And that is the right conclusion to draw when assessing the danger of political correctness.
There's an excellent Youtube series that shows how a game called Metal Gear Solid 2, released in 2001 predicted the rise of the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) - a creation of the PC movement.
This is the series, but if you aren't interested in how MGS fits in or don't care about "gamergate" watch
these two only (
LANGUAGE warning).
It provides a summary of the origins of political correctness, the aims of those who created it and how it spread in the west. If anyone is following this thread closely they may remember a video posted by
@Latvija27 stating (correctly) that it comes from communism with the warning not to let it happen to our countries. The creator of that video is correct to give this advice, as the series demonstrates.
Here's a part of the ending to MGS2, the famous AI conversation where the antagonists reveal their true motives behind the entire game and discussed in the video:
And so we start to see what political correctness is, a form of content filter designed to repress evolution by removing the selective pressure brought from argument. Let's take an example:
This is the article I found about
@FoolKiller s "Chick-Fil-A incident", and here is a line from the article:
"In the latest development to stem from "Ducky Dynasty" star Phil Robertson's homophobic and racist comments in a recent GQ profile"
The link doesn't even link to his "racist" remarks, but for a lot of readers the "anti-gay" story is enough to believe that he said racist comments. After all, why would Huffington Post lie?
Here is the article they meant to link to in addition, and this is the title:
'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson Claims Black People Were 'Happy' Pre-Civil Rights
The top result with the google term "Phil Robertson racist" goes with:
Phil Robertson: Black People Were ‘Happy’ Before Civil Rights
Both neglect to mention, however, that this was just his experience of the black people he worked with during that time (something brought up by the comments section). The Huffington even give a statement from the NAACP saying:
"We want to be clear why Phil Robertson’s remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate. Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow."
Factually inaccurate, but it's allowed without question since the NAACP are the de facto voice of oppressed blacks. Which gets to the point of the video. Equal rights aren't enough for the political correctness lobby, and by extension SJWs. They know that on an even playing field some can't compete - in large part down to genetics. As such they go back to their roots, those based on Marxism - destroy the dominant force and bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator. It's no coincidence that a lot of socialist targets to bring about the destruction of Western civilisation are things deemed politically correct (explained better in the video). Things like
destruction of the family (see the feminist movement),
destruction of religion (see the threads on Christianity I've participated in, and the laughable double standards applied to Christianity compared to other religions),
destruction of education (consider the iron grip the unions have on education in Britain, and how we continue to slide down the international rankings. All the while
telling our little darlings how special they all are) are happening unchallenged due to the opposition being silenced by the PC police.
So where does Watson fit in? He challenged the PC version of history, stating his observations on race and intelligence. What has PC deemed we should think?
That different races evolved from a common ancestor, and that:
- The different races look different.
- The different races sound different.
- The different races have varying levels of strength.
- The different races have different susceptibilities to disease.
- The different races have certain differing quirks, eg blacks have more rhythm, whites have a tendency to subjugate others etc
- The different races have the
same level of intelligence and reasoning capabilities.
Can you blame the co-discoverer of the structure of genetic material calling BS on that last claim. But to do so would expose too many "truths" built up by the PC lobby, such as the only thing that has held Africa back is colonisation and "the white man", and exposing would also re-instate the selective pressure the PC lobby has a monopoly on. Far easier to scream racism, use him as an example of those who challenge the status quo and carry on feeding the lie that many other lies are based on to the masses. For what purpose? So we can blame others for our faults, and everyone can be a winner.
"Those poor kids! Let's get rid of sports days so everyone wins!"
"Too fat to accomplish something? Don't blame yourself, it's those normal sized people who are to blame!"
"Not getting that promotion? Such is the life of a man of colour my friend, the white man continues to hold you down"
"Your kids can't get a job after generations of in-breeding and your cousin went off to Syria? Not your religion's fault, oh no! It's Britain and their intolerant ways"
On and on and on it goes, all to halt self improvement, drive out competition and reduce us to this:
No but seriously. It's Marxism by the back door. Always has been.
And so we have the awkward situation where a generation of people have been bought up worshipping a different god, the god of PC. They can't argue anything past ad-hominem attacks and believe they are in the right because, well, they
have to be since they've been taught it at school, over the internet and by their friends. The video does a great job of showing how we just retreat to groups we identify with (be it the online papers we read, message boards, twitter feeds), and are fed their convenient half truths over and over again and so kept in a state where evolution of ideas is almost impossible.
Is this how the world ends, like the AI in the game predicted it would. Well no, but a change is definitely coming or at least needed.