Ok, a bit missunderstanding. I want still games to be sold in stores, but not in secondhand stores. One buy and then you need onlinepass to play at all. Once activated its on your onlineaccount (think like Applestore or Steam).
Why good if i think the way i think:
1: Download and play the game as on steam or appstore, or in this case PS4 as long as its connected to the account. No more bound to physical media, go to your friend login and play the games you have.
Better than demos and if friends like it too then they will buy it. Great marketing and great freedom for players.
2: Publishers get full controll of games and how they sell. I bet they can put games for free too if they want, dont see retailers want to give away free games. And since they have no need of thinking how it effects retailers they can actually do as they want to promote their game.(indie games...but in future all games when internet evolves even more).
3: If its a free marketspace it will be perhaps even harder to sell your game if its nt popular or exposed. Once again, if the market works (which it will if we erase all secondhand margin and second hand market losses) the profit can go straight to the buyer.
4: One stop shop, if a game doesnt work you will see the score of the game. If its done right even publisher can put fast info on the page adressing problems. If not, bye bye, this is how it can push developers. Today, stores buy their games and then its done. The stores take the loss if a game is lousy. They(developers/publishers) have sold the game to the stores/retailers and can care less. Online, no more selling if game is lousy.
5: Latest game version all the time you buy.
6: Developers have more info how many play the game and have access (if you want) to their customers. Making special offerings is easier.
Well...just some points. But as i say i was a bit fast. I still want games to be sold offline but must have internetaccess to be used. This simply because games can be a bit large and internet isnt that developed yet.
But i belive if they push for this it will also push development for faster internet (like Netflix, HBO does too). It will be a win win for consumer and developer...middlehands will have trouble.
Oh, and above all...i hate physical media. I love that music is online, movies online...time for games to be online too! Dont hear anyone complaining about spotify.