PlayStation 5 Release Date and Price Officially Announced

Unless you are buying an awful lot of newly released games on disk and then selling them on when you've done with them, i don't see the issue with PS Store prices verses supermarket discounts. You need to be buying a fair few disks at $5 - $10 cheaper than PS Store prices before you break even on that extra $100 you've invested in the full-fat PS5. I've been buying most of my games digitally from the store in the last couple of years, but have always waited for them to be discounted, which is usually within 3 to 6 months of first release.

You can borrow games (and 4h UHD movies) to and from friends for free, play them and give them back, if you have the standard version with the drive. If I play 2 or 3 AAA games for free because I borrowed them from a friend, I save 100€ easily.

Also, you can play PS4 games if you have physical copies. Not sure you can do it with the digital PS5.
Unless you are buying an awful lot of newly released games on disk and then selling them on when you've done with them, i don't see the issue with PS Store prices verses supermarket discounts. You need to be buying a fair few disks at $5 - $10 cheaper than PS Store prices before you break even on that extra $100 you've invested in the full-fat PS5. I've been buying most of my games digitally from the store in the last couple of years, but have always waited for them to be discounted, which is usually within 3 to 6 months of first release.

I think the biggest advantage is for new single player games, which is probably why multiplayer is all the rage. You can buy the game at $60, then sell it a month or two later for $50+.

I don't know how much of a factor physical vs digital is in terms of competition and pricing. But when you have the option of playing on disk, you get access to discounts for both markets so there's more of an opportunity to find something you like. God of War is $20 in the PSN store, but you can find it for $10 including shipping used online.
Well I guess one other factor in the market when it comes to digital vs non digital now I think about it is the actual gamer themselves.

Taking myself as example I weighed up the price differences between physical disc and digital and when I looked at it I realised that i am probably not that much different in terms of costs since in order to get the game I have to go to the shop, queue up for the title at the counter, pay my bus fare and probably food bill etc at the time and then I have to travel home again.

With this digital version granted I am collecting it from a store but once I do that everything else I can have access to instantly when it's released so the higher prices on the shop store aren't so bad.

Also not forgetting that a sensible gamer who really wants a game will most likely never part with it and if there is something I'm thinking about but not sure I will either try demo's or wait for it to become cheap thus saving money

Plus we must not forget I think this is the first new console where Sony have offered two versions of it at launch?
You can borrow games (and 4h UHD movies) to and from friends for free, play them and give them back, if you have the standard version with the drive. If I play 2 or 3 AAA games for free because I borrowed them from a friend, I save 100€ easily.

I have fewer friends who now own consoles. At my age most of them don't find the time now they have families, so borrowing them isn't an option. i don't play that many myself anyway so don't mind paying for them and can't be bothered selling them on once i've done. But as a Yorkshireman i don't want to be paying full price for games either, which is why i tend to wait until they feature discounted on the PS Store. :)

Also, you can play PS4 games if you have physical copies. Not sure you can do it with the digital PS5.

That's the one unclarified issue that has me questioning my buying of digital games over the past couple of years instead of the physical. Although it's not mentioned by Sony specifically, i imagine i'd be able to re-download PS4 versions of previously bought games onto the PS5. It's just the aforementioned lack of built in storage that has me more concerned.
I have fewer friends who now own consoles. At my age most of them don't find the time now they have families, so borrowing them isn't an option. i don't play that many myself anyway so don't mind paying for them and can't be bothered selling them on once i've done. But as a Yorkshireman i don't want to be paying full price for games either, which is why i tend to wait until they feature discounted on the PS Store. :)

That's the one unclarified issue that has me questioning my buying of digital games over the past couple of years instead of the physical. Although it's not mentioned by Sony specifically, i imagine i'd be able to re-download PS4 versions of previously bought games onto the PS5. It's just the aforementioned lack of built in storage that has me more concerned.

Frankly, I will believe that you can re-download PS4 versions of games on PS5 when and only when either Sony says so, or when people post that they have done so on this forum.

There seems to be a lot of assuming going on.

The fact it is unclarified makes me hugely suspicious when it would be extremely easy for Sony to clarify it.

I'm not buying PS5 for at least a year anyway, but if I cant play my PS4 downloaded games on PS5, that timescale will be longer.

Also, don't you find it hard to buy PS games in North Korea anyway :sly::lol:
Frankly, I will believe that you can re-download PS4 versions of games on PS5 when and only when either Sony says so, or when people post that they have done so on this forum.

There seems to be a lot of assuming going on.

The fact it is unclarified makes me hugely suspicious when it would be extremely easy for Sony to clarify it.

I'm not buying PS5 for at least a year anyway, but if I cant play my PS4 downloaded games on PS5, that timescale will be longer.

Also, don't you find it hard to buy PS games in North Korea anyway :sly::lol:
I'm a little confused.
Isn't that what SONY have said?

The announced PS Plus Collection for PS5 owners is exactly that.
Digital PS4 games downloadble onto a PS5 console.

I'm not sure why you would be able to download free PS4 games and yet not be able to download PS4 games you have purchased.

I can think of one thing.
It's probably fair to say that it's unlikely all PS4 games will have been tested by PS5 launch day.
So in that sense I imagine there will be some restrictions as to which specific games can and cannot be played straight away.
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All of the things about PS5 are really great but when you see the game prices is painful.

By the way we need more information about the technical statements about the console.
I'm a little confused.
Isn't that what SONY have said?

The announced PS Plus Collection for PS5 owners is exactly that.
Digital PS4 games downloadble onto a PS5 console.

I'm not sure why you would be able to download free PS4 games and yet not be able to download PS4 games you have purchased.

I can think of one thing.
It's probably fair to say that it's unlikely all PS4 games will have been tested by PS5 launch day.
So in that sense I imagine there will be some restrictions as to which specific games can and cannot be played straight away.

Simply put - money.

The "collection" only includes certain games. If the other download games on your ps4 have to be repurchased for PS5 Sony et all make money.

Remember, they did all those ps3 remasters to ps4 and made money on every sale e.g. FFX, FF12, Last Guardian etc. And released PS3 games to buy on PSN. You could not play a PS3 game on PS4 any other way.

If all the downloaded PS4 games work on PS5, publishers will have significantly lower earnings on back catalogue from both of the above, which has to be replaced somehow.

I'm not saying this is going to be the case, but a sample of PS Plus games being announced as redownloadable on PS5 (I dont have PS Plus, so they arent available to me anyway!). And saying that "all PS4 games should work on PS5".

Is not the same as "all your PS4 download library will be available on PS5, subject to checking the game works".

I hope that makes sense?
PS Plus collection is just a greatest hits bundle included with PS Plus. It has no bearing on what is or isn't supported on PS5. If someone for example has an Xbox One and they decide to switch to PS5, the PS Plus collection will just give them that greatest hits of games they missed out on. Super simple.
OG PS2 was horrible,PS5 digital looks pretty good to me,the disc edition is the weird one which might be on purpose,Sony would love if everyone buys the digital edition
To me, PS2 OG is beautiful. I will get the digital version if GT7 will come out sooner. Buying disc is not convenient nowadays because the data inside it is not the final version of a game.
The announced PS Plus Collection for PS5 owners is exactly that.
Digital PS4 games downloadble onto a PS5 console.

I'm not sure why you would be able to download free PS4 games and yet not be able to download PS4 games you have purchased.

The issue is that Sony haven't, at least to my knowledge, said that games people have bought for their PS4 through the PS Store will be there for them to download for free when they transfer their account to a new PS5. They've said that 99% of PS4 games will work, as in you can stick your PS4 games disks in and they'll run fine (or run even better), but nothing about the free availability of digital PS4 games you've already purchased.
Silly question I know but do you need a 4K TV to run the new Xbox and Playstation?

Wouldn't of thought so. As long as your screen has an HDMI connection you'll be good. You won't be getting the best that the PS5 and Xbox Series X (Series S isn't UHD) has to offer visually, but it will still beat the current gen consoles.
Silly question I know but do you need a 4K TV to run the new Xbox and Playstation?

Absolutely not.

Just 2% of PC gamers have moved to 4k, and at a guess, I would say the majority of console players are still on 1080p or alike.

Would I recommend a jump to 4k? Oh yes, it's beautiful
Taking myself as example I weighed up the price differences between physical disc and digital and when I looked at it I realised that i am probably not that much different in terms of costs since in order to get the game I have to go to the shop, queue up for the title at the counter, pay my bus fare and probably food bill etc at the time and then I have to travel home again.

Fair point however you can order a disc version online from amazon, ebay, game, tesco etc and there no leaving the house and sometimes even turns up in the post before release. Personal opinion this but I hate being locked into an ecosystem like psn with no competition, they can charge what they want and theres no competition or other place to buy that game from.

Anyways they are releasing both a disc and digital version with the same specs so everyone is a winner :)
Silly question I know but do you need a 4K TV to run the new Xbox and Playstation?

No. But you'll be losing quite a bit of you don't see the games in 4K and especially HDR.

I remember having my PS3 connected to an old TV through VGA and it was definitely worse than HDMI on a 1080p monitor.
Don’t forget that that with the digital only version you are bound to the pricing on PSN. With a captive audience there will be no need for Sony to compete on price for games.
I may be wrong here, and clearly this is just my interpretation, but I think there is a difference and some confusion when people use the word 'upgrade' regarding backwards compatible titles.

As we know, it has been stated that something like 4000 PS4 titles have been/are being worked on so that the games play on a PS5 (using a DS4).
Lots of websites report that PS4 discs and digital downloads are compatible with the new console.
SONY themselves simply make the statement "Backwards compatibility - Play a back catalog of PS4™ games on your PS5 console", with no caveat.

However, for example, I can currently pre-order RIDE 4 for the PS4 or the PS5.
And in much the same way as some PS4 Pro game versions are enhanced over standard PS4 versions, PS5 versions are again even further enhanced.
So in this case, should I buy the PS4 version in Oct. instead of waiting for Jan., 'upgrading' would mean to the PS5 version, with all it's extra goodies.

Here SONY make this statement: "Upgrade may be offered at no additional cost or for a fee and may be available for a limited time. To upgrade eligible PS4 disc titles to digital PS5 versions, you need a PS5™ console with a disc drive."

As for the Ride 4 example, the developers say this: "Purchasing the PlayStation®4 version of the game, you will be able download the PS5™ version at no extra cost until April 30th, 2021, including all DLCs already purchased."

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is 'upgrading' and then there is 'upgrading'.
PS4 standard to enhanced PS4 Pro version, PS4 games enhanced on the PS5 console (but still PS4 games), and then literally upgrading a PS4 game to a PS5 version.
I get the feeling some people are confusing the BC capability with the actual upgrading of a game title, and whether that may or may not come at a cost.

Just adding my 2 cents. :)

I think you're right, some people do seem to be confusing the two. I just want to know about my PS4 digital titles like Death Stranding, if they can be played on PS5 with all of the advantages of the PS4 Pro then I'll be super happy
Don’t forget that that with the digital only version you are bound to the pricing on PSN. With a captive audience there will be no need for Sony to compete on price for games.
There are sales all the time mate. Good prices are readily available. If you pre order you will be paying more but avoid that and prices are not a problem.
My reasons to buy a new PlayStation are fewer than ever. The big franchises I’ve held dearly in recent years are more or less over, or have had new entries so recent that it will take several years before new titles will be ready to ship, perhaps except Gran Turismo. I wouldn’t be surprised if GT7 is the first game to make me consider a PS5, and hopefully it will clash with an improved Pro model of the PS5. At this point in life I’m honestly not interested in widening my gaming horizons much further to new franchises.
The issue is that Sony haven't, at least to my knowledge, said that games people have bought for their PS4 through the PS Store will be there for them to download for free when they transfer their account to a new PS5. They've said that 99% of PS4 games will work, as in you can stick your PS4 games disks in and they'll run fine (or run even better), but nothing about the free availability of digital PS4 games you've already purchased.

This was made clear in the first Cerny presentation earlier in the year, PS4 games will be bootable from disk and installed to an external hard drive, but not the ssd which is ps5 games only. You can dl your games purchased on psn digitally as many times as you like, you will have to make your ps5 the primary console in the options to do this. Basically an external HD is all that will be required and for some games patches as there will be improved res/frame rate for quite a few.
PlayStation Arabia recently announced the local prices for at least 5 regions so far and well...



$113 increase over the "$499" price for PS4 Disc edition. Yikes.


And about $91 increase for Digital Edition.

To be fair, that's with taxes added on and it could been much worse. No pre orders yet but they will announce soon.


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