mirage line would be another choice, but these are rather hard to find. Some American (or rebadged European & Japanese) cars like Saturns, Geos, Chevy Luminas, etc. are also heavily used; but these cars aren't found in GT4--I guess the Dodge Neon from the American lot comes closest to a pizza delivery vehicle, except delivery guys & girls usually prefer the coupe

So my question again: what are the most popular cars used for pizza delivery or couriers in GT4?
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I'm not sure, but for some reason the Fiat 500 has a reputation for Pizza Delivery (LFS and apparently google)
Thanks MINICOOPER. I need more answers, and I'd rather get them from GTP is too vague.
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Same as you'd imagine - any crappy, beaten-up hatchback likely to be driven by the teenagers who do this job. Closest equivalent in GT4? Probably the Peugeot 106 (but not likely to be the S16 or Rallye).
In Finland the Toyota Yaris is a very popular model. Our system is a bit different from many other countries, the cars are painted in the colours of the restaurant, driven by the restaurant staff and generally kept in very good condition. No beat-up econoboxes here.
in england theres alot of saxo's and corsa's, along with a few ford escorts. And the occasional ford van. (not the transit though)

So for gt4? The corsa.
Wow, thanks for your answers guys! 👍:D:) +rep! Really, this helps lots!

I know very little about the European day-to-day driving world. All I learn about cars nowadays is stuff I read in Car & Driver or Road & Track...and of course they only review new cars if they get imported into America, so don't know much about what people use on a daily basis over there. So this helps heaps.
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Wow, thanks for your answers guys! 👍:D:) +rep! Really, this helps lots!

I know very little about the European day-to-day driving world. All i learn about cars nowadays is stuff i read in Car & DRiver or Road & Track...and of course they only review new cars if they get imported into America, so don't know much about what people use on a daily basis over there. So this helps heaps.

Start paying the $10 for CAR magazine. :P

No, I wouldn't either, but it's a great mag.
Okay. I'll look for it next time i'm in a convenience store or book store

Boarder Books has it and I assume they are nationwide.

As for pizza delivery, the only things I saw in Europe were these little moped looking things with boxes on the back of them. It was actually sort of amusing to learn that pizza delivery drivers in Europe still drive the same sort of crappy hatchbacks we have here in the states.
I figured mopeds would be a major form of transporting cooked goods...with gas being like twice as much as it is in the States.

Another they have kei-car equivalents in Europe? Or does Europe import Japanese kei cars at all?

I was in Washington DC a couple months ago by the Smithsonian museums, and I saw these little trucks that go around the outside mall area. They were little Mcdonald's trucks used to sell food--but they were about as big as a Wagon R (I would imagine). But I couldn't find a brand-name like Suzuki or Daihatsu on any of them. But they looked as though they could have been kei cars.
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Up here I mostly see Toyota Matrix's and Honda Civics although the average age for a pizza guy here is 17-35
For what it's worth, Tiff Nedell tested a pair of Kei's back when he was on Top Gear and the show was... sane. And I don't really think that they would've reviewed cars they weren't recieving, being burdened so with a practical train of thought.

But, only take that seriously if you recieve no other answers, I've never been outside the U.S., and I actually have no idea whether it's the typical American or the typical person about which I have questionable conclusions. In other words, this is pure theory, but it feels well-funded.
Around here, all of the pizza boys drive Iroc Z Camaros and Toyota Celicas. Which is in no way a statement of stereotyping about teenagers from the Northeast.
Though when my dad worked at a pizza shop in the 80s, he delivered pizzas in a 1973 Olds equipped with a 455.
Around here, all of the pizza boys drive Iroc Z Camaros and Toyota Celicas. Which is in no way a statement of stereotyping about teenagers from the Northeast.
Though when my dad worked at a pizza shop in the 80s, he delivered pizzas in a 1973 Olds equipped with a 455.

:) I imagine the Chevette, Gremlin, Pinto, and Vega were popular, too, back in those days. .

Thanks for your responses EAR11 and DKX
in england theres alot of saxo's and corsa's, along with a few ford escorts. And the occasional ford van. (not the transit though)

So for gt4? The corsa.

I forgot about the 1.4 Corsa in GT4. That'd be an absolute nailed-on pizza boy car for the UK.

*Famine has delivered pizza in the UK*
And scooters :lol:

But none of these are in GT4. I was about to put "sadly" on the end of the sentence, but thought better of it.
yeah the corsa is the most popular in this part of the u.k (s/e of kent)

scooters are used by dominoes, but for fish and chip sops its all about us younger guys in our europe-hatches.
nothing that'sd included in GT4.

I've seen Cavaliers, Escorts, and the Occasional Tracker.
I've seen just about every econobox used.

Last time we got pizza delivered (Papa Johns) the guy had a PT Cruiser.
I live in Australia, but I still see Toyota Yaris's and the occasional Peugeot...and these little Holden Astra's, if you know what they are.
Ford Ka, Ford Fiesta, Nissan Micra, Opel Corsa... anything small, agile and perky.

And scooters :lol:

But none of these are in GT4. I was about to put "sadly" on the end of the sentence, but thought better of it.


I live in Australia, but I still see Toyota Yaris's and the occasional Peugeot...and these little Holden Astra's, if you know what they are.

I've seen just about every econobox used.

Last time we got pizza delivered (Papa Johns) the guy had a PT Cruiser.

nothing that'sd included in GT4.

I've seen Cavaliers, Escorts, and the Occasional Tracker.

👍 thanks.

....they have DOMINOS in Europe? :yuck: How did that happen? :ill: That's like some of the worst did they manage to start selling it in the land where (I would assume) good old-world food is available???. :ouch:

I remember a few years back I was working a graveyard shift and was desperately hungry. And I had enough money to buy a whole medium-size pizza from Dominos. So I ate most of it. I swear it bound up in my system or something...I couldn't s:censored:t for 36 hours!
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In Holland all Ive seen are mopeds. Cars are way to slow in the cities. Don't know what they use in the more rural areas though.

In Queensland Australia Dominos, Pizza Hut and Eagle Boys all have Yaris's usually with a need for speed style vinyl.:yuck: