PLZ no more Expensive Cars in GT7

  • Thread starter uwrecker

Are extremly expensive cars a mistake?

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Well, while I do like the idea of expensive cars, I just have to wish they are not an integral part of GT Mode; Remember the Classical Race Car Challenge in GT5 and GT6 where opponents use cars like the Chaparral 2J and Ferrari 330 P4s against you. While the latter event is at least somewhat managable with the Challenger RM '70, to make things easier you actually have to pay upwards of 10 million(in GT6, 4.5 million) to pay for your own 2J or some other ludicrously expensive race car. Sure, to make a small fortune off racing you need a bigger fortune, but some of these levels can take to an unacceptable degree.
this is a thing that really annoys the hell out of me. Why would you put a car into the game that 90% of the players will not be able to play with?

It´s really frustrating how can you put cars into the game that cost 20 millions like in GT Sport. I payed for the game but without some crazy grinding I will never be able to buy this cars and play with them.

Is it just me or is this the dumbest decision you can make as a developer? Well I can understand up to 2 million for exotic cars but ****ing 20 million? God damn. :/

What they SHOULD do, is do it the way they did in Gran Turismo 5, and force people to grind for the cars instead of giving them to every average joe through dailyworkouts. I don't even want to be bothered to grind for any of the unicorn cars in GTSport just because I'm sure I'll end up getting it anyway for free. Why would I want to pay an exclusive price for an non-exclusive car? I remember being a kid playing GT5 and doing so much research on all the super expensive cars in the dealership trying to decide which one I should get, and being so hyped once I finally got one. It was like having a platinum trophy I could drive in online lobbies.
I understand why they did it, but with the payouts in GT Sport it's just not logical.

I mean some events pay nicely, but for people who only pay offline or don't play online very often; the odds of getting the $20million cars are next to none.

Assuming they keep the system of giving a free car a day, it would help alot if they:

Increased event payout, make the top level Endurance races pay out a minimum $1,000,000
Increased event pay out across the board for every race
Removed the credit cap
Allow us to sell dupe prize cars

If they did even just the last two, i'm sure alot of people would have much more money than now.

And the fact that the cars were significant IRL is a bad argument to use because if that was the case then the McLaren F1 should be $15,000,000+ and the F1 GTR $10,000,000+

It seems like for certain cars they are using the base price when they were new and for others they are using what they are worth now. Ex. a F50 is around 1,5mil-2mil now even though it was only 500k IIRC in 1995.

Knowing PD the 911 GT1 could end up being $5,000,000+ :ill:
For me the in-game price should be more or less the same as real life. So the 20 million cr cars don’t bother me. I don’t own a single one of these cars either.

What bugs me is that it feels like they intentionally make the economy a grind so people will be more inclined to buy cars with real money. The payouts in Sport Mode are a good example, they are a joke.
Well, while I do like the idea of expensive cars, I just have to wish they are not an integral part of GT Mode; Remember the Classical Race Car Challenge in GT5 and GT6 where opponents use cars like the Chaparral 2J and Ferrari 330 P4s against you. While the latter event is at least somewhat managable with the Challenger RM '70, to make things easier you actually have to pay upwards of 10 million(in GT6, 4.5 million) to pay for your own 2J or some other ludicrously expensive race car. Sure, to make a small fortune off racing you need a bigger fortune, but some of these levels can take to an unacceptable degree.
Because Chaparral 2J was so cheap in GT4 (only 1,200,000), the best value for money car in the game, and was broken in All-American Championship.
I'm all for expensive cars as goals to work towards, not everthing should be easily available. but it comes down more to the economy of GT7 rather than the price of the cars.

Seasonal events in GT6 threw money at you faster than you could know what to do with it, but when the servers were turned off you lost daily log in and those high paying events. The reward system needs a bit more thought and better balancing of effort:reward.
To be honest, even when some cars cost as much as the credit cap, it still may make the car more affordable in GTS credits compared to its IRL price, especially at real-world auctions. But to respond to some replies, I think that super-expensive cars should stay, but at the same time, a potential grind shouldn't be too tedious. In fact, the game's offline and online modes should be fun enough insofar you'd be grinding without really being conscious of it. Especially if we get some good lobby customization options.

I stand by my sentiment that expensive cars should stay. At the bare minimum, I think the tiered prices for the racing groups within GTS are perfect, with a million credits being the cost of a Gr.1 car, as an example. But I also am perfectly content with vintage racecars and rare models - respectively such as the Ferrari 330 P4 and the Lamborghini Miura Bertone prototype - being multiple millions of credits in cost. Obtaining them should not be easy, but I think we can agree that the process of acquiring enough credits should be fun. I don't think that would be mutually-exclusive to being a long process. It'd be long, but fun.
I don't have an issue with the Cr15m - Cr20m cars. Having these ultra rare cars brings a real sense of accomplishment to your time and effort. I've saved up in GT Sport and bought 3 of them over time.

On the other hand I can understand the position of those who don't get sufficient time to save up for them.
In GT7 perhaps PD could make some available for completing Licence Tests with a newly introduced platinum time which could potentially be far quicker to achieve.
For me the in-game price should be more or less the same as real life.

Again, why? In real life I can earn or acquire money in so many ways, many passively. In the game, I can only earn money by winning races/completing driving challenges. How is that realistic? It's a massively unbalanced economy. Do you think the people who are buying these rare cars in real life are doing so with money they earned from racing, and nothing else? No.

If the price of cars is going be realistic, the economy and world needs to be as well. I need to be able to sign a contract earning me $10mln a season. I need to be able to buy property, take out loans, invest.
Again, why? In real life I can earn or acquire money in so many ways, many passively. In the game, I can only earn money by winning races/completing driving challenges. How is that realistic? It's a massively unbalanced economy. Do you think the people who are buying these rare cars in real life are doing so with money they earned from racing, and nothing else? No.

If the price of cars is going be realistic, the economy and world needs to be as well. I need to be able to sign a contract earning me $10mln a season. I need to be able to buy property, take out loans, invest.

Because I don’t think players should be able to easily acquire everything in the game. That goes for just about any game, not just GT. The economy doesn’t have to be 100% realistic, but there has to be some middle ground there in terms of prices and how much you earn.
Because I don’t think players should be able to easily acquire everything in the game. That goes for just about any game, not just GT. The economy doesn’t have to be 100% realistic, but there has to be some middle ground there in terms of prices and how much you earn.

But everything IS easily acquired in GTS. It's only time that is a barrier, not skill.

I just don't get why people want one aspect to be realistic and nothing else. It's terribly unbalanced. You want real world prices with no way to earn real world money. That's not balanced or fair.

Like I said, Lewis Hamilton didn't buy his Pagani and other cars by doing 6 Grand Prix every day for two weeks. But that is the sort of thing you have to do to buy one 20m car in GTS.
I’m open for what we did in past games, make these cars available as a prize car for the more difficult challenges in career mode such as long endurance's races, maybe random prizes wheel like in GT3 so that it wasn't automatic that you receive the car. As far as the price, they are currently too expensive in respect to GT Sports economy the amount of grinding I eventually gave up & focused on other aspects of the game.

These cars are digital files in which endless copies can be made, if we are wanting justify there values to reflect the real world then we need also apply what partially makes them so expensive and that is there rarity, so after the first six or so depending on the vehicle are purchased by players then no more would be available unless one of those that originally purchased decided to sell it, if they could.
Dear PD,

Please make all cars affordable for the majority of players to enjoy, because real life is boring enough, without buying the cars we would like to have!

Best Regards,
7 to 77 players
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But everything IS easily acquired in GTS. It's only time that is a barrier, not skill.

I just don't get why people want one aspect to be realistic and nothing else. It's terribly unbalanced. You want real world prices with no way to earn real world money. That's not balanced or fair.

Like I said, Lewis Hamilton didn't buy his Pagani and other cars by doing 6 Grand Prix every day for two weeks. But that is the sort of thing you have to do to buy one 20m car in GTS.

I just want somewhat realistic prices with a better economy. Lewis Hamilton is irrelevant here.
Well after now nearly 80 votes it´s 50:50, I didn´t expect that so many people like the idea of cars that are so extremly expensive that only the ones who are ready to grind the hell out of it can buy them.

But at least I am not the only one who thinks PD overdid it with GT sport and the unicorn Cars.

I just bought the McLaren P1 GTR for 3.6Million that is also expensive but it is for me reasonable, to bad seems I will never drive the really expensive cars in this game, well it is how it is I am not going to grind for them there are still a lot of other cars around ~1 Million that I still want to buy.

Oh and by the way the McLaren is great. ;)

I just want somewhat realistic prices with a better economy. Lewis Hamilton is irrelevant here.
The fact is Credits in GT games do not reflect any real work currency. But if you want real word prices most of these 20m Cr cars are way over priced, a Ford GT40MK IV sold in 2018 for less than $2m. Aside from the Ferrair 250 GTO, which could be at high as 48m Cr, most of these super expensive cars in GTS cost more in Cr than that amount in USD let alone that same amount in GBP.

They aren't reflecting real world values, they are simply stretching the game out forcing a grind to acquire them. If there were enough earning potential without endlessly repeating the same races over and over it wouldn't be a problem, although you might find everything but these cars would become too easy to acquire then. I totally stand by my argument that this is bad game design and the best economy in any GT game to date was GT4's.

People keep saying these 20m Cr prices need to stay becuase they're "realistic" they are nothing of the sort. Most cars prices in real life are nothing like what they are in GT Sport.
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I just want somewhat realistic prices with a better economy. Lewis Hamilton is irrelevant here.
He and other racing drivers aren't irrelevant. You're saying you want realistic prices,so why not realistic ways to earn money? I should be able to sign a contract late in the natural gameplay flow that means I earn 30m credits every in game season. I should also be able to sign sponsorship deals, maybe take a loan.

Earning credits only per each race is not realistic, and doesn't jive with realistic car prices.
He and other racing drivers aren't irrelevant. You're saying you want realistic prices,so why not realistic ways to earn money? I should be able to sign a contract late in the natural gameplay flow that means I earn 30m credits every in game season. I should also be able to sign sponsorship deals, maybe take a loan.

Earning credits only per each race is not realistic, and doesn't jive with realistic car prices.
I agree, it's no good clamouring for a realistic prices but disregarding the rest of how the ingame economy works.

I have nothing against the finish a race earn Cr formula, though ideas like earning sponsorships and taking loans etc. could make it more interesting, but that forumla needs to be balanced to the cost of the cars.

The earnings should increase as you advance to more difficult races and the cost of the higher performance/rarer cars should scale accordingly.
The fact is Credits in GT games do not reflect any real work currency. But if you want real word prices most of these 20m Cr cars are way over priced, a Ford GT40MK IV sold in 2018 for less than $2m. Aside from the Ferrair 250 GTO, which could be at high as 48m Cr, most of these super expensive cars in GTS cost more in Cr than that amount in USD let alone that same amount in GBP.

They aren't reflecting real world values, they are simply stretching the game out forcing a grind to acquire them. If there were enough earning potential without endlessly repeating the same races over and over it wouldn't be a problem, although you might find everything but these cars would become too easy to acquire then. I totally stand by my argument that this is bad game design and the best economy in any GT game to date was GT4's.

People keep saying these 20m Cr prices need to stay becuase they're "realistic" they are nothing of the sort. Most cars prices in real life are nothing like what they are in GT Sport.

They are also only that price in the real world because of their rarity. Something that doesn't exist in a game, unless the realism folks actually want there to be only 100 Ford GT40s in the entire game for everyone to battle over. I'd assume not. So take away the rarity, and the prices would tumble.
Truth is, the simple solution to all of this is for Open Lobby races to pay out more, and I would argue the payments should match whatever the best payments are in the singleplayer campaign. No need to lower the prices of the cars. That way players can choose the way they earn money, and they can do it together with other players while also ACTUALLY HAVING FUN. If someone wants to earn a usable amount money racing Fiat 500's on Daytona with their friends, they should be able to.

For those arguing all the expensive cars should be lowered so more people can drive the cars, my suggestion is to add a new mode themed like one of those Supercar rental places where you can drive Lamborghini's and Porsches on race tracks. Name it 'GT Dream Rental's' or something cheesy like that, and let players drive any car in the dealership on a restricted GT4 style parking lot setup with cones and stuff.
Truth is, the simple solution to all of this is for Open Lobby races to pay out more, and I would argue the payments should match whatever the best payments are in the singleplayer campaign. No need to lower the prices of the cars. That way players can choose the way they earn money, and they can do it together with other players while also ACTUALLY HAVING FUN. If someone wants to earn a usable amount money racing Fiat 500's on Daytona with their friends, they should be able to.
They should do that, but that still leaves the economy broken beuacse of the price of the more expensive cars. If you are an offline player like me then you still have to grind like hell to save enough Cr just to buy one of them.

For those arguing all the expensive cars should be lowered so more people can drive the cars, my suggestion is to add a new mode themed like one of those Supercar rental places where you can drive Lamborghini's and Porsches on race tracks. Name it 'GT Dream Rental's' or something cheesy like that, and let players drive any car in the dealership on a restricted GT4 style parking lot setup with cones and stuff.
Or, why not just reduce the price of those cars?
They should do that, but that still leaves the economy broken beuacse of the price of the more expensive cars. If you are an offline player like me then you still have to grind like hell to save enough Cr just to buy one of them.

I will admit, I didn't take in account what the economy would be like without multiplayer interaction. That's my mistake.

Just so we are clear, I'm very against lowering the price of the 'unicorn cars'. When players load up the game for the first time after buying their used Honda Civic, that shiny Ferrari P4 SHOULD look incredibly unobtainable. It's part of that fun 'humble beginnings' GT Mode experience we all love. The huge problem is that those cars remain unobtainable for like 95% of the player base, no matter how far they progress though GT mode.
In my opinion, there are way more exciting, and creative ways to fix this problem rather than just by lowering the price of those cars.

This is just me spitting out ideas, but this is what I would do.

1. Remove the Cr. limit.
(It's just making the economy issue worse.)

2. The more expensive a car is, the more money you should earn while racing that car. (Though I'm not sure this would work well in multiplayer, I think people would be more okay with the prices of certain cars if they had more perks behind the ownership, other than just their pretty looks.)

example: Using a car worth 20,000,000 Cr. in a race payouts x20 more Cr. than it would compared to something like a Honda Civic.

3. Players who complete the singleplayer campaign (or a certain percentage that makes the most sense to the developers) should receive 20,000,000cr as an award after the credits screen plays.

Doesn't need to be exactly like this, this is just the way I would do it. In general, The game just needs to make earning credits easier the farther you progress though the game.
How they get there is mostly irrelevant, reducing prices and increasing credit payouts obviously have the same net result. I completely agree that you shouldn't be able to buy a special, rare car within 30 minute of starting the game but on the flipside, the time and effort it does take needs to be reduced from what it is currently.

There is nothing inherently wrong with X car costing 99,900% more than Y car (That example is 20,000 to 20m), just as long as the credits you earn throughout the game gradually increases at a similar rate as you play it. They don't currently.
I say that we need these expensive cars but I've only been able to get them in GT Sport... Because of the Lewis Hamilton Challenge. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have been able to get them. I was never able to buy them in GT5 or GT6 because I wasn't dedicated enough to grind back then. I'm more dedicated now but I don't want to spend weeks trying to acquire them. My most recent grinding episode was in The Crew 2, where I got the Nissan R390 Road Car (it was part of a pack which included a Porsche 935 and a Ducati). I spent about 7 nights simply trying to earn $2 million - and I didn't even start with zero! The payouts were pretty shocking and I had to do a stack of events - some of them twice. The most money I won from a single event was $280,000, whilst the others were mostly between $19,000 and $26,000. It was frustrating at times but I felt a massive sense of accomplishment upon purchasing the car. Having to earn an extra $18 million will kill me in that game, but no car costs $20 million in The Crew 2 so I'll never have to. I want unicorn cars to stay in GT but I don't want players to be driven insane by the ridiculous grinding. They shouldn't be easy to obtain but it shouldn't be impossible either.
Truth is, the simple solution to all of this is for Open Lobby races to pay out more, and I would argue the payments should match whatever the best payments are in the singleplayer campaign. No need to lower the prices of the cars. That way players can choose the way they earn money, and they can do it together with other players while also ACTUALLY HAVING FUN. If someone wants to earn a usable amount money racing Fiat 500's on Daytona with their friends, they should be able to.

For those arguing all the expensive cars should be lowered so more people can drive the cars, my suggestion is to add a new mode themed like one of those Supercar rental places where you can drive Lamborghini's and Porsches on race tracks. Name it 'GT Dream Rental's' or something cheesy like that, and let players drive any car in the dealership on a restricted GT4 style parking lot setup with cones and stuff.
There's already a "rental" option in GTS Arcade Mode. We see PD only keep the same cars for the whole game. HAd these cars a rotation or simply ALL cars available, updated per update, it'd make a whole lot of sense.
I will admit, I didn't take in account what the economy would be like without multiplayer interaction. That's my mistake.

Just so we are clear, I'm very against lowering the price of the 'unicorn cars'. When players load up the game for the first time after buying their used Honda Civic, that shiny Ferrari P4 SHOULD look incredibly unobtainable. It's part of that fun 'humble beginnings' GT Mode experience we all love. The huge problem is that those cars remain unobtainable for like 95% of the player base, no matter how far they progress though GT mode.
In my opinion, there are way more exciting, and creative ways to fix this problem rather than just by lowering the price of those cars.

This is just me spitting out ideas, but this is what I would do.

1. Remove the Cr. limit.
(It's just making the economy issue worse.)

2. The more expensive a car is, the more money you should earn while racing that car. (Though I'm not sure this would work well in multiplayer, I think people would be more okay with the prices of certain cars if they had more perks behind the ownership, other than just their pretty looks.)

example: Using a car worth 20,000,000 Cr. in a race payouts x20 more Cr. than it would compared to something like a Honda Civic.

3. Players who complete the singleplayer campaign (or a certain percentage that makes the most sense to the developers) should receive 20,000,000cr as an award after the credits screen plays.

Doesn't need to be exactly like this, this is just the way I would do it. In general, The game just needs to make earning credits easier the farther you progress though the game.
Cr. limit remove is a must!
For those that complete the singleplayer campaign, they did give something to the player in previous game, but in form of a prize car like black Formula GT in GT4. I think that prize cars should prioritize the harder to earn cars such as more expensive ones, just like how not for sale cars in first 4 GTs are obtainable as prize cars. And more importantly, allow us to sell prize cars, anything it is please.
this is a thing that really annoys the hell out of me. Why would you put a car into the game that 90% of the players will not be able to play with?

It´s really frustrating how can you put cars into the game that cost 20 millions like in GT Sport. I payed for the game but without some crazy grinding I will never be able to buy this cars and play with them.

Is it just me or is this the dumbest decision you can make as a developer? Well I can understand up to 2 million for exotic cars but ****ing 20 million? God damn. :/

Completely agree.

It's designed for the kids who have the summer free from work or have few friends, lol. They have the time to play GT 20 hours a week endlessly to buy all the cars. Adults, not so much.

And for all those arguing about realism and rarity like in real life.... then why don't we go all the way? Have a competition for each rare car and the top 10 people in the world get to drive a car like the Porsche 917k... just like it was in real life when Porsche was racing them. But those drivers can only drive the Porsche... not the 330p or other rare cars because they can only drive for one manufacturer.

Or we could go real the other way... the Ferrari 250 GTO cost $18,000 USD when it was new. Charge the new car price to us in the dealership please PD!
Completely agree.

It's designed for the kids who have the summer free from work or have few friends, lol. They have the time to play GT 20 hours a week endlessly to buy all the cars. Adults, not so much.

And for all those arguing about realism and rarity like in real life.... then why don't we go all the way? Have a competition for each rare car and the top 10 people in the world get to drive a car like the Porsche 917k... just like it was in real life when Porsche was racing them. But those drivers can only drive the Porsche... not the 330p or other rare cars because they can only drive for one manufacturer.

Or we could go real the other way... the Ferrari 250 GTO cost $18,000 USD when it was new. Charge the new car price to us in the dealership please PD!
or we could make the cars all free, because they are... y'know, fake.

There's already a "rental" option in GTS Arcade Mode. We see PD only keep the same cars for the whole game. HAd these cars a rotation or simply ALL cars available, updated per update, it'd make a whole lot of sense.
A rotational would be really cool.
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in GT but I don't want players to be driven insane by the ridiculous grinding. They shouldn't be easy to obtain but it shouldn't be impossible either.
Talking about GT games I started GT6 from scratch last year with the Honda fitt car, and I had to do Grind the Red Bull events over & over to get the cars that I want & like in the game. Ok Grinding is boring at times but if you really want that car, well you need to do some Grinding to get the car you want in that game. If you don't like Grinding well how the hell are you going to get them cars that you want.

In GT Sport in just over in 30 minutes of play time and winning a few races yes a few races, you will end up getting over 1 million in Credits. Remember you don't need all the cars in GT Sport just enjoy yourself like me, because I like setting up cars in the game to win races and get the best out of them.
If you want one or all of the unicorns well it is up to you, getting over 1 mill of Credits in just over 30 minutes of ply time & winning a few races is pretty dam good.