Political Correctness

  • Thread starter lbsf1

Some of those have some interesting results. It's seems that Google has lost it a bit as a search site.

I only bothered to look at the first one, but it probably has a technical explanation. Since black people are commonly referred to (and searched for) as African Americans, 'American' searches may tend to skew results simply by word association/search patterns. Case in point, the results for 'American inventors' and 'US inventors' are different.



AFAIK the Knowledge Graph, which powers those infoboxes, is basically designed to operate, and learn, by itself. It's not armies of people curating all that information a la Wikipedia. The above looks pretty much like the sort of discrepancy that could come about from an 'imperfect' system being trained on 'imperfect' data ('imperfect' is maybe not the right word but you gey what I mean). It's also a hell of a lot simpler an explanation than whatever theory that FB post is alluding to (brainwashing by significantly subtly reordering lots of a few specific search results, or something?). I'd side with Occam's razor on this one (although I think I've done that with like 90% of the stuff in this thread, so I digress :lol:).
I only bothered to look at the first one, but it probably has a technical explanation. Since black people are commonly referred to (and searched for) as African Americans, 'American' searches may tend to skew results simply by word association/search patterns. Case in point, the results for 'American inventors' and 'US inventors' are different.

The European People Art sources most of the returned images from a blog with a very similar title. Searching "European Art" gives the results one might more likely expect.

I don't see evidence of the "conspiracy" as it was first alleged in 2016.
In Seattle, my local hardware store is pleased to have a big sign in their door announcing how they serve people of of all races and religions. But they do not offer you a paper bag anymore when when you make a purchase.
In Seattle, my local hardware store is pleased to have a big sign in their door announcing how they serve people of of all races and religions. But they do not offer you a paper bag anymore when when you make a purchase.
I wonder how they would perform if a Neo-Nazi skinhead full of swastika tattoos, came in to buy a few hammers and saws. :sly:
I definitely think it can be taken too far. It's one thing to avoid saying something that offends another. But one example of where it goes to far is how you can get in trouble for using the wrong gender pronouns. They actually made it a crime in Canada to use the wrong pronouns.
I completely agree with ChingChong. Racism is a cancer that affects our society in so many ways it's sad. And people like Trump enable exactly that.
Political correctness is necessary. I don't understand how people can allow in our country others who advocate for racism and sexism.

If you don't allow opinions counter to that of the masses, are you really any better than those who you wish to banish?

That's not to say that I like racism and sexism, but so long as people don't infringe on the rights of others I see no reason why people shouldn't be able to have those feelings.
And people like Trump enable exactly that.
Trump denounced the KKK multiple times.
The KKK announced they support him.
He has nothing to do with the new racial tension the news wants to promote and you know it.
It started before Trump(black people and don't forget every other race that have been killed by police) Trump becomes El Presidente and of course everything is his fault. It's the infamous I'm a victim crap...
I'll say it again, he's an idiot but the revival has nothing to do with Trump.
Everyone and their mama knows the KKK never died. It's reaction to a black president.

While Trumps dad or grampa(don't remember) has a history.
Hillary called a KKK Dragon her mentor.

Open your eyes and let THAT sink in.

*my opinions with a few facts*

And political correctness is the worst thing to happen.
People need to accept the fact not everyone is going to like you for WHATEVER reason.
And if feelings get hurt, ignore it and move along. You can't teach an old dog new tricks...
I completely agree with ChingChong. Racism is a cancer that affects our society in so many ways it's sad. And people like Trump enable exactly that.

I'm curious how exactly Trump has enabled this. Hillary Clinton was the one who infamously used the term "super predators." I agree that there is no place for that mindset in our country. But I fail to understand how Trump has supported or even enabled it.
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Trump is many things, an idiot, inexperienced, actions before thinking, but I've seen no evidence of Trump being a racist with people only quoting the media who have been proven wrong. The closest was Trumps speech on Mexico and the wall but most media like to leave out the tiny detail that he was talking about the illegal immigrants from Mexico, not Mexicans in general.

And political correctness is the worst thing to happen.
People need to accept the fact not everyone is going to like you for WHATEVER reason.
And if feelings get hurt, ignore it and move along. You can't teach an old dog new tricks...
"If you can't control your emotions, you'll start to control how other people think". I tried to find the quote again to see who said it but sadly I couldn't but I feel this holds very true. Now I don't care if people themselves want to be political correct, it's their choice but when you pressure or even force others to join you is where I draw the line.
I never said I agreed with that statement as it was still generalizing a group of people but it isn't what I would call the statement racism as it's more the fact they're illegal immigrants not because they were born Mexicans.
Ah... only the illegal immigrants are rapists. I see now :D

To be fair, he did say some of them are good people. Nonetheless, "illegal alien" is the proper legal terminology. Being an illegal alien in the United States is a crime. Why is speaking out about arresting criminals considered 'racism?' Just because the vast majority of illegal aliens in the United States happen to originate from Central America? There are illegal aliens from other countries than Mexico you know.
Being an illegal alien in the United States is a crime. Why is speaking out about arresting criminals considered 'racism?'
It isn't by itself. His initial comment characterising a majority of Mexican immigrants as drug dealers and rapists was what was considered incendiary. He later modified it to "many" but I don't think that did much to quell the uproar.
It isn't by itself. His initial comment characterising a majority of Mexican immigrants as drug dealers and rapists was what was considered incendiary. He later modified it to "many" but I don't think that did much to quell the uproar.

I would also call it unfair/wrong/bigoted to label all Mexican immigrants as drug dealers or rapists. But I think it is a fair assessment to state that some illegal aliens who cross the US-Mexico border are not upstanding people. I get that a large majority of these people are just searching for a better life. That was what my great-grandparents were here for when they came. But that does not give a person the right to cross illegally. There is a legal path to citizenship and it should be respected.
I would also call it bigoted to label all Mexican immigrants as drug dealers or rapists. But I think it is a fair assessment to state that some illegal aliens who cross the US-Mexico border are not upstanding people. I get that a large majority of these people are just searching for a better life. That was what my great-grandparents were here for when they came. But that does not give a person the right to cross illegally. There is a legal path to citizenship and it should be respected.
Just about any social grouping you might care to name contains a proportion of people who are not upstanding. But why mix this up with the reasons for building a wall? Was Trump engaging in rabble rousing and appealing to those elements of his audience who characterise the majority of (or that weasel word, "many") people wanting a better life as murdering drug dealing rapists? If so, then it sounds to me as if he couldn't sell the wall solely on the idea that illegally entering the US is bad by itself.
Just about any social grouping you might care to name contains a proportion of people who are not upstanding. But why mix this up with the reasons for building a wall? Was Trump engaging in rabble rousing and appealing to those elements of his audience who characterise the majority of (or that weasel word, "many") people wanting a better life as murdering drug dealing rapists? If so, then it sounds to me as if he couldn't sell the wall solely on the idea that illegally entering the US is bad by itself.

The wall is being built to help stop illegal border crossings at the US-Mexico border. Illegal border crossings are still a large problem. Even though they were down in the end of Obama's second term, and down even more in Trump's first term; we should aim for 0 illegal crossings. This wall helps do that.
The wall is being built to help stop illegal border crossings at the US-Mexico border. Illegal border crossings are still a large problem. Even though they were down in the end of Obama's second term, and down even more in Trump's first term; we should aim for 0 illegal crossings. This wall helps do that.
The wall may have to be extended some distance below ground level to prevent tunnel crossings but this is really beside the point. I think everyone here knows what the wall is for. The question, on this thread about political correctness, was why people were characterising President Trump as a racist. Personally I don't know whether or not he is but some of his speeches on the road to making America great seem to be aimed at or supportive of actual racist type guys to me.
The wall may have to be extended some distance below ground level to prevent tunnel crossings but this is really beside the point. I think everyone here knows what the wall is for. The question, on this thread about political correctness, was why people were characterising President Trump as a racist. Personally I don't know whether or not he is but some of his speeches on the road to making America great seem to be aimed at or supportive of actual racist type guys to me.

Could you give a few examples?
Could you give a few examples?
The speech under discussion unfairly concentrates on the worst aspects of Mexican immigrants rather than simply referring to the crime of illegal entry. More recently at the time of the Charlottesville protest he concentrated on the damage done by both sides and didn't specifically condemn Nazism until two days later after a lot of public pressure as I understand it.
we should aim for 0 illegal crossings. This wall helps do that.

Probably not. 0 illegal crossings would mean that we're spending WAY too much money on enforcement of the border. Besides, a huge percentage of illegal immigrants come over legally on planes.


Actually... maybe we should aim for 0 illegal crossings and just make it so easy to immigrate legally that nobody does it illegally.
Apparently you can even have a poll on political correctness:


The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own political beliefs.

Democrats are unique, however, in that a slim majority (53%) do not feel the need to self-censor. Conversely, strong majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (58%) say they keep some political beliefs to themselves.

  • 51% of staunch liberals say it’s “morally acceptable” to punch Nazis.
  • 53% of Republicans favor stripping U.S. citizenship from people who burn the American flag.
  • 51% of Democrats support a law that requires Americans use transgender people’s preferred gender pronouns.
  • 65% of Republicans say NFL players should be fired if they refuse to stand for the anthem.
  • 58% of Democrats say employers should punish employees for offensive Facebook posts.
  • 47% of Republicans favor bans on building new mosques.
Americans also can’t agree what speech is hateful, offensive, or simply a political opinion:
  • 59% of liberals say it’s hate speech to say transgender people have a mental disorder; only 17% of conservatives agree.
  • 39% of conservatives believe it’s hate speech to say the police are racist; only 17% of liberals agree.
  • 80% of liberals say it’s hateful or offensive to say illegal immigrants should be deported; only 36% of conservatives agree.
  • 87% of liberals say it’s hateful or offensive to say women shouldn’t fight in military combat roles, while 47% of conservatives agree.
  • 90% of liberals say it’s hateful or offensive to say homosexuality is a sin, while 47% of conservatives agree.