- 1,433
- Northern Ireland
Some of those have some interesting results. It's seems that Google has lost it a bit as a search site.
I only bothered to look at the first one, but it probably has a technical explanation. Since black people are commonly referred to (and searched for) as African Americans, 'American' searches may tend to skew results simply by word association/search patterns. Case in point, the results for 'American inventors' and 'US inventors' are different.

AFAIK the Knowledge Graph, which powers those infoboxes, is basically designed to operate, and learn, by itself. It's not armies of people curating all that information a la Wikipedia. The above looks pretty much like the sort of discrepancy that could come about from an 'imperfect' system being trained on 'imperfect' data ('imperfect' is maybe not the right word but you gey what I mean). It's also a hell of a lot simpler an explanation than whatever theory that FB post is alluding to (brainwashing by