Just showing who I'm responding to without quoting the entire thing.
Sorry in advance for the very long post.
Yes. DRM is the fault of the developer. When did I say anything different? Fact is, that DRM is quite a problem with PC gaming, where as it isn't (yet) on consoles.
Consoles do indeed malfunction from time to time. However, as high-end PC's are being put under more stress, reliability problems are more of a problem. And what's more, fixing, or even finding the problem, can be a real hazzle.
You need to upgrade every now and again in order to play modern games. This is a fact. Don't deny that upgrades are necessary to get the most out of the games. Very low graphic settings can hamper both the atmosphere and draw distance in games, resulting in a less than stellar game experience. And I
think I speak for a lot of people, when I say it's quite annoying not to be able to play on the highest settings. Not even sure how to explain it. Kind of feels like your missing out on features.
And getting lower framrate than what the game was designed for can and will destroy the fun of playing the game.
You say I need to take a class because a lot of games don't work like they should? Why? Why is it too much to expect that a game works out of the box. This was my point when I said that consoles and nice and easy. They work.
Let me give some examples, starting with BF3. Rubbish game, both in actual gameplay related areas, but also in how it works. Myself, along with a ton of other people, are suffering from the game freezing up at freuqent intervals, and the game has trouble saving progress. Then there's of course Origin...
BF2, one of my favorite shooters isn't without problems either. I had the game a long time ago, and decided to purchase it again. I had to spend 2-3 hours searching the web for different solutions on how to make the game understand that my CD Key was valid (wouldn't let me join servers). I got it working, but damn was I grumpy about it.
I should't need to know how a PC works in order to get games to run. Belive it or not, not everyone is interested in stuff like that. The fact that problems like these don't exist with consoles, is a very appealing feature to many.
Yes, on consoles, you're stuck with one setting. How is this a bad thing? It means that the developers can make sure that everyone experiences the same thing. No one misses out. What possible reason could you have for wanting that option in consoles?
I never said It took me a long time to fiddle with settings. But when you have to do it with every modern game, it gets tiresome. And some games can indeed be troublesome in this regard. Rage for an example, is said to be quite a hazzle to set up to your PC's specs.
And here comes the typical uninformed and arrogant PC player remarks... (no offence, but honestly)
First things first. Crysis was and still is excellent. And the graphics are certainly great. But KZ2 (and occasionally the 3rd game too) and Uncharted 2/3 looks better and more detailed. Modern consoles do not run at 640x480, but nice try. PC games do indeed have higher resolutions, but for the vast majority of games, the actual visual difference is very small. This is the kind of "impressive numbers" BS I was talking about earlier. Once again, if it doesn't have a sizeable visual difference, then it doesn't matter.
Skyrim has never been a fantastic looking game, though the draw distance is rather impressive. Though you do actually mention one thing that I forgot to mention in my original post. Modding. This is indeed one of the greatest things about PC gaming. Even if some developers use it to finish their games (Bethesda, cough cough).
As I said before, I agree that new releases (both on consoles and PC's) are too expensive. One can always find decent priced games, if you just look at the right places.
On a final note. I never said I could run every game on the highest settings. I said I could run
most on highest. Though games like Crysis still drop a tad low on FPS at certain places. Again, if disregard numbers, and simply look at one of the greatest looking PS3 exclusives, and then compare it to one of the greatest looking PC game, the difference is not that big. It's certainly there. But it's nowhere near big enough to make a real difference on gameplay or atmosphere.
I see. My bad.