Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
BTW: Maybe we can organize a GTP poker game, and then create a chat room for the game, so that at least we all can chat using that new feature. 👍

Better yet, if enough people have the game High Stakes Poker, maybe we can organize a game there?
I just bought the game, so I'm in :)
Add another in regard to High Stakes Poker.

Had it for quite a while now and love it, its my 'too drunk to play anything that requires co-ordination' game.


Had it for quite a while now and love it, its my 'too drunk to play anything that requires co-ordination' game.
I imagine going into first-person view must be real fun when you are like that.
I imagine going into first-person view must be real fun when you are like that.

Not as much fun as games with both audio and video enabled.

My very drunk friend once used one of my kids cuddly toys as an avatar for me, placed it in front of the camera and had it 'intimidate' the other players.

As I say we were very, very drunk (and somehow still managed to win most hands).


I have a small question, when I'm looking at the stores in the Mall using an Australian account, are the prices listed for items in $AUD ? I'm going to try getting a MasterCard gift card just to see if it works and I'm planning what I'll buy with $20 if it does.
Summer House
Samurai Sword Rack
Large Leaf Plant
Casual Red Jacket
Australian Top Hat (When I'm feeling patriotic):sly:

I also figured that the Oz Top Hat might stop people I don't want starting conversations with me, because normally the conversation starter on Home is "Where are you from?", and obviously if they can see my country on my hat that question is a little redundant!:lol:

Edit: Nobody can answer such a simple question?:odd:

Anyway, Xi finally loaded for me today.:dopey: Although Alpha Area 1 Game 1 is corrupted/gets errors trying to retrieve scene info or what ever, oh well. I'm going to have to find some answers on here for some puzzles though.:ouch:

First off, can someone tell me the answers to
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Better yet, if enough people have the game High Stakes Poker, maybe we can organize a game there?

Seeing as FK, TM, Scaff, and possibly even Paulie should he get the game, would be interested in a GTP poker night via HSP, I went ahead and started a thread to see who else might be interested:
So if others are interested let us know in that thread. 👍

Edit: Nobody can answer such a simple question?:odd:

I suspect the simplicity of the question is what may have thrown people off. ;)

In other words, if it's so simple... and you are in Australia, you probably have a much better chance of answering that question than any of us that are not.

I know when I "buy" free items from the Mall stores in different regional versions of Home or look at prices in the PSN stores from multiple regions (which is what the Home Mall uses as it's purchase interface) they express the value in terms of a specific currency.

$ USD = North America
£ GBP = UK
€ EUR = Spain & Germany
kr DKK = Denmark
$ HKD = Hong Kong
¥ JPY = Japan
Well it's represented by $ so it must be $AUD then.:)👍 I got all the answers to Xi too, I did 7.5 of them myself, some you'd need to be genius to figure out.:crazy: (The 0.5 was I figured out the letters on the clocks in Hexopolis were used to make a word, but evidently missed a couple letters and had no idea what order they were in.) The other 4.5 I found on some forum site.

PS- I won't be getting HSP.
Anyway, Xi finally loaded for me today.:dopey: Although Alpha Area 1 Game 1 is corrupted/gets errors trying to retrieve scene info or what ever, oh well. I'm going to have to find some answers on here for some puzzles though.:ouch:

First off, can someone tell me the answers to

I worked out the answers of the bigben site, it's quite easy tbh. Now I need to work out how to do the initiation, lol.

Done everything upto the HXP now, it's easier than people make it out to be.
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LOL, Star Trek gear is out (and free) too.:D Can't wait to get on Home this weekend.👍
LOL, Star Trek gear is out (and free) too.:D Can't wait to get on Home this weekend.👍

I think I saw someone wearing it, :eek:. I will have to check it out too, especially as it's free. The content in V-Store is expensive though. £1.59 for just a shirt in some cases. 👎
Sweeeet check out the mini-G25's in the EA Sports place. They look so awesome.

Right now I'm having some fun on the track. It's damn arcadey but way fun. It's a tad hard to get in. You stand near the place and press the Racing button. It'll say "Currently Waiting on Server" or something. Just hold on there, and the Play button will eventually show up. Just keep bashing the X button and you'll get in.

I'm getting total race times of constant 77's but I'm still crashing. Time to practice.
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Yeah upstairs download for me keeps failing. Maybe because the server is packed? Couldn't race either, possible for the same reason. Everyone trying to have a go at the new EA sports complex at the same time.
Yeah at the moment, upstairs especially, it did seem laggy and I downloaded it almost as soon as it became available. There are bound to be more people on it now too, so it will probably be worse. I guess this is why it's still in beta form.
Yeah, very laggy in there. I couldn't even download the upstairs area, kept failing. So I got off home. I'll go on there again tomorrow to hopefully download and try everything. Plus I have my ROC GT5P race now.
If it's laggy for others it won't exist for me.:nervous: I got some GT5:P tuning and testing to do before the weekend anyway.;)
If it's laggy for others it won't exist for me.:nervous: I got some GT5:P tuning and testing to do before the weekend anyway.;)

It is laggy, lets hope it gets better soon. Maybe once people have all downloaded it and tested it out it will get better. On the plus side if everyone is here then the pool tables and bowling lanes should be free. :sly:
It is laggy, lets hope it gets better soon. Maybe once people have all downloaded it and tested it out it will get better. On the plus side if everyone is here then the pool tables and bowling lanes should be free. :sly:

Yeah, somehow I doubt it. They always seem to be occupied no matter where people are.:sly:
It is laggy, lets hope it gets better soon. Maybe once people have all downloaded it and tested it out it will get better. On the plus side if everyone is here then the pool tables and bowling lanes should be free. :sly:

Actually I went into the bowling alley and there was virtually no-one there.:D It was a ghost town compared to the normal day. Anyone wishing to play pool or Ten pin, now's the time.👍
Actually I went into the bowling alley and there was virtually no-one there.:D It was a ghost town compared to the normal day. Anyone wishing to play pool or Ten pin, now's the time.👍

You may have just gotten an empty server, happens on occasion even when it's busy.

Turbo Lag- Those with the 50sec lap times are the same people you see making comments on n00btube.:lol:
Today ( April 23rd ) is the day the EA Sports complex finally came to Home, in a beta form. Plus Home had a few other things added.

Here is a link to the news, posted on the official forums.

I have not yet had a chnace to log into Home... is the beta for the EA Sports Complex only available in the EU version of Home?

LOL, Star Trek gear is out (and free) too.:D Can't wait to get on Home this weekend.👍

Is this another EU Home exclusive I wonder?

Speaking of Star Trek and Home... it appears last Monday night yet another film director used Home to hold a Q&A session with various members of the press, only this time the director, Abrams, brought along a couple of the stars as well.

I noticed they had the film running on the screen in the Home clubhouse during the gathering... anyone here own or belong to a clubhouse that has added video clips to their display in the clubhouse?
I don't know whether it's available in the US version yet, you'll have to have a look when you get time to find out.
Here is the official US announcement:

EA SPORTS Complex Now Live in PlayStation Home
Posted by Locust_Star // PlayStation Home Online Community Specialist

The day has finally come! Phase one of the EA SPORTS Complex has been unleashed and it is high time that all of you sports fanatics log in to PlayStation Home, explore this hugely interactive space, try your hand at the available mini-games, and check out all the teasers and trailers that await your prying eyes.

(FK Note: Unlinkable video goes here)

Out of the proverbial box, EA has two casual multiplayer mini-games for you to challenge your friends to: A whole floor of poker tables and the new EA SPORTS Racing game. The former allows for up to 8 players per table to indulge in high stakes tournament-style Texas Hold ‘Em and the latter lets you put the pedal to the metal and compete for the best time against 3 other users in a formula-style race.

The Complex - much like the PlayStation Home platform - will evolve over time. Currently scheduled updates include the EA SPORTS Golf mini-game (where users can test their stick skills at an indoor driving range) leaderboards, poker bracelets and a rewards system. As new titles are announced, content within the space and additional game-specific achievement rewards will be added.

To start, the EA SPORTS Complex will be available to the North American and European PlayStation Home communities. Future rollout of the space to other territories will be coming soon. So if you are one of those users lucky enough to live in the aforementioned territories, be sure to head over to the space and give it a test drive (pun intended). Home Community Specialist BuggieTechnica and I will be in the space throughout today challenging users to the Racing mini-game (and throwing cards at the Texas Hold ‘Em tables). Come up and say hi if you see us, and tell us what you think the next phase of the Complex should bring.



I also left the following comment and wondered what you guys think of my thoughts on this.

Me on the PlayStationBlog comments
I haven't seen it yet, but after the Godfather 2 space I have been much more hopeful for this one. Finally I get a racing game and I hope to see the mini-golf soon.

Regarding the poker tables: I understand that Texas Hold 'Em is the big thing right now, but has anyone considered a full-fledged Home Casino space? A space where you could have Five Card Draw, Blackjack, slots, roulette, etc. Give it a few floors and even a small arcade area with a few mini-games to allow us to step away from the games of chance for a bit.

I'd also like to see an arcade space with some of the arcade/carnival midway only games like Skee Ball, shooting games, Alley Cats, Ring Toss, etc. These kinds of things would be perfect for unlocking free items in Home. And I know EA has experience with carnival-style mini-games, just not on the PS3, yet.

Another thing I would love to see is a family game space with cheap versions of licensed board games with everything from Chess/checkers to Monopoly, Life, Battleship, and Risk. They don't have to be fancy, just a little top-down 2-D representation would work.

Thanks for the update FK. 👍

I checked out the mall, and sure enough... no Star Trek clothes. They have some new SFIV clothes and a bunch of Angel & Demons promotional shirts and a statue... but none are free.

The Home Theater content has been updated:
  • lengthy clips of the film, Obessed & interviews w/ director & stars
  • trailer for the new uncut version of The DaVinci Code
  • trailer for The Taking of Pelham 123... I'm not usually a fan of remakes, but this looks like it's a solid exception. 👍

Regarding the poker tables: I understand that Texas Hold 'Em is the big thing right now, but has anyone considered a full-fledged Home Casino space? A space where you could have Five Card Draw, Blackjack, slots, roulette, etc. Give it a few floors and even a small arcade area with a few mini-games to allow us to step away from the games of chance for a bit.

Awesome idea! 👍

I'd also like to see an arcade space with some of the arcade/carnival midway only games like Skee Ball, shooting games, Alley Cats, Ring Toss, etc. These kinds of things would be perfect for unlocking free items in Home. And I know EA has experience with carnival-style mini-games, just not on the PS3, yet.

Another great idea! 👍

Another thing I would love to see is a family game space with cheap versions of licensed board games with everything from Chess/checkers to Monopoly, Life, Battleship, and Risk. They don't have to be fancy, just a little top-down 2-D representation would work.

You are on a roll there FK!
You are on a roll there FK!
The Texas Hold 'Em tables finally gave me something that I enjoy in Home enough to make me spend some time in there and then this is the first space I was interested in ahead of time. So, I finally started putting some thought into what I would want to do in Home.

Social networking is a great concept and all, but if there isn't something to keep me entertained I eventually just get bored. I mean, if you look at Facebook it has tons of attention grabbers so that it isn't just another social blogging space. Nearly every guy I know that is on Facebook got started because of Mafia Wars.

Home needs its Mafia Wars.

And now that I think about it, what about a resource trading game (non-drug related preferably)? Add in a way to make it stretch over all of Home (each space is a trading sector) and it could be fairly interesting. But it will require home to get bigger first. Or it could just be a single interactive point. Like, make it space themed and you walk up to a rocket to get started and then have it be turn based, or something mob/mafia related could have you walk up to a bookie in something like the Godfather II space. You could easily theme it to something like Drake's Fortune or Ratchet and Clank too. For DF you could be running stuff for Sully, like artifacts and even cheap supplies for Sully's Bar. Ratchet and Clank could have machine and computer parts.

Someone needs to hire me as a Home project lead.
Someone needs to hire me as a Home project lead.


And if you get it, be sure to bring up my idea for a GTPlanet space:

[dream sequence]
  • Enter PS Home...
  • Click on Home World Map...
  • Click on...
GTPlanet Raceway

Walking around the facilities or jumping directly there through the Home GTPlanet Map, one would be able to find the following:
  • Garage Paddocks
    • A place for members to show off their latest tuned cars

  • Event Briefing Room
    • Where members can find out about different upcoming GTP events

  • Start/Finish Line
    • The place to go with your friends to launch into a multi-player game of GT5P
    • Also used for organized GTP race events

  • Trophy Room
    • A place where results from GTP race events can be posted
    • Special Awards area for recognized GTP members and event champions

  • Press Room
    • For you and your staff to hold live Q&A sessions with members
    • Post News and Videos for visitors to check out

  • VIP/Premium Club
    • A place reserved only for Special Guests and GTP Premium members to meet, socialize, post messages to each other or the group, etc.

  • GTP Offices
    • A place reserved only for Owner, Admins, etc.

  • Security Office
    • A place reserved only for GTP Mods.

[/dream sequence]

As far as the new EA space, I like it, although I didn't get a chance to try the racing game, but I'll be sure to later tonight.

The poker game though is a big improvement over the poker game in the Godfather 2 space. While the rules (Texas Hold'em) and game mechanics are the same, the improvements are:
  1. Instead of only seeing how many palyers are at a table in order to guess when they might be finishing, now when you walk up to a table, a leaderboard of sorts will pop-up over the table listing everyone at the table and how many chips they currently have. Naturally in poker you never know when a game will actually end, but at least this helps. 👍

  2. Best of all, when sitting at the table, the chat option (triangle) is no longer disabled. So not only can you chat with the other players, but you can see and chat with the spectators as well during the game.

  3. It also has a slower blind increase... thus favoring the more skilled and patient players by not accelerating the action too quickly, thus allowing a player to be more strategic in regards to deciding when to play aggressively and when not to.

Oh, and just by playing the game, you will earn two new shirts, but unfortunately as I discovered, there is no reward for winning. :ouch:

As before, you still can't access your Home PDA once you start the game... so if you want someone to join you, your best option is to just send them a PM, and then they can use their Home PDA to join you on what ever server you are currently on. 👍

One last thing... if you come across a darkedgex at the poker tables... good luck to you... as he is VERY good. 👍

As for the other regional Home updates, the EU Home not only got the EA Sports complex, but about a dozen free Star Trek clothing items... although I'm not so sure I'd be comfortable wearing the red shirt. :nervous: ;)


The EU Home Theater also has new content including the following:
  • new trailer of Star Trek (in lobby) plus interview clips with director, producer & stars
  • New trailer for Terminator Salvation
  • trailer for Fired Up
  • new trailer for Uninvited
  • Blu-ray trailer & BTS feature from The Day the Earth Stood Blu-ray release
  • extended scene from the new "Harder Cut" Blu-ray edition of Max Payne
Also, they have added a new real full screen zoom option for videos in auditoriums. Simply press X for the normal zoom, and then press X again to fill your screen. 👍

For some reason though, this full screen zoom feature doesn't work for The Day the Earth Stood and Max Payne videos. :indiff:

For the Japanese Home, while they did not get the EA Sports space, they did get two new games spaces for Nippon's RPG game, Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice. Both spaces feature various games and puzzles, and are visually quite interesting. 👍

The Hong Kong/Asian Home is pretty much unchanged, and has no new spaces.
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