The only reason I posted about the tree is cause of the PC crowd in a tis every time any god but there own is mentioned, or cause they don't have one. The PC crowd is nothing but a group of people who have nothing better to do with there time, than complain about something offending them that they could have ignored.
Seriously what's next? Banning the dang tree cause it's viewed by someone as being religiously offensive?
We already have HOA's telling residents it's offensive to some fellow residents, to fly the American flag.

I'm not going to debate over something I
might have gotten wrong. That said, the council didn't even try to fight the removal, they couldn't afford it(in my link) and in the same document you mention
@huskeR32, they(council) might have possibly won. But they couldn't afford to fight it and the case probably wouldn't have even been heard by Christmas anyways. They shouldn't have bowed down so easily IMO, anyways.
Yeah, in this case, it is on government land and a cross. So what? Screw these stupid new laws. If you are offended by a cross, you have some other issues.