Political Correctness

  • Thread starter lbsf1
Obviously gay people aren't a necessity to the survival of the human race. Most people aren't necessary to the survival of the human race, as long as there's people with enough sense to stick the long bit in the wet bit and enough of them to keep humanity out of the shallow end of the gene pool.

But given that we're nowhere near that, it sure seems a shame to miss out on people with as good a chance as anyone of being the next Einstein/Mozart/Mohammed/(insert influential person here) just because they like people with the same genitals.

There's an argument to be made that people with major negative genetic conditions are doing humanity a service by not existing, or at least not procreating and propagating that particular condition. It's not one I would make, but it's there and it has some validity. But there's no such argument to be made about gays. It's not that we need gays, it's that why would you get rid of them? They're just people, and killing them all benefits humanity not at all.
Mohammed? That's an odd one to go for.

I think that we're essentially saying the same thing - that we're indifferent about the prevalence of gay people. Only, I was responding to a question where indifference would logically present as stating that there's really no reason to enforce keeping them. Responding to your question of "why would you get rid of them?", indifference would present as "I see no reason to" - and I see no reason to.

Anyone suggesting that preserving the presence of gay people in our world is in any way necessary would have a bit of explaining to do, and I'd love to see an explanation that wasn't prejudicial.
Mohammed? That's an odd one to go for.

I could have said Jesus, but there's sort of less evidence that he actually existed. Still, I wanted an unambiguous example of leaders who, in their time at least, made great positive change. If I pick any "modern" leader people start arguing over it. If I pick someone super historical then people can argue about how their actions could be interpreted in a modern light, but it's hard to argue that they didn't have significant impact in shaping the world to what we see today.

In Mohammed's case, without Islam science and mathematics would be profoundly different. I'm less familiar with their contributions to culture and politics, but given that they were a dominant world power for a fairly extended period, I doubt they were trivial either. Mohammed's personal life and teachings have

Besides, if I say Jesus then many people don't actually think about it. With Mohammed potentially they actually go "Hey, wait! Oh, right...".
Obviously gay people aren't a necessity to the survival of the human race. Most people aren't necessary to the survival of the human race, as long as there's people with enough sense to stick the long bit in the wet bit and enough of them to keep humanity out of the shallow end of the gene pool.

But given that we're nowhere near that, it sure seems a shame to miss out on people with as good a chance as anyone of being the next Einstein/Mozart/Mohammed/(insert influential person here) just because they like people with the same genitals.

There's an argument to be made that people with major negative genetic conditions are doing humanity a service by not existing, or at least not procreating and propagating that particular condition. It's not one I would make, but it's there and it has some validity. But there's no such argument to be made about gays. It's not that we need gays, it's that why would you get rid of them? They're just people, and killing them all benefits humanity not at all.
I can think of many reasons why a straight woman or couple would want to get rid of a gay or trans child. Don't want the hassle or the stigma that might go with it for one. Don't want a good chance of outliving their children for another. Don't want their other children to have to deal with it. To be accurate, according to the pro-abortionists anyway, gays in the womb aren't "just people" or babies at all during the abortion possible phase. Just a collection of cells we can cut out at will, like a mole or cyst.
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I can think of many reasons why a straight woman or couple would want to get rid of a gay or trans child. Don't want the hassle or the stigma that might go with it for one. Don't want a good chance of outliving their children for another. Don't want their other children to have to deal with it.
I think you will find that's likely only to be the homophobic ones.

To be accurate, according to the pro-abortionists anyway, gays in the womb aren't "just people" or babies at all during the abortion possible phase. Just a collection of cells we can cut out at will, like a mole or cyst.
Not just 'gays'.

Nice dog whistle post however.
I think you will find that's likely only to be the homophobic ones.
Nothing homophobic about it at all. Nice strawman though. Those are all practical reasons based on sound reasoning.
Not just 'gays'.
Didn't say it was just gays, but I responded to a post about gays so I phrased it in terms of gays. Sorry if you were offended because I wasn't politically correct and completely inclusive.
While y'all argue over Hitler and gay babies, here is a perfect example of the PC crowd slapping America's first amendment in the mouth.
The council chose to remove the cross from the top of the tree after a recent lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The lawsuit came on the behalf of Knightstown, IN, resident Joe Thompkins and stated the religious symbol should not be displayed on town property.

The town council released a statement Monday, saying they did not think they could win the case and couldn’t deal with the costs of the legal battle, so the cross was removed from the tree.
I love the name of the group that filed the suit.
I think you will find that's likely only to be the homophobic ones.
You know this is what I thought about when posting gays, (yes, I had an ulterior motive) and I'm not sure it would be such a minority as you would first think. To add to JPs list, it will be immensely harder to have grandkids - and I think that's a big concern for future parents. In a post-Trump election win world I wouldn't be surprised to see people be a little less understanding of gayness should it be their future child in the spotlight.

While y'all argue over Hitler and gay babies, here is a perfect example of the PC crowd slapping America's first amendment in the mouth.
I love the name of the group that filed the suit.
I don't understand the lawsuit (I'm not well versed on the first amendment) - is there a ban on religious symbols on things set up by councils?
Nothing homophobic about it at all. Nice strawman though. Those are all practical reasons based on sound reasoning.
The vast majority of which can apply to any child, I know I have three.

However I would think its fairly safe that those attitudes would be far more likely to be found in parents who are homophobic that those who are not.

Didn't say it was just gays, but I responded to a post about gays so I phrased it in terms of gays. Sorry if you were offended because I wasn't politically correct and completely inclusive.
Given that you used that term on its own yes you did. Not that it offended me so you don't need to worry.

You know this is what I thought about when posting gays, (yes, I had an ulterior motive) and I'm not sure it would be such a minority as you would first think. To add to JPs list, it will be immensely harder to have grandkids - and I think that's a big concern for future parents.
Not all straight people can have kids, or even want kids.

As a parent myself if my kids are unable or don't want to have children that's not a big concern for me at all.

In a post-Trump election win world I wouldn't be surprised to see people be a little less understanding of gayness should it be their future child in the spotlight.
Oh I would agree that the intolerant have seen it as a free pass to express themselves, but if someone is willing to persecute their own child over something they have no control over then personally I think they have some quite deep seated issues.
I had no idea that the vast subject of political correctness extended to the right of people to indulge in eugenics. i guess the phrase really does what the speaker wants it to mean.
understanding of gayness
Is there an understanding of straitness? Is there heteropobic?

The gay community is quick to chime in when a straight person gives there two cents. I've been called a homophobe here. I don't think I am and I don't condone killing babies cause you fear they will be gay. But I don't agree with or like "gay". But thanks to the labels and stupidity spewed by the PC crowd, I am homophobic.:indiff:

Turn the tables one time. People have a problem understanding straitness. Some people are heterophobic. God forbid we do what we are built for.:rolleyes:
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How were the first amendment rights of the protestors affected? Your article seems to suggest the opposite, that they expressly weren't.
They were able to protest and put their crosses on the tree. But the big lit up cross that was on the top of the tree will not be replaced. I didn't watch the video in that link but they needed a cherry picker truck to remove the cross.

The removal of the cross is how their first amendment rights were affected.
The vast majority of which can apply to any child, I know I have three.

However I would think its fairly safe that those attitudes would be far more likely to be found in parents who are homophobic that those who are not.
Don't think that's fairly safe at all, I think it's based on your own personal bias. If a doctor said, "your child will have a life expectancy of 30-40 years and will be much more likely to commit suicide"(in the case of trans people), I expect anyone that is already prone to abortion would consider that as good a reason as a Down's collection of cells, a missing limb, low IQ or any other reason. Even if they are homophobic, so what? Does aborting because it might be gay or trans make it any worse than an abortion for any other reason? The cluster of cells is dead in any case.
I had no idea that the vast subject of political correctness extended to the right of people to indulge in eugenics. i guess the phrase really does what the speaker wants it to mean.
That wasn't the "political correctness" I was referring to when I raised the original idea of the French abortion commercial ban. This whole discussion on abortion is a side issue IMO.
They were able to protest and put their crosses on the tree. But the big lit up cross that was on the top of the tree will not be replaced. I didn't watch the video in that link but they needed a cherry picker truck to remove the cross.

The removal of the cross is how their first amendment rights were affected.

But the tree was council owned, right? I don't see how removing a cross from a public tree affects the ability of the protestors (or anyone else) to express their religion. I note that the ACLU guy was actually claiming pretty much the exact opposite to justify their case, although I have no idea how strong a claim that is really.
Is there an understanding of straitness? Is there heteropobic?

The gay community is quick to chime in when a straight person gives there two cents. I've been called a homophobe here. I don't think I am and I don't condone killing babies cause you fear they will be gay. But I don't agree with or like "gay". But thanks to the labels and stupidity spewed by the PC crowd, I am homophobic.:indiff:
That depends on exactly what you have said.

Turn the tables one time. People have a problem understanding straitness. Some people are heterophobic. God forbid we do what we are built for.:rolleyes:
Some people almost certainly do, its no more acceptable that homophobia.

Its makes it no more or less a valid series of reasons than any otehr abortion, as such I don't see why they would be specifically highlighted in this case.

Don't think that's fairly safe at all, I think it's based on your own personal bias. If a doctor said, "your child will have a life expectancy of 30-40 years and will be much more likely to commit suicide"(in the case of trans people), I expect anyone that is already prone to abortion would consider that as good a reason as a Down's collection of cells, a missing limb, low IQ or any other reason. Even if they are homophobic, so what?
I disagree, I think the likelihood of having an abortion based on sexuality is far more likely to occur in someone who is also homophobic. Ironically in the west that person is far more likely to also oppose abortion.

Does aborting because it might be gay or trans make it any worse than an abortion for any other reason? The cluster of cells is dead in any case.
No, and I didn't say it did.
There's plenty of nigh on purely pragmatic people in the world, and I think that that's the kind of thinking that @Johnnypenso was accessing. Right now, those are the numbers that add up. Hopefully in the future there will be no difference to the read outs at the bottom of the page.

I suppose, but for that purely pragmatic view to be the deciding factor the people involved have to overcome the natural human urge to care for their young. Like it or not humans have evolved to have a certain amount of attachment to children, especially their own, and for that to be so weak that one would override it for minor social comforts is slightly abnormal.

I think by the time that a parent is able to receive information about what their child would be, it's largely impossible to avoid thinking of it as a child rather than a lump of cells. And it's gotta be pretty tough to order the death of your own child, even if in your eyes it would be a monster.
I suppose, but for that purely pragmatic view to be the deciding factor the people involved have to overcome the natural human urge to care for their young. Like it or not humans have evolved to have a certain amount of attachment to children, especially their own, and for that to be so weak that one would override it for minor social comforts is slightly abnormal.

I think by the time that a parent is able to receive information about what their child would be, it's largely impossible to avoid thinking of it as a child rather than a lump of cells. And it's gotta be pretty tough to order the death of your own child, even if in your eyes it would be a monster.
Hey, you'll get one person all too willing to have an abortion simply because it would mess up their figure for a friend's wedding, then another who has 72 cats because they can't stand the thought of them being put down. It takes different strokes to kill the world.

Really, it's just a different angle to look at it from, and an angle that has an approach truly representative of some people. How many stats might a real life Sheldon Cooper whip out at the first mention of having a child? Cold... hard.... facts - that's what some people are intrinsically all about - while not having the foggiest why all the other people in the room are making those strange faces.
Hey, you'll get one person all too willing to have an abortion simply because it would mess up their figure for a friend's wedding, then another who has 72 cats because they can't stand the thought of them being put down.

In both cases you ignored the point, which is that in order to abort a child due to their genetic makeup you have to see them as your child. In your examples that's not required.

It takes different strokes to kill the world.

Who is killing the world? We're talking about abortion.

Really, it's just a different angle to look at it from, and an angle that has an approach truly representative of some people. How many stats might a real life Sheldon Cooper whip out at the first mention of having a child? Cold... hard.... facts - that's what some people are intrinsically all about - while not having the foggiest why all the other people in the room are making those strange faces.

Yup, some people will be able to overcome the natural attachment instinct to even an unborn child. Most people won't.

I don't know why anyone needs to have a reason for abortion. If they don't want to carry a child to term with their body, they should get an abortion if that's what they want. And honestly society should respect that and not pressure them to have a child that they'll likely raise badly and who will be a problem for our criminal justice system starting at 16 years later.
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I don't know why anyone needs to have a reason for abortion. If they don't want to carry a child to term with their body, they should do what they want. And honestly society should respect that and not pressure them to have a child that they'll likely raise badly and who will be a problem for our criminal justice system starting at 16 years later.
That makes it sound like the person had no choice in the matter and is being forced into pregnancy. Last time I checked Most of the people had a choice in getting pregnant or not. Why should society respect your irresponsibility?
What irresponsibility? Even if contraceptives are used, they aren't 100% effective. Society doesn't pay anything for an abortion anyway. What may be costly and have negative consequences is forcing someone to have a child.
That makes it sound like the person had no choice in the matter and is being forced into pregnancy. Last time I checked Most of the people had a choice in getting pregnant or not. Why should society respect your irresponsibility?

I'm sorry I gave you the impression that they had no choice in the matter. I didn't mean to. I don't care if they got pregnant by force, intentionally or were irresponsible. If they want an abortion for any reason at all they should get it.

The only way society pays for it is if we force them to keep a child that they don't want and end up having to deal with that child when they become a maladjusted adult.
But the tree was council owned, right? I don't see how removing a cross from a public tree affects the ability of the protestors (or anyone else) to express their religion. I note that the ACLU guy was actually claiming pretty much the exact opposite to justify their case, although I have no idea how strong a claim that is really.
Removing the cross is directly oppressing their right to express religion. Let's be honest the tree and Christmas all revolve, somewhat, around Christianity(I can't think of another religion that uses the tree for the celebration of their religion)(I know the real story of St. Nicholas...)
Anyways, judging by the name of the person who the ACLU filed for, I'd assume it's another Atheist group trying to free America from religion. Something they have been doing a good job of for over 20 years.
The only way society pays for it is if we force them to keep a child that they don't want and end up having to deal with that child when they become a maladjusted adult.
Society pays for it also if the child goes into DFACS or Foster Child system. And kids now a days are starting even younger than 16, we had a 14 year old shoot and rob and kill a pizza delivery guy for a gang initiation. They look to other places when they don't have a family, those places usually make them do very wrong things, to prove they are family and down for whatever. It was rather sad, you look at him and see a bright face with a future, sadly his will be in prison...
I'm sorry I gave you the impression that they had no choice in the matter. I didn't mean to. I don't care if they got pregnant by force, intentionally or were irresponsible. If they want an abortion for any reason at all they should get it.

The only way society pays for it is if we force them to keep a child that they don't want and end up having to deal with that child when if they become a maladjusted adult.
Fixed that for you.;)
In both cases you ignored the point, which is that in order to abort a child due to their genetic makeup you have to see them as your child. In your examples that's not required.
I was illustrating the broad scope of characters that we have around us. I left it to be read between the lines that the scope would allow for the existence of people "cold" enough to abort for those reasons.
Who is killing the world?
Just mucking around with a play on the Diff'rent Strokes theme.
I don't know why anyone needs to have a reason for abortion. If they don't want to carry a child to term with their body, they should get an abortion if that's what they want. And honestly society should respect that and not pressure them to have a child that they'll likely raise badly and who will be a problem for our criminal justice system starting at 16 years later.
We're in the Political Correctness thread, where a generic black and white conversation about abortion would be really rather ill-placed and uninspiring. It comes across like you want to steer towards a right to one's own body conversation, against the tide of conversations about motivations and such. And are you directing it at me? Have you seen something in here that suggests to you that I need to be schooled on that right?

Seems a bit, dare I say, "GREEN BANANA JELLO!!".
We're in the Political Correctness thread, where a generic black and white conversation about abortion would be really rather ill-placed and uninspiring. It comes across like you want to steer towards a right to one's own body conversation, against the tide of conversations about motivations and such. And are you directing it at me? Have you seen something in here that suggests to you that I need to be schooled on that right?

Seems a bit, dare I say, "GREEN BANANA JELLO!!".

Let me re-iterate what I said earlier with a bit more embellishment. Aborting a fetus who has a "gay gene" (if there were such a thing) should be fine because aborting a fetus should not require any "reason" other than the mother does not want to carry it to term.