Political Correctness

  • Thread starter lbsf1
Wow, they had a Pride parade here and they also excluded a group, only their "ban" was uniformed cops and they reversed that decision within hours because of the backlash. Seems like these groups preaching "acceptance and inclusion" should practice what they preach.:lol:

Of course BLM can't handle other repressed groups having the spotlight so they protested the parade.
Wow, they had a Pride parade here and they also excluded a group, only their "ban" was uniformed cops and they reversed that decision within hours because of the backlash. Seems like these groups preaching "acceptance and inclusion" should practice what they preach.:lol:

Of course BLM can't handle other repressed groups having the spotlight so they protested the parade.
Uniformed officers weren't allowed into the Toronto Pride parade either, so some of them headed off to New York City where they were welcomed with open arms. The NY invite came after BLM hijacked last year's parade, literally, by refusing to move until a list of demands were met that included the exclusion of uniformed officers from the parade. First it's the uniformed cops in the parade, then the dirty Jews in the Dyke March. Who's next? Conservatives? Christians? Muslims? Straight people?
Why would you want non-uniformed officers, that's asking for the trouble they claim they're trying to avoid...why can't groups be less stupid, honestly.
Uniformed officers weren't allowed into the Toronto Pride parade either, so some of them headed off to New York City where they were welcomed with open arms. The NY invite came after BLM hijacked last year's parade, literally, by refusing to move until a list of demands were met that included the exclusion of uniformed officers from the parade. First it's the uniformed cops in the parade, then the dirty Jews in the Dyke March. Who's next? Conservatives? Christians? Muslims? Straight people?

There are specific reasons why a royal warrant holder shouldn't participate in uniform, we went over that.
There are specific reasons why a royal warrant holder shouldn't participate in uniform, we went over that.
Don't know about Royal Warrants, but the Toronto Police have marched in the Parade, in uniform, for years. This didn't come about as part of some regulations, but because the BLM blocked the parade and the organizers caved to political correctness. This is the Chief, in the parade. He looks pretty happy to be there:

Individual officers marching in the parade...also pretty happy to be there:
BLM seem to be almost exclusively focused in America. But since America's the centre of the universe that's kind of a given.
It's migrated north of the border as well although nowhere near the presence here that it has in the States.
We had a group block the runway at London City Airport last year but that's about it.
How did they get on the runway? Protest or not that is illegal here, you can face felony charges for disrupting the airport.
What agenda would that be?

What kind of question is this? They're clearly pushing this government funded gay thing. It's wrong and doesn't promote neutrality and the variety of opinion officers have. Why are people acting like this is ok? The police shouldn't hold any specific political belief but should uphold the law. You can say oh gay marriage is a legal matter now, but it's more than that. What if you were forced to drive this if it doesn't comply with your religious beliefs? That's not right.
What kind of question is this? They're clearly pushing this government funded gay thing. It's wrong and doesn't promote neutrality and the variety of opinion officers have. Why are people acting like this is ok? The police shouldn't hold any specific political belief but should uphold the law. You can say oh gay marriage is a legal matter now, but it's more than that. What if you were forced to drive this if it doesn't comply with your religious beliefs? That's not right.

How are they clearly pushing government funded "gay thing"? The fact you can't even name it correctly shows your probably against it to begin with so let's see how far down the subjective rabbit hole we go with this.

It's okay because it shows that the community supports all walks of life, as @Johnnypenso just demonstrated. I don't really like having Breast Cancer awareness shoved down my throat at various points of the year, but I understand why people in communities get together over it. I don't care for various other things being blown up either, but yet I accept that others support it and it's their community as much as mine.

Also if it doesn't comply with your religious belief (weak strawman by the way), then you're not driving it. Infringing on someones religion is against the law so...

Also the law is that gay marriage is legal, them showing a vehicle in this way shows that they up hold the legal status of it. That they support the lawfulness of those who are same sex. There is a difference between supporting something and making a political agenda where one shouldn't be and doing something because it is actually an accepted legal norm of society. You've mixed that up here.
The police shouldn't hold any specific political belief but should uphold the law.

You mean like equal protection of people regardless of sexual orientation? Showing support for a portion of the community is not a political belief. Whether or not we should be tolerant of peoples' sexuality, and enforce legal protection for them, is not politics.
What kind of question is this? They're clearly pushing this government funded gay thing. It's wrong and doesn't promote neutrality and the variety of opinion officers have. Why are people acting like this is ok? The police shouldn't hold any specific political belief but should uphold the law. You can say oh gay marriage is a legal matter now, but it's more than that. What if you were forced to drive this if it doesn't comply with your religious beliefs? That's not right.
Would you object to a Muslim officer pulling over to pray on his way to a 211 in progress because it's his religious obligation to do so? How about a Jewish officer on his way to a serious car accident on Friday night and the sun goes down and he turns and heads for home because he's observing Shabbat? When does it become "more than that" and who decides?
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What if you were forced to drive this if it doesn't comply with your religious beliefs? That's not right.

Somebody who won't do their job because of religious beliefs shouldn't do their job.

Would you object to a Muslim officer pulling over to pray on his way to a 211 in progress because it's his religious obligation to do so?

Goodness knows what a "211 in progress" is but somebody who won't do their job because of religious beliefs shouldn't do their job.

How about a Jewish officer on his way to a serious car accident on Friday night and the sun goes down and he turns and heads for home because he's observing Shabbat?

Somebody who won't do their job because of religious beliefs shouldn't do their job.

In the last two cases it would be perfectly acceptable for breaks to be taken or shifts to be booked to favour any required personal time - religious or otherwise. I've never worked with anybody who's suddenly downed tools (figuratively or literally) for religious observations and I'd dare suggest that cases of people doing so are a) very rare and b) rightly unpopular with employers and colleagues.
Somebody who won't do their job because of religious beliefs shouldn't do their job.
Goodness knows what a "211 in progress" is but somebody who won't do their job because of religious beliefs shouldn't do their job.
Somebody who won't do their job because of religious beliefs shouldn't do their job.
My point exactly.
How are they clearly pushing government funded "gay thing"? The fact you can't even name it correctly shows your probably against it to begin with so let's see how far down the subjective rabbit hole we go with this.

It's okay because it shows that the community supports all walks of life, as @Johnnypenso just demonstrated. I don't really like having Breast Cancer awareness shoved down my throat at various points of the year, but I understand why people in communities get together over it. I don't care for various other things being blown up either, but yet I accept that others support it and it's their community as much as mine.

Also if it doesn't comply with your religious belief (weak strawman by the way), then you're not driving it. Infringing on someones religion is against the law so...

Also the law is that gay marriage is legal, them showing a vehicle in this way shows that they up hold the legal status of it. That they support the lawfulness of those who are same sex. There is a difference between supporting something and making a political agenda where one shouldn't be and doing something because it is actually an accepted legal norm of society. You've mixed that up here.

Would you object to a Muslim officer pulling over to pray on his way to a 211 in progress because it's his religious obligation to do so? How about a Jewish officer on his way to a serious car accident on Friday night and the sun goes down and he turns and heads for home because he's observing Shabbat? When does it become "more than that" and who decides?

I knew there would be a backlash lol.

Here we go the PC guys with excuses defending this. If you knew anything about religion you would understand God is All Understanding (inb4 fedoras get offended), and someone's life who is in danger is more important at that moment. It is a belief, not everyone is supportive of the gay movement. Whether you think I am so hateful or homophobic is of no importance to me. I am opposed to the idea, not the people. That is God's decision.

Breast cancer and homosexuality? Why the Hell would you make that connection? The fact that it annoys you that officers supporting breast cancer sufferers but you aren't annoyed by the pride cop cars is very concerning. People who suffer from breast cancer aren't a political tool, they are real victims. I shouldn't have to drive a cop car supporting sodomy, it's quite simple (hypothetically, if I was an officer). This is more than a legal matter, this is a religious and political matter. It's really not that hard to comprehend that some people have more conservative views.
(inb4 fedoras get offended)

Pretty sure we already found the offended chap here.

The fact that it annoys you that officers supporting breast cancer sufferers but you aren't annoyed by the pride cop cars is very concerning.


EDIT: Who has said they were annoyed by the breast cancer cars?

People who suffer from breast cancer aren't a political tool

Neither are gay people.

I shouldn't have to drive a cop car supporting sodomy

That's your objection to homosexuality? You do know the meaning of that word, right? Anybody's mouth ever touched your fun bits? If not, you should try it, I highly recommend it. If so, then congrats, you're a Sodomite yourself.

This is more than a legal matter, this is a religious...

Religion has no place in a public job like law enforcement. The First Amendment is quite clear on that.

...and political matter.

What's political about love?

Ok... lemme take a stab at this.

It is a belief, not everyone is supportive of the gay movement. Whether you think I am so hateful or homophobic is of no importance to me. I am opposed to the idea, not the people. That is God's decision.

That's religion, not politics.

Breast cancer and homosexuality? Why the Hell would you make that connection? The fact that it annoys you that officers supporting breast cancer sufferers but you aren't annoyed by the pride cop cars is very concerning.

Did @LMSCorvetteGT2 say he was offended by the breast cancer cars? I saw that he said that he didn't like having it shoved down his throat, not sure he meant the cars in that case.

I shouldn't have to drive a cop car supporting sodomy, it's quite simple (hypothetically, if I was an officer). This is more than a legal matter, this is a religious and political matter. It's really not that hard to comprehend that some people have more conservative views.

It's a religious matter, not a legal or political one. Your religious views don't get to trump the constitution (equal protection and all that). Human rights (you could read Bill of Rights here), are not a political issue (see my signature for details). Note that you didn't get to vote on whether gay marriage became legal in the US. There's a reason for that.

No one is forcing religious people to be police officers. But religious people who think people that engage in sodomy (I've got news for you, there's not as much of that going on in the gay community as you might think. It's really more oral) are subhumans that deserve to be sent to hell for all eternity and tortured because they took a liking to the wrong type of person, should maybe not consider a career in law enforcement where they will have to protect those people's rights to engage in that specific behavior. You're not required to be a cop by the way. Just in case you were worried.


Also, just fyi, gay people do not have a monopoly on sodomy.

Edit 2:

@huskeR32 - seriously, Sodomy is that broad? Excuse me while I type sodomy into the google search bar here at work...
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