Lovely to see how you've learned nothing since the last time you were lectured on your "white people this, white people that" generalizations...
Riveting contribution. And how can you actually prove that? Seems to me that you fit my so called "white people this, white people that generalizations" being that you have such a problem with me bringing up a pretty basic point: that the language people should be as inoffensive and inclusive as possible.
I am white. Many white people I associate myself with, whether family, friends, or people I see on social media, fit the "white people this, white people that generalizations". The only people I see having qualms with "PC speech' are in fact privileged white men. Disadvantaged groups like women, POC, the LGBTQ+ community, disabled people, etc aren't the ones protesting against political correctness. Because these are the people that it benefits.
Retarded was the PC term, it was considered more polite to call people retarded than to call them idiots - they're just a bit behind, retarded compared to others. "Colored people" was a politically correct term at one point (see the definition of CP in NAACP). African American was a PC term at one point, and is now starting to be realized as fairly nonsensical in the way it gets used.
The idea that a term like retarded might be offensive is fine, and I don't mind choosing not to use that language to avoid offending someone. But there are people who will constantly shift language and who refuse to settle on a term that can be considered inoffensive to them for even a moment, and this causes PC craziness.
I think it's important that people remember that there is no such thing as politically correct language through time, it's a fairly nonsensical cat chasing its tail. Bending your behavior a bit (in many ways) to avoid offense is a polite thing to do, but it's not exactly logical, predictable, consistent, sufficient, or I would suggest even necessary.
"Retarded" was once a formal diagnosis in the medical field used decades ago to diagnose basically anyone of low mental capacity; people with Down Syndrome, Autism, processing disorders, learning disorders, behavior disorders, etc would be given this label. This is simply because Autism, Down Syndrome, etc weren't widespread terms at the time since medical research in this field was far less advanced. It was PC at a time when most people knew nothing about mental disorders, but now that we can give these people more individualized diagnoses (Autism, Down Syndrome, etc), it is an outdated, pejorative term. Times change. Also, calling inanimate objects or situations "retarded" isn't any less offensive.
What "craziness" are you talking about?. Please expand as that is a very vague way to describe PC, and as far as I know, it's not like new words are being deemed offensive by the day.